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Clas sification: Internal U se #

Team(Formal ) JSA

J OB DES C R IPTI ON: To Do ND T Insp ectio n In si de JSA Tracking # :

t he C on fine d S pace ( R T,UT, PT , M T, HT ).

NEW Revised 1. Ex pir y of JS A

2. C han ge i n for mat o f J S A

3. Oth ers speci fy:

JOB LOCATION (Pl ant / E quipmen t# or Speci fi c

Risk Ra ting a ft er imple me nting appro v ed

Co ntr o l o f Me as ur e (MITIG ATIO N
No Job SEQUENCE STEPS POTENTIAL HAZARDS co ntr o l o f Me a sure (MAJO IR, SIG NIF ICANT , Responsibility (action by)
\ Pre ve ntio n)PLAN

1 P ersonal entry in confined spa ce for NDT 1.1 Atmospher ic 1.1.1 To ol Bo x M eeting between
testing (UT, PT, MT, H T). More tha n 1.5 Ha za rd (Oxygen Entry Superv iso r a nd his crew(a s
me ter. de fficiency, gas per rescue pla n) to describe the Insignificant
pr esence tha t a ctivity associated with hazards.
could lead to
suffo cation and 1.1.2 Petro kemya appr oved P PEs
pe rsonal injury). (i.e. Re spirato ry protection a s per
MSDS) shall be used.

1.1.3 Verfiy deco ntamination / de -

pressurization and o btain
LOTO/Equipme nt iso lation Insignificant
certifica te a nd re fer SOP .
1.1.4 Ox yge n level sho uld be
20.8%, LEL 0%. Brea thing
a pparatus sha ll be o n sta ndby .
P erfo rm proper frequency of gas Insignificant
test e very 2hrs or a s per W P
re quirement. Mainta in ventilation
ra te .

1.1.5 Ensure tha t autho rize d

standby m an is av ailable with
a dditio na l log sheet (if require d). Insignificant

1.1.6 Only authorized & qua lified

personne l sha ll be allowed to enter
confined space with va lid work Insignificant

1.1.7 Sta ndby man shall ensure

that the e ntrance of confined are a
barricaded with warning signage
during bre aks and after completion Insignificant
o f the jo b. Ensure plastic war ning
tape no t closer to standlight.

1.1.8 Ensure jo b supervision

frequently. Insignificant

1.1.9 Approve d rescue pla n shall

be a vaila ble and the number o f
entrants sha ll not e xceed a s Insignificant
mention in the rescue pla n.

1.1.10 Rescue ma n shall be

a vailable as per rescue pla n. Insignificant

1.1.11 Rescue plan not required,

whene ver the activity is not
fulfilling the criteria for citical
confined space ( exa mple whe n
a ctivity shifted making ve rtica l Insignificant
entry more than 1.5 meter e tc...)
a s pe r P etroke mya SHEM-08.10

1.1.12 Ensure co ntinuo us a ir

mo nitoring. One among the
entrants must ca rry oxy gen gas Insignificant
mo nitor (provided by P etrok emya) .

1.1.13 Ensure all e ntrant o ut of

confined space if r equired fue lling
o f co mpre so r supplying ventila tio n. Insignificant

1.2 P oor 1.2.1 Adequa te 24V lighting should

illuminatio n. be prov ided. Ensure not exceeding
110V. The lighting equipment
(intrinsically & explosion proo f Insignificant
type) shall be used.

1.2.2 The e xtensio n cord sha ll

have a va lid inspe ctio n sticke r. Insignificant

1.2.3 Adequa te 50V AC a nd 120V

DC lighting shall be provided and
cov ered to av oid conta ct with Insignificant
water .

1.2.4 Prov ide additional appro ved

non-spa rkable flashlights to
entrants and sta ndby man for Insignificant
eme rge ncy purpo se s.
1.3 Slipping / 1.3.1 Prov ide Pe tro kemy a
Tripping hazards. a pprove d lighting equipment. Insignificant

1.3.2 Clear the entrance ar ea of

the co nfined space fro m any
o bstructions and remo ve unrela te d Insignificant
ma te rials.

1.3.3 Perform ho usek eeping

befo re, during and after co mpletio n Insignificant
o f the task.

