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326 Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 45 (1979) 326-336

© Elsevier Scientific Pubhshmg Company, Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands




Department o f Geologtcal Scwnces, Untverslty o] Btrmmgham, P 0 Box 363, Btrmmgham B15 2TT (U K )

Laboratotre de geochmue comparee et systemattque, UER des Sctences de la Terre et Instttut de Physique du
Globe, LA 196 CNRS, Untverstte Pwrre et Marte Curw, 4 Place Jussteu, 75230 Parts Cede~ 05 {France)


Groupe des Sewnees de la Terre, Laboratolre Pwrre Sue, CNRS, Centre d'Etudes NuelOaires de Saclay, B P
No 2 Glf-sur Yvette (France)

Received June 16, 1979

Revised version received August 1, 1977

The hygromagmatophlle element composition of baslc lavas from several tectonic environments are compared
with the estimated composition of the primordial mantle The observed variations are used to subdivide mid-ocean
ridge basalts (MORB) into two main types according to the tectomc character of the ridge segment from which they
were erupted Ridge segments with posmve residual gravity, depth and heat flow anomalies erupt E-type MORB
which are predominantly enriched in the more hygromagmatophlle elements, but also include magma types which
are depleted m most of these elements Both ennched and depleted E-type MORB can be dlstmgmshed from the
basalts erupted at normal ridge segments (N-type MORB) by their La/Ta ranos (in E-type MORB La/Ta ~10, in
N-type MORB La/Ta is ~15) and by Hf/Ta ratios (m E-type MORB Hf/Ta < 7, m N-type MORB Hf/Ta > 7) E-type
MORB can be distinguished from the basalts erupted at ocean Islands by their higher Hf/Ta ratios (>2) A Th-Hf-Ta
triangular diagram is used to discriminate between the different ocean floor basalts as well as those erupted at
destructive plate margins, which are depleted in Ta and Nb This diagram can also distinguish between SlllClClavas
from the different tectonic environments as well as identifying lavas that have been contaminated with continental

1 Introduction s o m e success, especially t h o s e using e l e m e n t s w h i c h

are insensitive t o s e c o n d a r y processes, viz Zr, Nb, T1,
T h e c o n s i d e r a b l e increase in t h e p r e c i s i o n a n d Y a n d P [3,5] Classifications b a s e d o n these i m m o b i l e
r a p i d i t y o f w h o l e r o c k m i n o r a n d trace e l e m e n t e l e m e n t s have b e e n a p p h e d to volcanic series e r u p t e d
analysis, w i t h t h e d e v e l o p m e n t o f a u t o m a t e d analyti- in t h e past, w h e r e the p r e s e n t state o f p r e s e r v a t i o n
cal e q u i p m e n t in t h e last decade, has led t o several a n d p o o r e x p o s u r e p r e c l u d e s t h e u n a m b i g u o u s ldenti-
a t t e m p t s to classify a n d d i s c r i m i n a t e b e t w e e n m a g m a fIcaUon o f t h e p a l a e o t e c t o n l c e n v i r o n m e n t using
series e r u p t e d in d i f f e r e n t t e c t o n i c settings using o t h e r available geological data [3,6]
t h e s e e l e m e n t s [ 1 - 5 ] T h e s e a t t e m p t s have m e t w i t h In o r d e r to b e able t o e x t r a p o l a t e this t e c h n i q u e

