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(Design and development of multifunctional bamboo fan through micro motor generator )

NAME: Jeff Lester L. Paclita

Age (optional):_________________

Category of Respondent
_________a. Instructor/Professor√
_____/____b. Student
_________c. other (please specify)

Instruction: Please evaluate the prototype by using the given scale and placing a checkmark (/)
under the corresponding numerical rating.

Numerical Rating Descriptive rating

5 Outstanding
4 Very Satisfactory
3 Satisfactory
2 Fair
1 Poor

INDICATORS 5 4 3 2 1
A. Functionality
1. Ease of operation /
2. Provision for comfort and convenience /
3. User-friendliness /
B. Aesthetics
1. Color appeal /
2. Attractiveness of design /
3. Appropriateness of size /
C. Workability
1. Availability of materials /
2. Availability of technical expertise /
3. Availability of tools and machines /
D. Durability
1. Quality of materials /
2. Quality of workmanship /
3. Quality of design /
E. Economy
1. Economy in terms of materials needed /
2. Economy in terms of time/labor spent /
3. Economy in terms of machine/s required /
F. Safety
1. Absence of toxic/hazardous materials /
2. Absence of sharp edges /
3. Provision for Protection /


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