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Lopez, Mary Grace C.


Feature writing

Mary Grace Casapao Lopez is the first child of Mr. Artur and Marieta Lopez.

According to her parents, Mary Grace is a very joyful and clingy girl since she was born.

As time passes by, Mary Grace turned into a beautiful young lady that has full of

dreams. Besides from being a student Mary Grace also found new friends but all of her

friends left her without any reason. While Mary Grace is growing up, he always asks

herself about what she can do to have some friends and yet she found love at a very

young age of 13. Yes, 13. Love has been Mary Grace’s strength and yet it also became

her worst fear and weakness.

Mary Grace thinks that she already found a love that his father can’t gave her.

Her father is her worst nightmare. Why? Cause she don’t feel any love from him. He

always wants Grace to be out of her sight and he even want to kill her. Because of that

situation, Mary Grace just stay silent and accept all the painful words from his father.

Despite that, she believes that God gives us the greatest example of a father's love.

His love is sacrificial, patient, kind, humble, honest, forgiving, faithful, and selfless. It is

constant and unchanging. Those are the things she not only wants her life to be about,

but she wants to make certain my kids know and feel from her.
Despite the hardships she’s been through, she always stays being optimistic. The

fact that she’s longing for a father love, she believes that she already found it in the

way of having relationships at a very young age. She loved so much where many called

it obsession. She is afraid to be alone and so she did everything just to never leave her.

She became obsessed until it came to the point that she endures all the pain physically

and emotionally brought by her ex partners. She always endures it just like what her

father wants her to feel. She hated herself. She commits suicides for countless times for

she is always left alone, she’s always been degraded.

Lack from love, that’s the exact word that could describe her that time. Until one

day, everything changed. That night when his father is very drunk and throwing rants

and bad words towards Grace and to her siblings. Grace undoubtedly answered his

father with a loud voice as her father always did to them. She was 20 years old that

time when she said “Stop shouting and throwing bad words to us, we are not a shit,

where you children. We reached this age full of “ putangina” from you.” He then became

silent. From that day on, Grace father continue to try on how to be a good father to us.

Mary Grace also found the meaning of self-love, that even when she is having

hard time, she still smiles and pray. God molds her to a better version of herself where

she always sees the beauty of everything. She then realized that life has its ups and

downs, its twist and turn, love leave us pain teaches us until we learn something, and

even it take us so long, it will always take us to where we belong.

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