to identify palaeotectonlc environments with con- e g, Th, Ta, Hf and the rare earth elements (REE)
fidence one must be certain that the trace element Using data obtained by both XRF and INAA techni-
classification of recent magma series employed is ques provides information on a wide spectrmn of ele-
accurate and distinguishes as many tectonic environ- ments and simplifies the problems of classification
ments as possible The trace element classification of
magma types erupted at mid-ocean ridges using Zr-T1-
Y does not distinguish the magma types erupted at 2 Notation and geochemical principles employed
tectonlcally anomalous ridge segments (e g hot spots
or lines associated with positive residual gravity and To replace the undescriptlve term "incompatible"
depth anomalies) from those magma types erupted at and the frequently mls-used term "large 1on htho-
normal ridge segments Substantial amounts of trace ptule" we have used the term "hygromagmatophde"
element data have recently been published for basalts (HYG) [8,9] for those trace elements with bulk distri-
erupted at normal and anomalous segments of the bution coefficients (D) less than one These elements
Mad-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) as a result of the recent are partitioned Into the hquld phase during partial
phase of the Deep Sea Drilling Project and dredging melting processes and Into the residual liquid of a
projects such as FAMOUS (e g [7,8]) Most of these crystalhzlng magma These can be subdivided into
basalts plot within the field of "ocean floor basalts" ("more-HYG" for those elements with D values close
in the Zr-TI-Y triangle despite showing a large range to or less than 0 01 (e g Cs, Rb, K, U, Th, Ta, Nb,
of Zr/Y ratios Using other trace element data it is Ba, La and Ce) and "less-HYG" for those elements
now possible to distinguish quite successfully with D close to or greater than 0 1 (e g Zr, Hf, Sr, P,
between basalts from normal and anomalous ridge T1, Y and the middle and heavy REE) The D values
segments (e g [8]) We intend to show in this paper are however strongly dependent upon the mineralogy,
some ways in which this information can be used to composition, PH2o,Po2, P and T conditions of the
supplement the Information given by the standard system and these element groupings only apply for
dlscruninatlon diagrams basic melts in equlhbrlum with an upper mantle
There are three main hmltatlons of the commonly system (ol + opx + cpx • gt + sp) with low PH20 and
used discrimination diagrams (1) they fall to distin- POE, e g an ocean ridge mantle source In systems
guish between magma types erupted at tectonically containing plagioclase or refractory minor phases,
different mid-ocean ridge segments, (2) they are e g apatlte, phlogoplte, pargaslte and titanium
restricted to basic volcanlcs, as the separation of Fe- oxides, the elements forming major stochlometrlc
T1 oxide phases during the fractlonation of evolved components of these phases, 1 e P, K, and T1, cease to
basalts drastically modifies ratios Involving T1, (3) be HYG elements and most of the other HYG ele-
only variations of a restricted range of trace elements ments have much higher D values than in the system
have been considered (1 e the immobde trace considered above DTa and DNb are considerably
elements which can be most efficiently analysed by increased if a titanium oxide phase is revolved and
X-ray fluorescence - XRF) Dsr IS significantly increased if plagloclase IS involved
In order to choose groups of elements which are Slhclc and intermediate magmas generally have minor
suitable for classification it is necessary to consider phases such as apatlte, zircon, sphene, aemgmatite
the overall compositional differences between magma and monazlte on their lntratellurtc hquldus and most
types erupted in all tectonic environments, and make elements considered as HYG above cease to be so
some attempt to explain the reasons for the variations, Thus some elements can be more HYG in one tectonic
1 e are they a consequence of petrogenetlc processes setting and less HYG in another This is because the
or mantle source lnhomogeneltiesq To be able to do elements grouped as more HYG above have different
this it is necessary to consider a large amount of data for ionic characters [10] M1 of the elements considered
several elements Instrumental neutron activation as more HYG except Ta and Nb have ionic radius/
analysis (INAA) provides a technique by which several ionic charge ratios greater than 0 2 and it is their
elements (which cannot be determined by XRF) can large Ionic radii which makes them HYG elements
be efficiently (i e, rapidly and precisely) determined In contrast, It lS the high charge of Ta and Nb which

