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Name: ________________________________________ Section: ________________________

Parent Signature: ______________________________ Date Submitted: ________________




1 Exploring and Explaining the Define Communication and identifies the

Nature of Communication characteristics of communication.
Models of Communication Understand the nature of oral communication in
Identifies the purposes and principles of
Differentiates the various models of communication.
Demonstrate instances on how communication occurs in
the given situations/places.

2 Explaining the Process of Explains the process of communication.

Elements of Communication Discuss the importance of elements of effective
Understand the elements of oral communication in

3 Dimensions of Communication Explain the dimensions of communication.

Verbal and Nonverbal Identify verbal and nonverbal communication.
Communication Understands why nonverbal communication matters.
Factors Involving Human



Occurrence of Nonverbal and Elaborates the influence of Culture and Gender on the
Verbal Miscommunication due to Dimensions of Communication.
the influence of both Culture and
Verbal and Nonverbal Explain verbal and Nonverbal Miscommunication.

4 Communication Breakdown Explains why there is breakdown of communication.

Communication Barriers Use various strategies in order to avoid communication
Ways to overcome Evaluates the effectiveness of an oral communication
Communication Barriers activity.
Strategies to avoid Identifies strategies used by each speaker to convey his
communication breakdown / her ideas effectively.
Features of Effective
Fundamentals of Effective
Guidelines in Communicating
Effective Communication Skills




Instruction: Shade the circle of your answer.

1. What is communication?
A. act of sending message
B. act of receiving message
C. both sending and receiving message

2. What is a message?
A. communication information
B. a bill to be paid
C. a promissory note

3. Who are the two agents of communication?

A. employee and employer
B. buyer and seller
C. sender and receiver

4. When do we say that there is a communication that occurred?

A. When both the sender and receiver sent their own messages.
B. When the receiver has understood the message sent and thereby made the
necessary feedback.
C. When the receiver encoded his own message to the sender.

Instruction: Write True if the statement is true. If not, change the underlined word or
phrase that makes the statement erroneous with the correct one.

________________1. Communication is a process.

________________2. The sender decodes the message to be transmitted.

________________3. Channel is a medium of communication.

________________4. Talking to the self can develop one’s self-confidence.

________________5. The receiver interprets the message received.

________________6. Communication can either be written or spoken words.

________________7. The receiver is the source of the message.

________________8. Man cannot survive without communication.

________________9. Communication is a one-way process.

________________10. To seek for clarification, channel is needed.



Activity: Introduce yourself within 1 minute. Take a video of yourself and watch it
afterwards. Then, take a video of yourself again saying the same words. But this time
without a time limit. Compare the two videos.

As you watch the videos, answer the following questions:

1. Did you understand what you were saying?


2. Which one was easy to understand? Why do you think so?


3. What are the advantages of talking fast and talking slowly?


4. What do you think is communication?





The main purpose of this module is for students to learn and

understand important learning skills. Activities also focused on
developing 5Cs skills: communication; Collaboration; creative (Creativity); critical
thinking (Critical Thinking); and character development (Character Building). It has a
similar lesson online. As facilitator of this module it is expected that:
1. Conduct a thorough monitoring of students' progress in each activity.
2. Provide monthly feedback on student work or as needed.
3. Have a parent interaction to ensure that students are able to complete the
tasks set out in the module.
4. Carry out tasks well by providing clear learning instructions.

This module aims to acquaint the student on what communication really means, how
important it is in our day-to-day living and how we can cope with the demands of
effective communication.

This will help students understand the importance of good communication skills at home,
school, and at work. It will also provide them with opportunities to continually improve in
the acquisition and application of communicative skills through active and interactive
engagement in the activities prepared for you.

This module contains essential learning competencies necessary for the development of
clear and effective communication. The lesson jump-starts with the basic definition of
communication, down to its nature and processes that will help students achieve their
role as an effective communicator.

