Design Process: Lect. 1

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Design Process


Lect. 1
The Nature of Design
• When you design something, you work out
or create its form or structure in a skillful
and creative way.
• You determine what the product looks like
(its form) and how it works (its function).
• A product’s final form is often determined
by it’s function.
Thinking Like an Engineer
• Critical thinking is usually abstract
• Analysis is the act of breaking a subject
into parts so that it can be understood
• Synthesis is the act of putting things
together to form a new idea or product.
• Evaluation is the act of judging the final
results based on specific criteria.
What is Design?
• The word “design” is often used as a
generic term that refers to anything
that was made by a conscious
human effort.
• Design is also a process that is
used to systematically solve
What is a Design Process?
A design process is a systematic
problem-solving strategy, with criteria
and constraints, used to develop many
possible solutions to solve or satisfy
human needs or wants and to narrow
down the possible solutions to one
final choice.
The 10 Steps in
Engineering Design
• Technological designs often begin as a need
that must be met or a problem to be solved.
• The process that engineers use to fulfill a
need or solve a problem can be described in
10 steps that address specific technology
 Cost, safety, reliability, positive and
negative impacts, and ethical
Engineering Design Process
1. Define the problem
2. Brainstorm, research, and generate ideas
3. Identify criteria and specify constraints
4. Develop and propose designs and choose among
alternative solutions
5. Implement the proposed solution
6. Make a model or prototype
7. Evaluate the solution and its consequences
8. Refine the design
9. Create the final design
10.Communicate the processes and results
Step 1: Define the Problem
• Putting the problem into words
helps clarify it and may suggest a
possible solution.
•Defining exactly which problem to work on
avoids wasting time, money, and effort
•Receive a problem to solve from the client.
•Gather information.
•Be inspired through media exposure of a
current problem and take action.
Step 2: Brainstorm, Research, and
Generate Ideas
• Brainstorming occurs when two or
more people try to think of as many
possible solutions to a problem as
they can.
• Present ideas in an open forum.
• Generate and record ideas.
• Develop preliminary ideas.
• Research solutions that may
already exist; identify shortcomings
and reasons why they aren’t
appropriate to a given situation.
Step 3: Identify Criteria and
Specify Constraints
• Criteria are standards that a solution must meet in
order to be accepted.
• Constraints are restrictions on a solution.
• Identify what the solution should do and the
degree to which the solution will be pursued.
• Identify constraints (i.e., budget and time are
typical considerations).
Step 4: Develop and Propose Designs and
Choose Among Alternative Solutions
• Consider further development of
brainstorming ideas.
• Explore alternative ideas.
• Compromise to meet criteria and constraints.
• Decide on final idea, usually through group
Step 5: Implement the Proposed
• Explore the idea in greater detail with annotated
• Make critical decisions such as material types and
manufacturing methods.
• Generate through computer models detailed
sketches to further refine the idea.
• Produce working drawings so the idea can be built.
Step 6: Make a Model or Prototype
• Make models to help communicate the idea,
and study aspects such as shape, form, fit,
or texture.
• Construct a prototype from the working
drawings, so the solution can be tested.
Step 7: Evaluate the Solution
and its Consequences
• During evaluation the design is judged.
• Design experiments and test the prototype in
controlled and working environments.
• Analyze and check results against established
• Identify shortcomings and establish any need for
redesign work.
Step 8: Refine the Design

• Make design changes; modify or rebuild

the prototype.
• Update documentation to reflect changes.
Step 9: Create the Final Design
• Approval of plans.
• Construction/fabrication
• Determine custom/mass production.
• Consider packaging.
Step 10: Communicate the
Processes and Results

• Most final designs are communicated

using drawings, specifications, and
computer models

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