makes thenr HYG elements in most systems, but the to which all the lavas can be compared The primor-
slnrilarity of their ionic radii with that of T1 (i e dial mantle (1 e present mantle + crust + hydro-
~0 68 A) prevents their HYG character in systems sphere + atmosphere) is useful in this context as it
containing titanium oxide phases The different ionic gives an indication of the fractxonation events that
character of the more HYG elements can be utilized have been involved in generating present mantle
m discrimination diagrams sources since the accretion of the Earth Despite the
HYG elements have been extensively used to study controversy of whether the accretion of the Earth
magmatic processes such as crystal fractlonatlon and from the solar nebula was homogeneous or hetero-
partial melting because their behavlour IS governed by geneous, estimates of bulk Earth composition from
simple equations [ 9 , 1 1 - 1 3 ] HYG element concen- the expected condensation sequence constrained by
trations in basic lava series often show systematic K/U ratio and bulk Fe and U abundances [20] show
variations on bmxlal diagrams, which can be used to good agreement with estimates made by summing the
distinguish which magmatlc processes have been contributions of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, crust,
involved in their genesis A series of lavas related by mantle and core [21 ] The HYG element composi-
crystal fractionatlon will plot on a straight line passing tion of the primordial mantle (Fig 1) can be obtained
through the origin on an HYG element versus HYG from these estimates assuming that they are excluded
element diagram [9,14] A series of lavas related by from the Earth's core (except P) For Zr, Nb, P and
different degrees of batch partial nIeltlng wdl do so Sr we have used the calculated values for the Archaean
only If two more-HYG elements are plotted, or If two mantle [22] The ratios of the refractory elements in
less-HYG elements with very similar D values are the calculated primordial mantle are close to C1 and
plotted, e g Tb versus Y On diagrams of a more- C3 chondrites with approximately twice the absolute
HYG element versus a less-HYG element such a lava abundances
series would plot on a curve However, for a combina- The HYG element contents in basalts from dlf-
tion of elements to be useful in characterizing magma
types from different tectonic environment they must
ideally have a much greater variation In concentration
between samples from different environments than 100

between samples from the same environment [3]

Thus, element groups which are useful for studying
petrogenetlc processes are not always suitable for
discrimination of tectonic setting and vice versa o
In fact it is the element ratios that are characteristic :E
of the mantle source from which magma series are
derived, rather than those dependent on petrogenetlc E_
processes involved, which are most useful for dis- o.

crimination of tectonic setting [10] It is now well estab-

lished that the sub-oceanic upper mantle is lnhomo-
geneous on a regional and local scale [ 8 , 1 5 - 1 9 ] and
that the observed variations m HYG element ratios
cannot be readily induced by the processes generally
involved In the generation of basaltic magmas

Cs Rb Ba Th U K Ta Nb La Ce Sr Nd P Hf Z r SmTi Tb Y

3 Fractionatlon of the HYG elements relative to the Fig 1 HYG element abundances of selected basic lavas from
primordial mantle different tectomc environments normahzed to the estimated
primordial mantle composition [20] • = average N-type
MORB [7,22], • = an Iceland basalt ISL79 [27], [] = Azores
When discussing the compositional variation basalt F1 [12], o = a basalt from the Izu-Bonm arc [35],
among basic lavas a reference composition IS required 0 = a basamte from Victoria, southeastern Australia [24]