Students, read thoroughly this Module and follow the given instructions for use. This
module was designed to provide you with meaningful opportunities for guided and
independent learning. Work on your own pace. There is no need to hurry. You may work
enthusiastically to come up with a better output. It is good to monitor your own progress.
Finally, be responsible for your own learning as you complete the given tasks. Your
academic success lies in your own hands!

If you encounter any difficulty in answering the activities in this module,

do not hesitate to consult your teacher. Your teacher will help you throughout your
learning journey. So have fun!





Society exists and grows with every communication activity

between and among persons within that society. We are social
beings who interact with one another all the time.
Communication plays a vital role in our existence.
Even in the simplest form of self- expression, communication is essential in our lives as we
tell others about ourselves and even as we exchange information, thoughts and feelings
and create relationships with other people. We communicate from the moment we were

Man needs to communicate to understand, live, grow, and survive. So, if communication
is so important to us, then what is communication?

It has been said that “PEOPLE CANNOT NOT COMMUNICATE”. We engage in

conversations, dialogues, interviews, committee meetings, group discussions, public
speaking and organizational or cultural interchanges. Therefore, WE ARE ALL

But the question is, ARE WE GOOD COMMUNICATORS?

Admittedly, all of us are born with the ability to speak, we have the necessary speech
organs, We have the capacity to learn language. And yet, just because we can run does
not mean we can join a marathon anytime we like. Just as we need to prepare before
running a marathon, we have to prepare before communicating with anyone. We have
to learn about COMMUNICATION, its concepts, process, and elements. We have to learn
the effective and ineffective ways of communicating. Most of all, we have to practice,
practice, and practice!


• Communication is what connects us human beings.

• Communication is an art, a process, a science, and a technique.
• It involves a Speaker imparting ideas, concepts, and data to a group of Listeners
or audience.
• Webster defines communication as a process by which information is exchanged
between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs or behaviour.
• Monroe et al. (1982) described it as the sharing of experiences publicly for the
common good.
• Its functions are to achieve understanding or shared meaning and to persuade,
inform, entertain and manage relationships.



• Comes from the Latin term “communis” which means to share and inform ideas,
feelings, etc. The Latin word ‘communis’, which means ‘commons’. To be
common means “to come together” or “to commune”- “to share something in
• Communication is a two-way process of reaching mutual understanding, in which
participants not only exchange information but also create and share meaning
within and across channels, contexts, media, and cultures.
• It is a dynamic interactive process that involves the effective transmission of facts,
ideas, thoughts, feelings and values.
• It is also symbolic because it involves not only words but also symbols and gestures
that accompany the spoken words because symbolic action is not limited to
verbal communication.
• It is not passive and does not just happen. Individuals actively and consciously
engage in communication to develop information and understanding required
for effective group functioning.

Almost everything that each of you has done or encountered today may be considered

Why study communication?

• To understand ourselves as social being

• To understand ourselves as a person
• To preserve cultural values
• To gain professional competence.


• To give and receive information

• To provide advice
• To educate and train customer
• To issue orders and instruction
• To persuade target audience
• To receive suggestion
• To motivate and to integrate
• To relate and to entertain

How will you describe the nature and process of communication?


1. Communication is a process. Communication as a process means it is a step by step

activity and it is essentially a two-way process that involves the active participation of
both the sender and receiver.

2. Communication is much more of an ART than a science. There is no right or wrong way
to communicate – no set of absolute rules to be followed but there are underlying
principles to guide us into effective communication.



3. Communication has a sender and receiver. Communication occurs between two or

more people acting as the speaker or the receiver of the message.

4. Communication is verbal or non-verbal. Communication is not all about sending or

receiving facts in words. It does involve ideas and emotions that are expressed through
signs, symbols and gestures.

5. Communication is inevitable. This notion tells us that communication is everywhere.

Thus, it is impossible to not communicate. The dark clouds, the deep blue sea, the howling
dogs, your empty room or even the silence of the night, these are all communicating
and telling us something. Try discovering that yourself.

6. Communication is irreversible. This means that what you have said can never be

7. Communication is Unrepeatable. Unrepeatability means that an act of

communication can never be duplicated.


