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No Question Option 1
1 Digitization of spatial co-ordinates (x,y)is called gray level quantization
2 For coordinates p(2,3)the 4 neighbors of pixel p are (3,3)(2,3)(1,3)(1,3)
3 D8 distance is also called as city block distance
4 Image transforms are needed for conversion information f
5 The walsh and hadamard transforms are ___________in nature sinusoidal
6 Black level is represented by the formula [ƒ(x) = 0]
7 What role
A pixel p does the segmentation
at coordinates play
(x, y) has whose coordinates are Deals with extracting att
in image processing?
8 CAT in by:(x+1,
given imaging stands for y), (x, y+1), (x, y-1) This set of pixels is
y), (x-1, Computer Aided Telegrap
9 called ____________ 4-neighbors of p
10 Two pixels p and q having gray values from V, the set of gray-level values q is in N4(p)
11 The technique of Enhancement that has a specified Histogram processedHistogram
i Linearization
12 If r be the gray-level of image before processing and s after processing t s = L – 1 – r
13 What is the first and foremost step in Image Processing? Image restoration
14 The number of grey values are integer powers of 4
15 Which of the following is a receptor in the retina of human eye? Rods
16 What is the function of Iris? Source of nutrition
17 How is image formation in the eye different from that in a photographic No difference
18 Full color image is a 20-bit image
19 Color transformation is modeled using g(x,y) = [ƒ(x,y)]
20 The amount of white light present in a spectrum is called as _____ intensity
21 colour depth is ____________ number of bits used to r
22 Which of the following is the primary objective of sharpening of an imag Blurring the image
23 DFT is applied to infinite sequences
24 If f(x,y) is an image function of two variables, then the first order derivati f(x+1)-f(x)
25 A special case of nearest neighbor Interpolation that just duplicates the Bilinear Interpolation
Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Answer Marks
finite sampling image sampling image quantization image sampling 1
(3,3)(2,3)(1,1)(2,2) (3,3)(2,4)(1,3)(2,2) (3,3)(2,4)(1,3)(2,1) (3,3)(2,4)(1,3)(2,2) 1
chess board distance Euclidean distance mean distance chess board distance 1
spatial domain time domain both b&c conversion information 1
cosine non-sinusoidal cosine and sine non-sinusoidal 1
[ƒ(y) = 0] [ƒ(x,y) = 0] [ƒ(x,y) = 1] [ƒ(x,y) = 0] 1
Deals with techniques Deals with partitioni Deals with property Deals with partitioni 1
Computer Aided Tom Computerised Axial T Computerised Axia Computerised Axial 1
Diagonal neighbors 8-neighbors None of the menti4-neighbors of p 1
q is in ND(p) and th Any of the mentione None of the menti Any of the mentione 1
Histogram Equalizati Histogram Matching None of the menti Histogram Matching 1
s = crᵞ, c and ᵞ are p s = c log (1 + r), c i none of the menti s = c log (1 + r), c i 1
Image enhancement Image acquisition Segmentation Image acquisition 1
2 8 1 2 1
Cones Rods and Cones Neither Rods nor C Rods and Cones 1
Detect color Varies focal length Control amount of l Control amount of lig 1
Variable focal length Varying distance bet Fixed focal length Variable focal length 1
24-bit image 28-bit image 32-bit image 24-bit image 1
g(x,y) = T[ƒ(x)] g(x,y) = T[ƒ(y)] g(x,y) = T[ƒ(x,y)] g(x,y) = T[ƒ(x,y)] 1
saturation hue colour saturation 1
number of bits used t number of bits used number of bits usnumber of bits used to 1
Highlight fine details Increase the brightne Decrease the brigh Highlight fine details 1
finite discrete sequen continuous infinite s continuous finite finite discrete seque 1
f(x)-f(x+1) f(x-1)-f(x+1) f(x)+f(x-1) f(x+1)-f(x) 1
Contouring Ridging Pixel Replication Pixel Replication 1

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