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English level 7

Activity 1

Performed by:

Zharikt Lorena Jaimes Moreno

Universidad De Investigación y Desarrollo



English level 7

Activity 1

Performed by:

Zharikt Lorena Jaimes Moreno

Presented to:

Jonathan Alexis Flórez Moncada

Universidad De Investigación y Desarrollo



Current communication problems in the family

Over time it can be observed that changes arose in communication and in the

family union, as well as in the supports chosen for it. In the habit of watching television

in isolation when it was traditionally a family activity, it allows us to reflect on the new

forms of manifestation of the family unit.

However, it is also possible to establish that new technologies have positive

characteristics with respect to family communication, and this is because through them,

the members have the possibility of keeping in touch regardless of where they are.

Technology provides the opportunity to share experiences more easily. Therefore, it is

possible to say that technological advances have not only brought negative changes to


Television, as a means of communication, has been the focus of constant

criticism, both negative and positive, from the moment it appeared. Regarding negative

reviews, the most repeated refer to its programming, described by some critics as

mediocre. This aspect could be considered as a negative influence for the viewer and,

above all, for the child and adolescent who still do not have the necessary capacity for

discernment. It also happens that if parents do not control what programming reaches

them, the screen often offers them a premature concept of the adult world, which makes

them understand their thoughts, conflicts and difficulties without being yet ready for it. .

With the interviews, it was possible to verify that the individuals perceive these

changes, due to the fact that they notice differences with respect to their childhood,

despite the fact that many of them are young people. Among the activities that were

carried out together, some stood out, such as going to mass as a family, going for an ice

cream or simply enjoying a great family meal. In addition, all established that children

nowadays spend a lot of time in front of their televisions or their computers, therefore

they notice a significant change in family communication. However, they also note that

new technologies have improved interaction in some ways, allowing them to stay in

touch no matter where members are. That is why the interviewees could not really

define the effects of the technologies.


Rietman, Guillermo; Besada, Agostina; Cañete, Magdalena; Battisti, Belén. (s.f.).

Universidad de Palermo. Obtenido de


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