✓ Communication is ✓ Communication is CONTINUOUS

✓ Communication is COMPLEX




➢ Developing the idea

➢ Encoding
➢ Developing the message
➢ Selecting the medium
➢ Transmitting the message
➢ Receiving the message
➢ Decoding
➢ Providing the feedback

How do you develop your ideas in a communication process?



Developing the idea.

In the first step, the speaker develops or conceptualizes an idea to be sent.

Example: Lea loves Ash, her suitor as a brother.



What are the perceivable forms we can use in the communication process?



Encoding. It is everything that goes inside the brain of an individual.

Example: She thinks of ways to tell him personally.

Which do you think is the best form of message to be transmitted to the receiver? Why?



Developing the Message. After encoding, the sender gets a message that can be
transmitted to the receiver.

Example: She wants to tell him “I love you as a brother”

What medium do you prefer to use in most of your communication activities? Why?



Selecting the Medium. Medium is the channel or means of transmitting the message to
the receiver.

Example: She decides to talk to him personally.

Share how you transmit your ideas in the communication process.



Transmitting the Message. In this step, the sender actually transmits the message through
chosen medium. In the communication cycle, the tasks of the sender end with the
transmission of the message.

Example: She tells him “Ash, I love you as a brother”.

Which among the forms of receiving message is mostly used in your day to day





Receiving the Message. This stage simply involves the reception of sender’s message by
the receiver. The message can be received in the form of hearing, seeing, feeling and so

Example: Ash hears all the words of Lea.

What is the role of “decoding” in the communication process? How can it be helpful for
both the speaker and the listener?



DECODING. Decoding is the receiver’s interpretation of the sender’s message. Here, the
receiver converts the message into thoughts and tries to analyse and understand it.

Example: Ash analyses the words of Lea and feel heartbroken.

Is it important to provide feedback at all times? Why? Why not?



Providing Feedback. It ensures that the receiver has correctly understood the message.

Example: He turns speechless and tears fall from his eyes.

It’s now time for you to provide your own example. Follow the process above in
developing your examples from steps 1 to step 8.


What comes into your mind when you hear the word “model”? How is it related to





• A model is a graphic representation designed to explain the way a variable works.

It is a pattern, a plan, representation or description to show the structure or
workings of an object, system and concept.

Many authors and researchers have come up with their own models based on what they
want to emphasize as being an important component of communication. These
communication models are conceptual models.

• Conceptual models are structures that simplify the explanation of how something
or how a system works.

Among the models, we will only tackle 3 standard models of communication

1. Linear Model of Communication (Transmission Model)

The linear model was the first kind of model that experts have made to understand the
process of communication. It has improved and has been updated over the years. The
following are the remarkable characteristics of the linear model:

• Unidirectional
• Simple
• Persuasion not Mutual understanding.

The first three characteristics emphasize the lack of feedback in this model which has
been criticized as a missing element in the communication process

• Values psychological over social effects: This model focuses more on the
psychological effects (such as understanding the messages) rather than the social
effects (like building the relationship among communicators).

The Shannon-Weaver model (1949), also known as the transmission model and the
mother of all communication models is one best example of a one-way or linear process
of communication consisting of five elements which have been criticized for missing one
element in the communication process, feedback.



Think of a scenario applying and reflecting this linear model of communication. Illustrate
it using the same model.







The Shannon-Weaver Model acknowledges only 5 elements in the linear process and
noise is a kind of disturbance coming from people, the environment, internal knowledge,
beliefs, etc. which hinders the receiver from getting and understanding the message.

This is often called the Telephone Model because it is based on the experience of having
the message interfered with by “noise” from the telephone switchboard back in 1940s.

• Source: producer of message

• Transmitter: encoder of message into signals
• Channel: signals adapted for transmission
• Receiver: decoder of message from the signal
• Destination: to whom the message is intended

2. Transactional Communication Model

The Transactional Model of Communication illustrates how the sender and receiver take
turns in conveying and receiving messages and are called as “communicators.” The
sender and receiver’s roles are reversed each time sending and receiving messages
occur at the same time. Since both sender and receiver are necessary to keep the
communication alive in Transactional Model, the communicators are also
interdependent to each other. Thus, if the receiver is not listening to the sender,
Transactional Communication is not possible.

