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Saint Anthony College of Technology

Mabalacat City, Pampanga


Name: KEVIN P. BANSIL Date: JUNE 5, 2021

Activity No. 2 Time: 10:00 – 1:00

After reading Chapter 9 entitled “Achieving Emotional Balance in a Chaotic World”,

please answer the following questions:

1. Discuss the four (4) different emotional styles used by individuals to display
Four different emotional styles
a. Suppressing emotions - Emotional suppression is a type of emotional regulation
strategy that is used to try and make uncomfortable, overwhelming thoughts and
feelings more manageable. Suppressing emotions, or just trying to push emotional
thoughts and feelings out of your mind, is an emotion regulation strategy many
people use.
b. Capitulating to emotions - People see themselves as helpless victims of feelings
that they cannot control. They often overly concerned about attitudes and opinions
of others. Responsibility for a problem assigned to external causes while the
person suffers in silence.
c. Overexpressing emotions - It means you show inability to control your emotions
or your temper sometimes we shout words that are unpleasant to hear. This is
what happens when we are easily consumed with anger, we cannot think twice
whether what we said can emotionally hurt the person or not.
d. Accommodating emotions - Accommodation means that a person is willing to
recognize, accept, and experience emotions. They also attempt to react in ways
appropriate to the situation. “Think before you act” is their point of view. They
Integrates one’s feelings and the thinking process.
2. How do you handle your anger and other people’s anger?

I handle my anger by doing this quote by Lee Lalocca “In times of great stress or
adversity, it's always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and your energy into
something positive.” I keep myself busy doing things that will consume my energy. And
drink a cup of coffee and take a deep breath. Same when some is angry with me I will
give them ample time to let their anger past, then I talk to him/her to give solution to the
conflict that we’ve been through.

3. While it cannot be eliminated, what steps can an employer take to limit workplace
The employer should follow this steps to take limit the violence in their workplace
 Use hiring procedures that screen out unsuitable persons
 Develop a strategy for dealing with incidents before they actually occur
 If someone must be fired or laid off, do so in a way that does not demoralize the
 Provide out-placement services for laid-off or terminated employees
 Establish a systematic way to deal with disgruntled employees
 Provide supervisors and managers with training that will help them prevent workplace
violence and deal effectively with it

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