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Coping Strategies in the New Normal Setting of the Students


The benefits of student engaged learning are rich and plentiful. Greater awareness of
personal understanding, more student involvement, higher standardized test scores, and
improved social skills are just a few of the possible repercussions of students being highly
engaged in their own learning. There are many strategies and practices that promote and
encourage students being highly engaged in their own learning, several highlighted in this study
are cooperative learning strategies, authentic learning tasks, the use of technology within the
classroom, student-led conferences coupled with student portfolios, and student self-assessment.
Educators should make it a priority to get students involved in the learning process, taking a
more facilitative role in guiding students to take a hold of their own learning and make it their


Does the new normal education fair to those economically-challenged learners? The
Department of Education came up with a solution to cater the learners’ needs according to
whatever status they are at present. The higher education adopted the most appropriate blended
learning approach wherein learners are given the equal opportunity to choose their preferred
learning modality.

Nothing is impossible for a person that is much willing to bend for the sake of the
many. The new normal education in the Philippines is at stake without the equal cooperation of
the teachers, parents, and learners. Full-cooperation of the teachers and learners without the
parents may not guarantee quality education. Everyone must have a role to play and must take it
seriously. Parents’ primary goals are to monitor, to motivate, and to guide their children even in
their simple ways. Providing their children better opportunities to explore things by themselves
in their “class-home” is now considered as a must-have.

In education, trends come and go. Some explode onto the scene, seem promising and
impacting, but then fade away as quickly as they appeared due to rigidity of form or lack of
student improvement. Other trends endure, prove their merit by being easy to put into practice in
the classroom, being adaptable and changing with the times, and most importantly, fostering
student achievement in meaningful and lasting ways.

Instruction and assessment that engages students in their own learning is one of those
enduring trends in education. It is generally agreed upon "that engagement is important for
learning and achieving success in school" (Klem and Connell, 2004, p.l). The challenges that
most teachers face within their classrooms, such as trying to deal with lack of student motivation,
students being uninterested in content material and social and behavioral disruptions can also be
addressed by making attempts to engage students in the learning process. The strategies, in
which teachers can employ to improve student understanding, motivation, and behavior, are
quite numerous though they all have very similar characteristics and the same goal in mind.
Terms such as "collaborative learning, problem-based learning, project-based learning, self-
directed learning, and engaged learning "are sometimes used almost synonymously because there
are similarities in the ways these philosophies are put into practice" (Theroux, 2004, p.l). These
teaching strategies or philosophies lead to the development of habits and qualities in students that
will lead to them valuing learning. Each of these teaching philosophies encourage the
development of autonomous learners who are motivated to become, and responsible for being, in
control of their own learning processes. Regardless of whether students work in groups or alone
students learn how to take responsibility for their own learning" (Theroux, 2004, p.1).

Statement of the Problem

A drastic change has come to consume the entire world lately. People across the
globe have shared the struggles brought to us by COVID 19. Many things have changed from the
normal nature of work, the pace of economics and even to the new practice of education. The
concern, can students cope-up with education system in this new normal?

Over the past few months, there have been huge disruptions to life and those who
have been affected greatly are students. Not being able to see friends, transitioning to studying
online and losing out on real-life interaction with teachers are among some of the factors they
have had to deal with. One student’s experience of the pandemic will be vastly different from
another. For some, it could have been an enjoyable time, for others traumatic. Thus, this research
seeks to answer the following questions:

a. Why do students need to cope up with the new normal setting?

b. How these coping strategies help the respondents?
c. Do this coping strategies positively contribute to the learning of the students?

Significance of the study

The findings of this study will be valuable and significant to students, parents, teachers,
readers, and future researchers.

Students. This is primarily important to students, for it will give them information about the
different strategies they can use in this new normal setting. This will also help them to be more
motivated in learning.

Parents. This study will help parents be aware of some strategies to help their children in

Readers. This study will help readers understand and know the strategies they might use.

Future Researchers. The result of this study will serve as a guide of other researchers who
conduct a study of the same nature.

School. This study will help in the advancement and development of the schools management.

Review of Related Literature

For students, this month with COVID-19 has been framed with uncertainty and
stress. Seniors rushed goodbyes, underclassmen quickly vacated dorms, and many found
themselves back at home only a few days after spring break. In the middle of this has been the
immense university-wide effort to make coursework accessible, engaging and accommodating, a
sign of the university’s ability to adapt even in the most turbulent times.

According to Eggen, 2001, "problem based learning uses a problem as a focal point
for student investigation and inquiry" (Hall, 2006, p.6). Though the eventual understanding of
the content being studied is important, it is also vital that the students engage in the process of
constructing possible solutions to the problem. According to Pierce & Anderson, (2004),
problem-based learning strategies have several important characteristics in common with one
another, they are; they all begin with an inquiry, students are primarily responsible for seeking
out a possible solution, and teachers play more of an assistance role. And according to Janes,
et.aI. (2000), "The teacher acts as a guide facilitator. The teachers create opportunities for
students to work cooperatively, to solve problems, do authentic tasks, and construct their own
meaning. They learn along with the students" (p.28).

In order for engaged learning to take place there must be certain freedoms granted to
students by teachers. "In an engaged learning environment, the students are allowed to explore,
discover, and interact. And according to Talbot (1998), students should have choices in learning
activities whenever possible, and they should be allowed to formulate questions and explore
topics that interest them" (Janes, et. aI.,2000 p.28).
Assumptions of the study
In this research, the researcher assumed that:
1. The respondents answered the interview questions accurately.
2. They will give coping strategies in this new normal setting.
3. The strategies of students help them in progressing learning.

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