Frank Dance (1967) introduced the Helix model that best illustrates the Transactional
Model by showing how the development of communication is based on previous
experiences or behaviors as well as how the knowledge-base of a person deepens and
expands throughout life. He emphasized, “that communication while moving forward is



at the same time coming back to itself and being affected by its past behavior…”
Dance’s model also shows how the external and internal factors that are learned
throughout life influence the person’s understanding of a message.

The characteristics of Transactional Model

1. Communication evolves from the very first day (origin) until the existing moment.

2. Communication is largely dependent on its past.

3. Concept of time.

4. Communication process is the product of what we learned. .

How does the second model of communication look to you? Do you think the second
model is better than the first model? Why or why not?





3. Interactive Communication Model

• This model, also known as the convergence model or the Schramm Model of
Communication emphasizes the coding and decoding elements of the process
which also focuses on the message exchanges between the sender and receiver
and vice versa. Rather than linear or a one-way process, communication is a two-
way street, with a sender and a receiver.
• Wilbur Schramm introduced the interactive communication model where he
emphasized the need for the source to encode the message as well as for the
receiver to decode the message.
• Wilbur Schramm is considered the Father of Mass Communication. He came up
with five models, but the Schramm Model (1995) we are concerned with is the
concept that explains why communication breakdown occurs. Schramm asserts
that communication can take place IF AND ONLY IF there is an overlap between
the Field of Experience of the Speaker and the Field of Experience of the Listener.

The following elements are included in this model of Communication:

1. Sender (transmitter) sends the message

2. Encoder converts the message into codes before sending
3. Decoder gets the encoded message then converts it into the language
understandable by the receiver
4. Interpreter tries to understand and analyze the message. The message is
considered received after the interpretation is done and message is understood.
Interpreter and receiver are the same.
5. Receiver gets the message. Decoding and interpreting is also part of his/her role.
6. Message data sent by the sender and information that the receiver gets.
7. Feedback process where in receiver responds to the received message
8. Medium media or channel used to send the message.



9. Noise (interference disruptions) / interference disruptions during the process. This is

also created when the intended meaning sent by the sender is different from what
was interpreted by the receiver.
10. Field Experience of patterns which affect the communication process. This can be
from society, culture, situations, psychological or sociological events or
experiences of the sender and receiver.

Features of Interactive Communication Model

1. It has a never-ending process of communication and feedback where there is

roleswitching between the sender and the receiver as they continue the
exchange of messages.
2. Feedback is seen as an important part of this model to ensure that communication
takes place.
3. The field of experience affects the messages being exchanged.
4. It encourages interaction.

So those are the 3 standards models of communication. Let’s have the other models of

1. Aristotle’s Model – This illustrates communication at its simplest form. The 1 st and
earliest model is that of Aristotle, who was a teacher of Rhetoric and even put up
an academy to produce good speakers. Although Aristotle focused on the
speaker and the message, the most important part in his model is the SETTING
where the Listener is situated. It is the setting that dictates the Message.

The three settings in Aristotle’s time were Legal, Deliberative, and ceremonial. The
legal setting meant the courts where ordinary people defended themselves
(because there were no lawyers then). The deliberative setting meant the political
assemblies, the highest of which was the Roman Senate. The Ceremonial setting
meant the celebrations held when they won a war, when they lost a leader or had
a new one, and when they welcomed a visiting leader from another kingdom or
country. Such occasions called for speeches of welcome, poems of tribute or of
eulogies, and poems of lament. Aristotle’s model was a speaker-centered