1.4 Improper 1.4.1 Sta ndby man shall establish

communicatio n. a visual co ntact with the e ntrants Insignificant
a s means o f co mmunication.
1.4.2 Sta ndby man must have a
non-fla mmable e merge ncy air Insignificant
1.4.3 Adequa te number of standby
ma n shall be provided. Insignificant

1.5 Electrica l 1.5.1 Ensure tha t ele ctrical cords

hazard and/ or a re free of co ntact to any hot
electro cution. surfaces, sharp edge s and/ or Insignificant
water .
1.5.2 All power tools must be
double insulated a nd sho uld
protected with GF CI o utlet.

2 Working at height. 2.1 Fa ll from 2.1.1 Prior to use the scaffolds

height. ensure that it is be ing inspected
a nd signed a nd it has a gree n ta g Insignificant
stating that it is safe to use.

2.1.2 While work ing a t he ight, use

full bo dy harne ss with shock
a bsorber double la nya rd. H oo ked
to a firm anchor age point (100%
tie- off is required) to a ssure a full
compliance o n LSC rule #4. And
use safety he lmet with chin strap.

2.1.3 Prov ide pr ope r a ccess. Insta ll

la dders and fix properly fo r safe
a ccess a nd e gress going to working Insignificant
platfo rm.
2.1.4 Mainta in thre e ( 3) po int
contact when ascending and
descending the ladder and nev er
carry a ny tools or materials by

2.2 Fa lling 2.2.1 Ensure tha t toe boards on

de bris, too ls the wo rking platform is pro pe rly Insignificant
and/ or materials insta lled.
fr om height.
2.2.2 Use buck et when
transpo rting up sma ll too ls and/ or
ma te rials to av oid fr om falling. Insignificant

2.2.3 Any too ls or materia ls sho uld

not be thro wn fro m height. Ne ver
carry too ls in hand while ascending
o r desce nding the ladder, use ro pe Insignificant
o r bag.

2.2.4 Work ing scaffolding

platfo rms sho uld be cle ar and free
from any o bstructions a nd re move Insignificant
unnecessary materia ls.
3 To do NDT inspection (UT, PT, MT, HT). 3.1 Chemical 3.1.1 Ensure prope r a ir ve ntilatio n
pr esence tha t is o pe rational at a ll times.
could lead to
pe rsonal injury.
3.1.2 Make sur e gas te st is be ing
performed before ente ring a Insignificant
confined space.

3.1.3 Ox yge n level sho uld be

20.8% and LEL 0%. Ensure pro per
frequency of ga s test will be do ne Insignificant
a s pe r SHEM-08.10.

3.2 DPT che mica l 3.2.1 DP T MSDS shall be revie w

inhala tio n. a nd discuss with the cr ew a nd Insignificant
comply its requireme nts.
3.2.2 Dispo sable cov erall shall be
use while wo rking DPT to cov er a ll Insignificant
body parts.

3.2.3 Proper hy giene shall maintain

prior to ta ke brea ktime. Dispose
contaminated hand glov es, white
cov erall, e mpty DP T chemical cans Insignificant
a nd use d cotton rugs in co lor red
trash bins.

3.2.4 Ensure prope r a ir ve ntilatio n

is o pe rational at a ll times. Insignificant

3.3 Fire hazard 3.3.1 Make sur e gas te st is be ing

during NDT performed before ente ring a
inspection. confined space. Ensure to ve rify
the tempera ture ne ar job lo cation Insignificant
a s pe r MSDS o f DPT chemical.

3.3.2 Prov ide a checklist on all

incoming a nd o utgoing flamma ble
ma te rials prior ente ring a confined
spa ce a nd must confirm with the Insignificant
standby m an.

