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Intercept Star

Q1 On 23rd Aug. 1992, GMT 18h 17m 19s PM at ship in DR 34° 31’S 003° 30’W, the
sextant altitude of the star SPICA was 45° 27.2’ If IE was 2.1’ on the arc and HE was
11m, find the direction of the PL and a position through which to draw it.

Ans. (LHA=041° 54.9´, TZD=44° 41.7´, CZD=44° 41.3´, Int. =00.4´ A Az.
=291.2°, PL=021.2°-------201.2°)

Q2 On 30th April 1992,GMT 20h 51m 23s PM at ship in DR 34° 18’S 40° 20’W, the
observed altitude of the star SIRIUS was 57°50.7’. If HE was 21m, find the direction of
the PL and a position through which it passes.

Ans. (LHA=030° 21.3´, TZD=32° 18´, CZD=32° 21.2´, Int. =3.2´ T Az. =295.2°,

Q3 On 19th Jan 1992,GMT 07h 33m 44s at about 1900 at ship in DR 00° 02’N 170° 50’E,
the sextant altitude of the star BETELGEUSE was 43°11.1’. If HE was 18m and IE was
1.3’ off the arc, required the direction of PL and a position through which it passes.

Ans. (LHA=313° 32.1´, TZD=46° 56.1´, CZD=46° 54.7´, Int. =01.4´ A Az.
=079.9°, PL=169.9°-------349.9°)

Q4 On 29th Nov 1992, GMT 11h 29m 20s AM at ship in DR 25° 30’S 107° 20’W, the
sextant altitude of the star RIGEL was 35° 10.3’ If IE was 2.8’ on the arc and HE was
12m, find the direction of the PL and a position through which to draw it.

Ans. (LHA=055° 02.7´, TZD=55° 00.0´, CZD=55° 01.2´, Int. =01.2´ T Az.
=278.1°, PL=008.1°-------188.1°)

Q5 On 31st Aug 1992, GMT 00h 20m 26s AM at ship in DR 40° 30’N 64° 56’E, the sextant
altitude of the star DIPHDA was 21°23.4’. If IE was 0.9’ off the arc and HE was 9m, find
the direction of the PL and a position through which it passes.

Ans. (LHA=038° 39.8´, TZD=68° 43.5´, CZD=68° 39.4´, Int. =4.1´ A Az.
=219.6°, PL=129.6°-------309.6°)

Q6 On 22nd Sept 1992,GMT 12h 51m 32s PM at ship in DR 60° 10’N 92° 27’E, the sextant
altitude of the star ARCTURUS was 25° 01’. If IE was 0.2’ on the arc and HE was 17m,
find the direction of the PL and the longitude where it crosses the DR lat.

Ans. (LHA=073° 08.2´, TZD=65° 08.6´, CZD=65° 02.9´, Int. =5.7´ W Az.
=265.3°, PL=175.3°-------355.3°)

Day Hrs Min Sec AM Lat

PM Long

Deg Min Deg Min N/S

Sext. Alt Declination
I.E Off (+) On (--) GHA Aries
Obs. Alt INC
Dip ( ) H.E. GHA Aries
App. Alt SHA Star
Total Corr. GHA Star
True Alt
Intercept CZD >TZD Towards CZD < TZD Away

Cos P X Cos Lat X Cos Dec +/- Sin Lat X Sin Dec
Cos CZD =
(+) Lat and dec same names (-) Lat and dec opp names

Deg Min Deg Min P = LHA if LHA < 180º
P =360 – LHA if LHA > 180º
P= GHA =

Tan Lat Named Opposite to

A= latitude
Tan P

Tan Dec Named same as

B= declination
Sin P

A+B Same names A & B N/S same as C

C= LHA 000 to 180 (W)
A-B Different names A & B
LHA 180 to 360 (E)

Tan Az = Az =
C X Cos Lat
(N—E 000 + Az) , (S --- E 180 – Az) ,
True Az ( N --- W 360 – Az) , (S --- W 180 + Az)
90 + True Az
(90 + True Az) + 180

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