ferent tectomc environments normahzed to the pri- the most promising models invoke that the mantle
mordial mantle are plotted on a logarithmic scale in sources of transitional and enriched MORB (and
Fig 1 The elements have been arranged in order much of the sub-continental mantle) have undergone
of increasing D values for partial melting in condi- both enrichment and depletion events earher in Earth
tions of low PH20 and Po2 The relative variation of history and consist mainly of refractory depleted
D values has been calculated for reahstic mantle material variably permeated by veins of material
mineralogies using experimentally determined mmeral- enriched in the more-HYG elements, which have been
hquld partmon coefficients where avadable (cf [23, derived by incipient partial melting events deeper in
table 2] for compdatlon) or estimated from relative the mantle [23,26,27,72]
enrichment factors m basalt series related by partial The Irregular HYG element variation in island arc
melting processes [8] The composition of average and calc-alkahc basalt series are a consequence of the
"normal" mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) (compiled special upper mantle conditions and compositions
from data given by Bougault et al [7] and Sun and prevalhng at subductlon zones [71 ] The relative enrich-
Nesbltt [22]) plots as a relatively smooth curve m ment of volatile HYG elements and radiogenic
Fig 1 indicating the progressive depletion of the isotopes ot Sr and Pb is generally considered to be the
HYG elements with decreasing D result of dehydration or incipient melting of sub-
Island arc tholentes show depletion of the more ducted lithosphere (basalt + sediment) [25,30,31]
HYG refractory elements with extreme depletmn of enriching the overlying mantle wedge The depletion
Ta and Nb, but enrichment of the volatile more-HYG of Ta and Nb relative to the other more-HYG elements
elements (Cs, Rb, Ba and K) relative to the other is considered to be a consequence of the high PH:O
more-HYG elements Many basalts erupted at the and Po2 conditions in this environment enhancing
so-called anomalous segments of mid-ocean ridges the stability of a titanium oxide phase [26,71 ] The
(e g Iceland, Azores and MAR 45°N), which are refractory nature of sphene and rutile at high and low
ennched in the more-HYG elements relative to the Ptotal respectively under hydrous conditions [32]
less-HYG elements, show characteristic inverted "V" endorses this interpretation For a combination of
patterns when normahzed to the primordial mantle elements to be useful for discriminating between
(Fig 1) Nb and Ta form the apex of this pattern tectonic environments, in addition to showing a
Some basalts from transmonal segments of mid-ocean reasonable degree of variation between the magma
ridges (e g Reyklanes Ridge, FAMOUS area) show types plotted In Fig 1, they must [3,10]
HYG element variations intermediate between those (1) be determined efficiently even at very low con-
of "normal" and "enriched" MORB Most ocean centratlons This requirement precludes the use of
Islands and continental basalt series (l e within plate some elements, e g Nb and Ta contents in some
basalts [3 ]) show similar relative vanatmn of the island arc tholentes are less than 1 and 0 01 ppm,
HYG elements to "enriched" MORB respectively [33-35] - Ta can be analysed efficiently
It is beyond the scope of this paper to discuss in at these concentrations but Nb cannot We there-
detail the processes causing fractionatlons of the fore favour the use of Ta in discrimination diagrams,
HYG elements and the reader IS referred to prevmus but accept that Nb could be used in its place when
studies (e g [23-26,72] The HYG element depletmn concentrations above 1 ppm are being considered We
of normal MORB is consistent with its mantle source should stress at this point that sample preparation is
region having suffered a previous depletion event(s) crucial when analysing for Ta - tungsten carbide
[11 ], which radiogenic isotopes indicate occurred shatter boxes may contaminate samples with up to
earlier in Earth history [ 15,18,36], and probably 0 5 ppm Ta (and probably similar or slightly higher
revolved the extraction of incipient partml melts concentrations of Nb) and should be avoided
under rather special conditions [23,26] Explanations (2) be relatively insensitive to secondary processes
for the more complex HYG element and radiogenic such as weathering and alteratmn This requirement
isotope varlatmns of enriched and transltmnal MORB precludes the use of Cs, Rb, K, U, Sr and to a less
are controversial and continue to be vigorously extent Ba [36,37,40] Also recent studies have sug-
debated in the literature [8,15,25-28] In our view gested that the hght REE (and Th) may not be

Immobile under certain conditions of alteration [ 3 7 - 10 /" o~D III

39], and that the variation reduced by secondary
processes may be significant for basalts with low o

absolute abundances of these elements In our stud]es

of variably altered ocean floor basalts sigmficant / cl A
/ F o
moblhty of Th and La only occurs in the most pala- 1.
o o o

gonitlsed pdlow margins Nevertheless, the potential o /

mobfl:ty of Th and La during some secondary processes OoO

does mean that care must be taken when using them o ~o
m dsscrimmatlon diagram In order to be sure that / it•.
the Th and La contents of an unknown altered basalt o

series are representative of prnnary concentrations, 01-

a suite of samples showing varying degrees of altera- */

tmn should be analysed The mare risk of m:sclassl-
ficatlon of a magma type using Th and L a m altered
samples occurs with normal MORB wh:ch has very
low concentrations (~0 1 and 1 5 ppm respectively) Ta
o Ol
Despite varying degrees of alteration of the normal o Ol 0'1 1 10
MORB drilled by the Deep Sea Drilling Project Legs
38, 45, 46 and 5 1 - 5 3 [7,27,40], ratios involving 100
La ' " ~ •
these elements with nnmoblle elements have not been
significantly modified in any of the crystalhne
samples We conclude that Th and La can be used in
d:scrlmmatlon diagrams provided that samples con-
taming large proportions of altered glass are avoided

Of the HYG elements Included m F:g 1, only Th,
Ta, P, Hf, Zr, TI, the REE and Y can be considered
statable for use in dlscrlmmatlon dmgrams Here we

