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116 (Problems Met Enhancement Program)

Activity 1

Lianne Grace Belicano BSED 4- English

Problems Met in Delivering Teaching Learning Process in the New Normal.

After the whirlwind and stress of the last few months, the end felt like a slow exhale instead of a bang
—or, as a student said, one of those balloons that float to the ceiling outside your grasp and then
slowly deflate on their own. That’s what we are feeling now. As a graduating student, I never
imagined the end of my studies went like this. After COVID’19 break out, everything changed. From,
having face-to-face learning to modular. At first it was easy, ‘til I realize it made me even dumber. I
rely more on the internet than doing it myself, more on research and less self-reflection.

The biggest problem in the new normal was the internet connection. It was very slow; it makes us
hard to answer our modules. The next problem is that we have our modules yet we can’t answer
them on our own because we lack information and instructions. Then, we the graduating education
students, couldn’t perform our internship and try the real-world teaching because of this pandemic.
Lastly, we cannot have any interactions with our teacher and classmate because we are not on the
face-to-face learning.

Many of us struggles and most of those who can’t take it committed suicide. Why? Because of the
unpreparedness of the education system. Many dreams were shattered, also because of some
educators who lacks attention to those who are needed. Even a single “How are you, class?” they
cannot give. Why? Because they are busy performing their greatness to become great not now to
educate. We never know, some of these students were unable to cope with the new system, because
they need to live more than answering their modules. I reflected that these problems met in
delivering teaching learning process in the new normal was a bit savage, yet I pray that this will end.
So that our children could experience the real learning they needed.

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