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Assignment 2 (Marks: 10): Term paper

Deadline: 28th May

Instructions (read carefully before preparing the assignment):

a) Do not copy from others. Anyone found copying and anyone who is providing the resource
material for copying will be awarded “-5” (minus five) marks. It is not difficult to figure out
who is copying from whom. If you do not submit, you get zero in that assignment. It is still
better than ‘-5’.
b) Use MS word to write your answers. Otherwise, send a pdf copy.
c) If you have problem with your laptop/computer, you can submit handwritten assignment.
Take a photograph (use flash) with your mobile and send that. If required to show any
image, you will have to draw that with hand if you are laptop/computer is not working. If the
main features of the image are indicated clearly, that will be sufficient. Do not worry about
your drawing skill.
d) The file name should contain your roll number. The subject of the mail should be
“Assignment 2”.
e) If you face difficulty in accessing internet, and for that if you expect a delay in submission,
please let me know.

Application of eutectic solidification in fabricating nanostructured materials for functional


The document should contain at least the following points.

i) How eutectic solidification can be used to fabricate nanostructured materials?

ii) At least two examples (two materials).
iii) A brief detail of the process to fabricate each of the materials.
iv) What are the potential applications of the materials you mentioned in your term paper?
v) The list of references you used to prepare the term paper.


a) You need to read scientific literatures to prepare this term paper. Better to search for
journal papers because they are easy to access than books. Since you are not inside the
campus, you may not be able to access many journal papers. However, if you search in
‘Google scholar’ then you may be able to find alternate download which you can access.
Even though you cannot access some papers, you can still read the abstract to know
whether that paper is useful for you or not. If you think that it is useful, then you can send
me the url of the webpage that has the link to download the paper. I will download and send
it to you. You can send me requests for a maximum of 10 papers. Please note that, unless
you send me the url, I cannot download it for you.
b) The term paper should not be more than 4 pages.

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