10 '


o ~A•
"C Ta
1" 001 0'1 i 10
Fig 2 (a) T h versus H f , (b) T h v e r s u s T a , (c) L a versus T a f o r
b a s i c lavas f r o m d i f f e r e n t t e c t o m c e n v i r o n m e n t s * = N - t y p e
. o.•/
o •
MORB [7,40], * = FAMOUS area, MAR [8,34], • = Iceland
and the Reykjanes Ridge [8,27], • = east and • west Azores

01- "'o /d4... [ 3 4 ] , Q = i s l a n d a r c t h o l e n t e s a n d c a l c - a l k a h c lavas f r o m

Japan [34,35] • = bulk Earth [20]

will consider the use of Th, Ta, Hf and La Because

of the different HYG element patterns shown in Fig
001 a
Hf 1, blaxlal diagrams of the concentrat:ons of certain
01 10 100 element pairs can be used to distlngmsh between

basalt series erupted in some tectonic environments Reykjanes Ridge) the depleted basalts predominate
(Fig 2) For example, Th versus Hf separates the dif- and become progressively more similar to N-type
ferent basalt types erupted in the oceanic environ- MORB [42] but can be distinguished by their higher
ment, but does not distinguish them clearly from Sr and Pb isotope ratios, and element ratios such as
magma series erupted at converging plate margins Th La/Ta [8,60] The sparse, llght-Ree-depleted picrltlC
versus Ta can distinguish basalt series of converging basalts from Iceland, which have been interpreted as
plate margins from MORB, but the variations the products of continuously melting an E-type
between the different MORB types are relatively MORB mantle source [13], can also be distlngmshed
small Logarithmic scales have been used In Fig 2, from N-type MORB in this way The presence of
because some magma types with very low abundances llght-REE-depleted basalts at E-type MORB ridge
of these elements would plot very close to the origin segments precludes the use of REE ratios, such as La/
if linear scales were used Sm [28], for distinguishing the different types of
ridge segment There IS probably a complete chemical
gradation between E-type MORB and N-type MORB
4 Trace element classification o f ocean floor basalts and any chemical boundary is arbitrary Thus, in the
classification outlined above those basalts wtuch plot
Before considering the discrimination diagrams in near to the boundary could fall into either group and
more detail It is necessary to estabhsh how the basalt are therefore difficult to classify There are at least
types should be grouped in a classification scheme for four reasons why basalts could plot close to this
basic volcanic rocks based on tectonic setting In the boundary (1) their mantle source has this composi-
light of the significant and systematic varlatmns in tion, (2) they are the products of continuous melting
HYG element ratios (Figs 1 and 2) and St, Pb and Nd of an E-type MORB source (whach can significantly
isotope ratios of basalt types erupted at mid-ocean reduce Th/Hf and Ta/Hf ratios), (3) they represent
ridges [8,18,19,25,41,42] we proposed that the very small degrees of partial melting of an N-type
classification scheme be further refined The two tec- MORB mantle, and (4) they are N-type MORB which
tonic types of ridge segment form the basis of the have suffered extensive alteration causing enrichment
classification of Th Because the true parentage of these basalts IS
(1) Normal ridge segments erupting N-type MORB difficult to ascertain geochemically we have grouped
with very low abundances of the more-HYG elements them Into a separate field and refer to them as transl-
and very low Rb/Sr (ca <0 01), Th/U (ca ~2), La/ tlonal or T-type MORB in whach the tectonic nature
Ta (ca ~15) and Hf/Ta (ca >7) This type shows of the ridge cannot be clearly defined
relatively small variations in Isotope ratios 87Sr/ E-type MORB can be distinguished from magma
86Sr = 0 7023--0 7027 [36], 143Nd/144Nd = types erupted at ocean islands or by off-axis vol-
0 5131-0 5133 [18,43],2°6pb/2°4Pb = 17 5 - 1 8 5 canism (1 e within plate basalts - WPB [3]) by their
[44] lower more- to less-HYG element ratios WPB have
(2) Ridge segments with positive residual gravity, Hf/Ta ratios less than 2, and Zr/Y greater than 4 5
depth and heat flow anomahes often associated with (the basis of their distinction in the Zr-TI-Y triangle
"hot spots", which erupt basalts ennched and more [3]) and are predominantly alkahc WPB also have
rarely depleted in the more HYG elements (we refer higher ratios of radiogenic to non-radiogenic isotopes
to these as E-type MORB) This type consists pre- of Pb and/or Sr than the magma types we have identi-
dominantly of tholentlc basalts but shows greater fied as E-type MORB [25] There are some exceptions
variation In HYG element and radiogenic isotope to this distinction between E-type MORB and within
ratios than N-type MORB (Rb/Sr ~ 0 04 and HI'/ plate basalts For example, some basalts from the
Ta < 7 but > 2) with La/Ta about 10 and Th/U about Emperor Seamounts, and presumably Hawaii, have
4 [8,19] 87Sr/86Sr is greater than 0 7027, 143Nd/ trace element compositions (e g Hf/Ta ~ 3) [45]
144Nd IS less than 0 5131,2°6pb/2°4Pb varies from which would be classified here as E-type MORB
18 0 to 19 5 [17,18,43] In some areas where anoma- Hawanan lavas are also difficult to distinguish from
lous ridges grade into normal ridge segments (e g the E-type MORB isotoplcally [18,25] On the other