3.3.3 Ensure the LEL is 0%.


3.3.4 Ensure to mainta in

ve ntilatio n rate. Insignificant

3.3.5 Ex te nsion co rds for po wer

supply shall not be pla ce inside. Insignificant

3.3.6 Che mica l accumulate cloth

with DP T chemical sha ll be
colle cted in bag a nd dispose Insignificant
3.4 Co nfiguration 3.4.1 The supe rvisor shall explain
hazard the co nfiguration hazard, pinch
(conge ste d points and sharp e dges inside the
are a). confined space prior to entry . Insignificant

3.5 Hand injury 3.5.1 Use approv ed tools and

suita ble ha nd gloe vs in accordance Insignificant
with de scribe metho d.
3.5.2 Proper ho uske eping sha ll be
done before and afte r com pletion Insignificant
o f the jo b.
4 N DT - Collection o f Radio active 4.1 Expose of 4.1.1 Check the radiation lev el
Equipment fro m the Stor age Pit radiation to befo re ente ring the pit ro om. Insignificant
pe rson handling
4.1.2 Check the condition o f the
pulling rope.
4.1.3 Check so urce certificate for
curie Strength (activity of Insignificant
ra dioa ctiv e iso to pe )

4.1.4 Fill up the so urce mov ement

lo g boo k pro perly , and surve y
ra diatio n level on the surfa ce a nd
a t a distance o f 1 meter should not Insignificant
ex ceed applicable limit.

4.1.5 P lace it inside the

transpo rtation box or othe r o ver
pack with lo ck to mobilize through Insignificant
ve hicle.
Transportation of source 4.2 Expose of 4.2.1 Co nduct Daily inspection of
radiation equipment’s with pro vide d check
list before trave lling to site . Insignificant

4.2.2 Appro priate ve hicle fo r the

transpo rtation of radio active Insignificant
source fro m pit to site locatio n.

4.2.3 Lo ck the box and kee p the

ke y with ra dio graphe r.
4.2.4 Author ize d radio gra phers
a re o nly allo wed inside the vehicle
a nd must carry all sa fe ty devices Insignificant
while tra nspo rting the so urce.

4.2.5 Ra diatio n sign to be pla ce d

o n fro nt and re ar side of ve hicle. Insignificant

Radiography exposure. 4.3 Ra diation 4.3.1 Radio gra phy to be done by

incidents, effects ex per ienced tra ined a nd certified
to the technicians. Che ck projecto r, guide
enviro nme nt a nd tube, cra nk unit, collima to r, surv ey Insignificant
public. mete r, calibra tion Certifica tion etc.
And record o n da ily RT checklist.

4.3.2 Ca librate dosimeter to “ 0”

re ading prio r to start the work. Insignificant

4.3.3 All sa fety items must be

present at site during radiogra phy.

4.3.4 Mo nitor the ra diation level

with Sur vey Meter and per so na l
dose with Ele ctro nic Pocke t Insignificant
Dosimeter and TLD.
4.3.5 P repa re the co ntro lled are a
with ba rrier tape and insta ll the
Ra diatio n Sign boards at Insignificant
a ppropr iate place fo r protecting
public from the ionizing radiation.

4.3.6 Assign P ersons at barr ica ded

a rea to co ntrol unautho rize d entry . Insignificant

5 Covid-19 5.1 immune 5.1.1 Reduce number s of people Insignificant

de ficiencies, o nsite at a ny one time -
Tra nsmission o f staggere d sta rt times, staggere d
Cov id-19 break s etc
via airborne
pa rticle s, 5.1.2 Surgical ma sk s – Mask to be Insignificant
infected surfaces wor n all the time
and 5.1.3 Mainta in distance with ea ch Insignificant
waste o ther of Minimum 6 Fee t
5.1.4 Washing hands 20Se c Insignificant
Co ntinous with So ap

5.1.5 Use of PP E – masks, gloves, Insignificant

a prons a nd cov eralls,
face masks ( sa fe system o f work
where required to
ensure safe usage and dispo sa l)
5.1.6cov ering o ne 's mouth when Insignificant
sneezing o r co ughing, disinfecting

5.1.7mo nitoring and self- iso lation Insignificant

for peo ple ex pose d or
6 Heat stress 6.1 heat cramps, 6.1.1 Conduct To ol box me eting to Insignificant
heat e xhaustion, discuss regarding H eat Stre ss
heat strok e cause a nd preve ntion

6.1.2 Monito r H eat Index at the Insignificant

P KN Co ntro l Ro om a nd
follow wo rk r egime as per the
given category

6.1.3 Prov ide water and othe r Insignificant

re freshments at site fo r the
wor kers co nsumption

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