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GROUP B 5 December 2022


ASSIGNMENT 1: Word Processing

In Assignment 3, you were given these instructions:

You have been a UUM student for at least 5 weeks now. Many of you haven’t
been to the campus due to the pandemic. Orientation, c/asses, and all
activities that used to be done on campus have 6een conducted online. What
are the things you are looking forward to when you are 6ack on campus?
Something a6out the UUM campus that made you apply to this university?
Write your expectation on how your university life will be like when you are on

For Assignment 1, write about your chosen content/theme from Assignment 3 as a report
(minimum of 5 pages of content). Explore the word processor various styles and options
available. Add images/tables to support your explanation. Write a caption for the
images/tables. Remember to use what, why, who, when, and how to expand your explanation.
You can start by introducing yourself and your background. Then, write about your chosen
context/theme. It can be the formal or informal writing style. Do not copy and paste from the
Internet or your friends. Plagiarism is a serious offense. You will get 0.

Your report should have 6 main sections:

1. Abstract (overview of the whole report)
2. Introduction (should have at least 2 subsections)
For example, relating to university in general, I will have these subsections:
i) About Me (a bit about me, then, I would mention how long I have been in UUM to
set the flow for the next subsection)
ii) UUM from My Perspective (what I think about UUM, what I like about UUM,
what UUM has, what made me apply to study in UUM, etc.)
Make sure the subsections have continuity from one to another. It all depends on the
way you write and your explanation at each subsection.
3. Theme/ Campus (should have at least 3 subsections)
For example, this section heading is called “My Campus Life”. My subsections could be:
i) My current online university life
ii) My expectations of campus life
iii) Things I want to do when I am back on campus (things to do, campus
activities, cIubs, friends, etc.)
GROUP B 5 December 2022
iv) Any other subsection or detail you’d like to write about)
GROUP B 5 December 2022

4. Conclusion
5. References
6. Appendix (Gantt Chart — timeline on Assignment 1)

Your report must contain:

1. Cover page
2. Table of content
3. List of figures/tables
4. Index
5. Use of headings
6. Figures/tables captions
7. Header
8. Footer or page number
9. At least 1 page in landscape orientation
10. At least 1 page has 2 columns
11. Use of line spacing (1.5 lines)
12. Use of bullet points or numbering
13. Use of alignment — justify (normal paragraph), titles can be left /centre, right)
14. Use of drop cap (size of 2 lines)

15. Spelling & grammar check — English UK

16. Citations and references
17. Password protected: 1234
18. Save your document as MatricNo_Assignment1.docx or .doc. Replace MatricNo with
your own matric number
19. Save as pdf

Submit both of your files (MatricNo_Assignment1.docx and MatricNo_Assignment1.pdf)

on UUM Online Learning.

Due date: 19/12/2022

GROUP B 5 December 2022

If you would like to know more about all the functions in Microsoft Word, go to: Read and practice all the tutorials from topic 1 to topic

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