2. BERLO’S COMMUNICATION MODEL- as time passed, communication theorists or

rhetoricians (from the word rhetoric) as defined by Aristotle’s theory became less
concerned with the speaker or writer and was more concerned with types and
contents of actual messages. This led to the message-centered theories of
communication which could be used to describe both oral and written discourse.
The simplest and most influential message-centered model came from DAVID
BERLO (Gronbeck, et al 2007)

The David Berlo’s Model was useful for the post-World War II world of
communication for several reasons:
1. The idea of “source” was flexible enough to include mechanical electronic, or
other nonhuman generators of messages.
2. Message was made the central element, stressing the transmission of ideas.
3. The model recognized that receivers were important to communication for
they were the targets; and
4. The notions of “encoding” and “decoding” emphasized the problems we all
have (psycholinguistically) in translating our thoughts into words or other
symbols and in deciphering the words or symbols of others into terms we can

The model was and is still popular. It does, however, tend to stress the
manipulation of the message-the encoding and decoding processes. It implies
that human communication is like machine communication; like signal sending in
telephone, television, computer, and radar system. It even seems to stress that
most problems in human communication can be solved by technical accuracy-
by choosing the “right symbols” preventing interference, and sending efficient

3. Eugene White’s Model. Eugene tells us that communication is circular and

continuous, without a beginning or end. This is why he made a cyclical model. He
also points out that although we can assume that communication begins with
thinking, communication can actually be observed from any point in the circle.



Eugene White contributed the concept of FEEDBACK to the field of

communication. Feedback is the perception by the speaker about the response
of the listener. The speaker can only receive feedback if the speaker is monitoring
the listener. The speaker will know what the listener’s response is only if he or she is
paying attention.

Those are the models of communication that will guide you in understanding the
elements of communication that will be discussed in the next lesson.


Great job! You have completed the lesson successfully! Before going to the next lesson,
shade the star that best shows your learning experience.

I have understood the lesson well and I can even teach what I
learned to others.

I have understood the lesson but there are still other things that I
need to review and relearn.



I need to do additional work to be able to master the lesson. I need

help in some tasks.

If you checked the first icon, you are ready for Module 2. If you have checked the second
icon, you need to review the things that you need to relearn. If you have checked the
third icon, it would be best if you read more and ask help from your teacher, parents, or
peers in clarifying the lessons that you find difficult.


Instructions: Choose three (3) models of communication and

differentiate their features from one another. Use the diagram below
to illustrate similarities and differences among the models of

Diagram: MODEL 1


Discuss the striking differences, similarities and characteristics among the models.







1. Go back to your memory lane and recall a situation when you sought for a piece of
advice from a friend.

A. What was the situation: ________________________________________________________

B. What was the advice: ________________________________________________________

C. Why do you think your friend was able to give you that piece of advice?


2. If a man has no common experience, do you think there will be an understanding

among peoples in the world? Defend your answer:


3. How does the field of experience make communication better and more effective?




4. At home, share and analyze a situation where the Interactive Model of

Communication is used, meaning there is the common sharing of a field of
experiences. How does this process add harmony to your home?



Instructions: Apply what you have learned.

Write down instances on how communication occurs in the following situations/places:

1. Your teacher is in the middle of his/her discussion, but you feel that you
really have to pee, what will you do? How will you approach your teacher
to tell him/her about it?

2. It is your first time in Manila. Unfortunately, you lost your phone that’s why
you cannot contact your friend who is supposed to fetch you. How will you
talk with the strangers to help you about this?

3. You were a candidate for the SSG Election. How will you persuade your co-
students to believe and vote for you?



4. Your teacher gave you a project. You submitted your work but your
teacher insisted that you really did not submit it. How will you tell your
teacher that you have already submitted it?





Instruction: Read the statement carefully and answer the question

that follows. Box the correct answer.

