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Republic of the Philippines


PUP Biñan Campus Building, Barangay Zapote,
Biñan City, Laguna

Maristela, Jonnel


Instructions:   Differentiate the Constitutions of the Philippines by citing its pros and
cons, present it in tabular form.

Constitutions of the Pros Cons


A. Malolos Constitution  The Malolos Constitution was  The Malolos constitution

the constitution of the first limited the chief
Republic of the Philippines. executive’s unmonitored
 It established a democratic freedom of action, which
government of republication would have prevented
with three branches: the rapid decision-making.
Legislative, and Judicial  Unsupervised executive
branches. governance continued
 It called for the separation of throughout the
the church and the state. Philippine-American war,
which erupted soon after

B. 1935 Constitution  A constitutional plebiscite held  The new constitution,

in the Philippines on 14 May Pres, Cory Aquino said,
1935 Philippine constitution, should "truly reflect the
which established the Filipino people's aspiration
Philippine commonwealth. The and ideals. -According to
constitution had been written sources, during the
in 1934 by the constitutional separate meetings,
Republic of the Philippines
PUP Biñan Campus Building, Barangay Zapote,
Biñan City, Laguna

convention of 1934. ConCom representatives

 The 1935 Constitution participated in lively
provided the legal basis of the discussions on many
Commonwealth Government, topics, including the death
which was considered a penalty, economic policy,
transition government before land reform, government
the granting of the Philippine form, and even the
independence with American- preservation of American
inspired constitution; the military bases in Clark and
Philippine government would Subic, among others.
eventually pattern its
government system after
American government.
 The Constitution is regarded
as the supreme rule of the
country, whether written or
unwritten, as it serves as the
basis for the validity of all
legislative actions that are
required for its existence.It is a
codified statue that specifies a
government's power and
responsibilities and it
embodies the people's those
privileges. With the discussion
on the adoption or rejection of
the Hare-Hawes-Cutting Bill
brought home by thru
Osmeña-Roxas mission of the
Republic of the Philippines
PUP Biñan Campus Building, Barangay Zapote,
Biñan City, Laguna

US Congress in 1931, which

called for 10-years adjustment
period before the award of
Philippines legislature was
divided by controversy.

C. 1973 Constitution  This constitution preserves the  The ratification cases

electoral commission’s heard by the Philippine
independence and create two Supreme Court in 1973
separates legislative bodies. were challenged by this
(Civil service commission and conclusion. The outcome
the commission on Audit) as and the adoption of the
well as the National Economic 1973 Constitution is
Development Authority upheld by the court.
(NEDA).  The divergence from the
 The legislative power in the Philippines adherence to
National Assembly is vested in democratic principles
the Constitution. In the was the 1973
Supreme Court composed of a constitution.
chief justice and 14 justices,
the judicial power is vested.

D. 1987 Constitution  Many Filipinos emerging 20  The failure of the 1987

years of political repression charter to specify
and oppression seem to be whether, when congress
dealing with this constitution. convenes as a
 Bill of Rights- The right of constituent assembly to
individuals to be protected in propose amendments to
their persons, homes, records, the senate and house of
and belongings from unlawful the representatives
searches and seizures of any should vote jointly or
Republic of the Philippines
PUP Biñan Campus Building, Barangay Zapote,
Biñan City, Laguna

sort and for any cause shall be separately.

inviolable and no search
warrant or warrant of arrest
shall be given unless on
probable grounds to be
decided directly by the judge
upon investigation by the
claimant and witness under
oath affirmation.

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