hand, some basalts recovered from close to the axis
of mid-ocean ridges have trace element compositions
similar to within plate basalts, e g at the MAR IPOD
Site 410 (45°N), IPOD Site 413, unit 2 (36°N)
[8], DSDP Site 344 [27] However, at each site there \

is evidence to suggest that the anomalous basalts are

the products of off-axis volcanism [61,62] and
should not be classified as mid-ocean ndge basalts
J ~'% I:': "/I "

anyway Nevertheless, their close association with

MORB in the ocean crust indicates that some segments
of "fossil" oceanic crust could include both MORB
and WPB magma types

5 A new d i s c n m l n a t m n diagram
Th/ XTa
Magma types from all the tectonic environments Fig 3 Th-Hf-Ta diagram with the fields of magma composi-
considered do not plot in well separated fields on the tions erupted m different tectonic environments outlined
biaxial plots shown In Fig 2 However, by com- l-leldA is N-type MORB - data from the MAR [7 22 27]
bining the variations shown in these diagrams and and the Red Sea [55] I leld B is E-type MORB - data from
the MAR [8,27,34], Iceland region [271, Red Sea, Asal and
presenting them as a triangular diagram a clearer dis-
Manda Hararo (Afar) [55] Dotted lines mark transitional
crlnunatlon emerges (Fig 3) A triangular diagram zone between tields A and B m which plot basalts from
also has the advantage of being able to include slhclc DSDP Sites 336 and 337 (northeast of Iceland) [27], unit
compositions without problems of scale The scaling 409-1 lrom 63°N MAR [8], some basalts from the Red Sea
factor used in the triangular diagrams prevent all the floor [34] and a plcrltlc basalt from Iceland ISL 34 [27]
Field C l~ ~lthm plate basalt - data from Azores, Reunion,
magma types from clustering near one apex of the Marquesas, Hanlsh (Red Sea) [34], Victorian basic lavas [24,
triangle without altering their relative position The 59], and Fmuruangogolak, Kenya Rift [56] Field D is for
fields of magma types erupted in different tectonic magma series at destructive plate margins data trom Japan
enwronlnents, with the presently available data, [34,35] Salpan, bill, Bougainvdle [33] Chde [57] and Sar-
have been marked In order to extract data from the dinia [58] Slhclc lavas in ilelds C and D are distinguished by
horizontal bars
literature where reliable analyses of Th, Zr and Nb
have been quoted, but not Hf and Ta, the approximate
Hf and Ta concentrations have been estimated
assuming Zr/Hf and Nb/Ta ratios of 39 and 16 types and continental crust in the appropriate pro-
respectively [19,63] These ratios are known not to portions would plot in a slmdar position
vary significantly In terrestrial magmas - precise SlllClC and Intermediate liras have been plotted
published data for lavas from several tectomc environ- where data are available (mainly Iceland, Azores and
ments show that the Zr/Hf ratios [24,33,63-671 are Japan) One advantage of this diagram is that slhclc
within +-10 and the Nb/Ta ratios [63,64,68] are magmas plot reasonably close to their basic parents
within -+5 of the values used The adopted values are and can therefore also be discriminated Crystal frac-
close to those determined in chondrltlC meteorites tlonatlon tends to push the residual liquid towards
[65,69,70] Such data have not influenced the posi- the Th apex of the triangle as significant proportions
tion of the field boundaries in Fig 3 of Fe-T1 oxides, chnopyroxene and other minor
The position of the bulk Earth [20] has been phases, (Into which Hf and Ta are partlUoned
plotted in the triangular diagram It plots in a position preferentially to Th) occur as intratellurlc hquidus
intermedmte between the fields of terrestrial magmas phases in intermediate and slhclc hqulds It is
and lends some support to the notion that a combina- fortunate that the resultant increase of Th/Hf, Th/Ta,
tion of the source compositions of the main magma etc, in the residual liquid is not large enough to

