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The project is designed to develop distance measurement system using ultrasonic waves and interfaced with arduino. We know
that human audible range is 20hz to 20khz. We can utilize these frequency range waves through ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04.The
advantages of this sensor when interfaced with arduino which is a control and sensing system, a pro per distance measurement
can be made with new techniques. As large amounts are spent for hundreds of inflexible circuit boards, the arduino will allow
business to bring many more unique devices. The hardware part of ultrasonic sensor is interfaced with arduino. This method of
measurement is efficient way to measure small distances precisely. The distance of an obstacle from the sensor is measured
through ultrasonic sensor. After knowing the speed of sound the distance can be calculated. this project is to design and
manufacture the instrument which can measure geometrical parameters (length, width, height) of component without using
traditional or current measuring techniques. This instrument has various advantages over the traditional measuring
has less moving parts and requires less physical efforts to operate it. The instrument consists of most crucial part known as
ultrasonic sensor, LCD display, a circuit which is used to control the various components knows as arduino and set of wires.


The Ultra Sonic HC-SR04 emits ultrasound at 40,000Hz that travels in the air. If there is an object or obstacle in its path, then it
collides and bounces back to the Ultra Sonic module. The formula is used for calculate the distance-

distance = speed*time

Suppose, an object is placed at a distance of 10 cm away from the sensor, the speed of sound in air is 340 m/s or 0.034 cm/µs. It
means the sound wave needs to travel in 294 µs. But the Echo pin double the distance (forward and bounce backward distance).
So, to get the distance in cm multiply the received travel time value with echo pin by 0.034 and divide it by 2. The distance
between Ultra Sonic HC-SR04 and an object is IOT project using Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 and Arduino to distance
calculation using Processing App . For doing programming of Arduino device, it requires Arduino software IDE. The complete
process of downloading and installation of Arduino software IDE is given at link controlling home light using Wi-Fi Node MCU,
and Relay module.



➢ Equipment is portable.

➢ Time saving operation.

➢ It is not affected by color.

➢ It can be used in any dark environment.

➢ It has sensing capability to sense all the material types.

➢ It is not affected by dust, rain, snow, any environment condition .


➢ It is operated by careful attention.

➢ Difficult to sense curved, thin object.

➢ Operating range (2cm- 400cm) limited.



➢ Using temp. Compensation, it can be used over wide temp range.

➢ Height measurement, agriculture field, collision /protection can be other application.
➢ We can use humidity sensors in future to measure distance in different environment.
➢ This system is used in driverless car to detect obstacle.
➢ Using ultrasonic sensor with better specification we can increase the distance measurement range.

Harsh Kumar Mishra , Aditya Kasaudhan , Darpan Jaiswal, Ayush Gupta , Abhinandan Singh

Department of Electronics and Communication Department, BIT, GIDA, Gorakhpur ,India

Guide- Mr. Permendra Verma

Assistant Professor-ECE

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