1. Which proponent of the communication model says that Communication is linear?

a) Schramm Model b) Charles Osgood's Model c) Shannon-Weaver d) Dance

2. This theorist refers transmission model of Communication as that involves signal.

a) Shannon-Weaver b) Charles Osgood's c) Schramm d) Dance

3. It is the medium that transmits the signal from the transmitter to the receiver.
a) The channel b) messenger c) receiver d) television

4. The is to whom the message is intended to be sent.

a) the channel b) The receiver c) sender d) barrier

5. He showed Communication as a dynamic or two-way process in which there is

interactive relationship between the source and the receiver of the message.
a) Osgood b) Schramm c) Shannon d) Weaver

6. The following elements are added to the Transactional Model, EXCEPT:

a) nonverbal communication b) feedback c) context d) meaning

7. Transactional Model says people can be both sender and receiver, is proposed by:
a) Osgood b) Schramm c) Shannon d) Weaver

8. Communication is a) verbal only b) from ONLY one to many only c) transmission of

information with passive recipients d) a process

9. Which of the following is NOT true of the Shannon Weaver Model of Communication?
a) message does not consist of written and spoken words b) the model does not
introduce the concept of noise. c) It is a two-way process d) all of the above

10. The following are the main elements of Wilbur Schramm's simplified communication
model (1954), except;
a) barrier b) speaker / Source c) channel d) receiver

Multiple Choice. Box the correct answer.

1. This communication model illustrates how the sender and receiver take turns in
conveying and receiving messages and are called as “communicators.”
a) Linear b) transmission c) transactional d) interactive

2. Frank Dance introduced the Helical model under this model of communication.
a) Linear b) transmission c) transactional d) interactive



3. The characteristic of the communication model such as “communication evolves from

the very first day until the existing moment is high:”
a) Linear b) transmission c) transactional d) interactive

4. Feedback is seen as an important part of this communication model to ensure that

communication takes place.
a) Linear b) transmission c) transactional d) interactive

5. This Transactional Model that shows the development of communication on how the
knowledge-base of a person deepens and expands throughout life is introduced by:
a) Wilbur Schramm c) Frank Dance b) Shannon-Weaver d) Wilbert Schindler

6. When a communication is affected by the society, culture, situations, psychological or

sociological events or experiences of the sender and receiver this element is known as:
a) Channel c) feedback b) Field of experience d) context

7. In this model of communication, the roles of the sender and receiver are reversed each
time sending and receiving occurs at the same time.
a) Linear b) transmission c) transactional d) interactive

8. This model of communication is also called as “convergence model of

a) Linear b) transmission c) transactional d) interactive

9. He emphasized that communication is a one-way process where the speaker sends

messages to the receiver with or without effect.
a) Frank Dance c) Wilbert Schindler b) Wilbur Schramm d) Shannon-Weaver

10. These characteristics emphasize the lack of feedback in the Linear Model of
Communication, except:
a) It is a simple communication act b) has one-way communication c) It values
psychological more than social effects d) It focuses on persuasion rather than on mutual

Congratulations, my dear learner! You finally have

completed Module 1! From here, you will be embarking on a new
learning journey with Module 2.

See you!





Anonat, Rosa Dematera (2016). Oral Communication in Context. Mandaluyong City:


Flores, Ramona (2016). Oral Communication in Context. Manila Philippines: REX Book

Baraceros, Esther L. and Lintao, Rachelle, B. (2010). English 4: Oral Communication in

Context (First Edition). Quezon City: Rex Bookstore, Inc.

Dapat, Jose Rizal O., Sadorra, Bryan Eli B., and Lumabi, Bethany Marie C. (2016). Oral
Communication in Focus. Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing, Inc. Quezon City, Metro
Manila. ; P38-54.

Diaz, Rafaela Hernandez. (2014). Speech and Oral Communication for College Students,
Revised Edition. Quezon City: National Bookstore.

Flores, C.and Lopez E. (2008). Effective Speech Communication 5th Edition. National
Bookstore: Philippines.

Galero-Tejero, E. (2008) Doorways to English Language Proficiency: A self Improvement

program, National Bookstore: Philippines.

Sipacio, P.J.F. & Balgos, A.R.G. Oral Communication in Context for Senior High School.
Types of Speech Styles. p35. 2016. C&E Publishing Inc. Quezon City, Philippines.

Web links/Videos:


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