obscure their relationship with the appropriate paren- Hf/3

tal basic magmas The change in Th/Ta ratio between

the Icelandic tholentlc magmas and their SillClC
derivatives IS greater than that observed in the Azores
magmas series This is consistent with the higher Fe
and T1 contents of Iceland magmas which results in
a large proportion of Fe-TI oxide fractlonatlon [46]
An Important feature of the diagrams is the marked
separation of calc-alkahc and crustal slhcIc rocks from
the uncontaminated syhclc rocks produced by crystal
fractlonatlon of E-type MORB and WPB parental
These diagrams should prove to be useful in classi-
fying the magma types associated with ophlohte com-
plexes and those erupted in the back-arc, marginal
ocean basins At the present time we only have data
Th v w v v Ta
for the Shlkoku and Dalto Basins of the West Pacific
obtained by DSDP Leg 58 [35] Basalts from Sites Fig 4 Th-Hf-Ta diagram for the Okl-D6go alkahc magma
series of Japan [35 ] • = trachybasalt e = mugeante, O=
442 and 443 in the Shlkoku basin are classified as trachyandeslte, c = aegtrlne trachyte, ¢: = trachytes, * = rhyo-
N-type MORB (some with Th/Hf slightly > 0 1) One htes
of the basalt sills drilled at Site 444 in the Shikoku
Basin plots in the WPB field and has been interpreted
as off-axis volcanism The other sill from Site 444 whether a particular WPB lava has been significantly
plots as E-type MORB The series of 25 sills drilled contaminated during ItS passage through the crust or
at Site 446 plots in the fields of both WPB and E-type if a crustal component has been Involved in ItS genesis
MORB These data suggest that the range of mantle The Okl-Dogo alkalic series in the Japan Sea is a good
sources feeding marginal basins, in this area at least, example of a contaminated WPB magma series Uchl-
IS similar to the main ocean basins Although we do mlzu [49] considered the petrology, mineralogy and
not have enough data from other marginal basins, major element chemistry of this series in some detail
available pubhshed data for the East Scotia Sea [47] and established that there were two distinct fractlona-
and Bransfield Strait [48] marginal basins suggest tlon trends from alkali basalt (1) an Iron-poor trend
that some of the mantle sources may have island arc through trachybasalt, trachyandesite to trachyte, (2)
and calc-alkahc affinities respectively More detailed and iron-rich trend through trachybasalt, mugearlte,
studies of marginal basin basalts are required before benmorelte and trachyte We have analysed 13
meaningful geochemical comparisons between them samples from this series [35] and they are plotted in
and those of main ocean basins can be made At the Fig 4 Pb ISOtope data [50] have been previously
present time we assume the two are geochemically interpreted as evidence for crustal contamination
equivalent In most cases Saunders et al [10] came to The trachybasalts plot in the field of WPB and the
this conclusion in their attempt to show that back- trachytes, rhyohtes and trachyandesltes plot in the
arc basin and main ocean basin crust are equal con- field of calc-alkahc magma types close to the average
tenders as optuollte precursors crustal composition The mugearltes plot in between
the two and one aegIrlne trachyte plots in the position
expected for slhclc differentiates of WPB parental
6 Magma series contaminated by continental crust magmas Our interpretation is that the trachytes,
rhyolltes and trachyandesltes are the products of
Because crustal rocks and uncontaminated, WPB partially melting continental crust, the mugearltes are
magma types plot in widely separated positions m Fig differentiates of the trachybasalts which have been
4, these triangular diagrams can be used to determine contaminated by slhclc crustal rocks, the aegmne

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