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Presented To
Pablo Arturo Rojas

Presented By:
Jerffen Mendoza Regino
Code: 1105687062



School of Basic Sciences, Technology and Engineering
English III Course
05-07 2021

Produced By:
Jerffen Mendoza Regino



1. Students Will rea dan article containing a text and a video and will express their point of view
on this matter in the forum.

This is the article:

Opinion regarding the article.

Reviewing the video and the article provided, I can observer that the most dangerous species
on earth is the human species, since our actions not only harm our species, but also all those
around us. In a fan of making our daily life easier and more bearable every day we are causing
irreparable damage, destroying, and digging with our fauna and flora. To be more specific, the
article shows us the situation that polar bears are facing due to global warming and the
thawing of the Arctic, which is causing the emigration of some spices that serve as food for
polar bears and which is causing death. of them due to malnutrition.

However, they are not the only endangered species, and we do not need to go that far to realize
this. In Colombia, thanks to the discriminated felling of forests, mining, hunting, and other
actions carried out by man, we have managed to exterminate some native species and others,
leaving them in danger of extinction such as the spectacled bear, the jaguar, the white-headed
titi, the Caribbean manatee, the pink dolphin among many other spices.

That is why it is very important that we as a rational and dominant species learn to live with
our fauna and flora. We achieve this by supporting the reforestation of forests and jungles, not
supporting the hunting of wild species, not agreeing with projects that threaten our fauna and
flora, for example, fracking, the mining of our paramos, construction of new dams since the
latter interrupts the immigration of aquatic species drastically changing their behavior,
copulation process, among others. Which would lead to a possible decline or extinction of the

We must do this since otherwise our own existence is also in danger. That is why it is very
important that we help mitigate global warming, helping to improve our flora, mitigating solid
and technological waste, among others, that contribute to the contamination of our soil, air,
and water, since we are not destined to extermination. Due to our carelessness, it is important
to make people understand that what is happening today is from guilt us, global warming,
earthquakes, tidal waves, long periods of drought, devastating storms and heavy rains that
occur It is due to the misuse that we give to our resources. Finally, I want you to reflect on this
phrase. "The world will not survive much longer as a captive of humanity." Daniel Quinn.

Produced By:
Jerffen Mendoza Regino


2. Once you have done this you will write a formal letter to a company you consider is
contributing to the pollution of the earth and you will express your opinion and make a
demand to them

Espinal - Tolima, July 05, 2021

Cerro Matoso S.A

Nit. 860069378
(57) 034 7723301 – 034 7623333
Kilometer 22 Highway S East
Montelíbano – Córdoba

Sr. Ricardo Gaviria


Receive a warm greeting from me.

First, my name is Jerffen Mendoza Regino, I am a System Engineering student at the open and
distance national university UNAD. First, I want to thank you for all the social, economic, and
environmental contributions generated by you, which has allowed the development and growth of
my region, however, this letter is to communicate my dissatisfaction in relation to the
environmental pollution generated by your activities open pit mining. Since despite their effort
for responsible and sustainable environmental management, they still present large percentages of
contamination which has been occurring for more than 35 years old, and which year after year
continues to increase despite their actions to contain it.

In the same way, it is important to clarify that due to this contamination not only have
environmental damage occurred, but it has also generated damage to the health of nearby
populations according to studies carried out and approved by the constitutional court where they
are forced to carry out a restructuring of the processes carried out by the company with the sole
purpose of to mitigating this problem, and that to date no major changes have been observed on
their part.

For this reason, I kindly request you from his me support for, advice and, if possible, present me
the environmental restructuring plan generated by the company to mitigate the pollution
generated by its mining activity open sky. I make this request in accordance with Law 1712 of
2014, through which the law of transparency and the right of access to public information is
created and making use of article 79 of the Constitution. Where it is dictated that all people have
the right to enjoy a healthy environment, and where citizen participation is guaranteed by the

Produced By:
Jerffen Mendoza Regino


Without further ado in this letter, I offer you my enormous thanks for your attention, and I look
forward to your prompt response.


Jerffen Mendoza Regino

Student of System Engineering and Environmental Technologist.

Produced By:
Jerffen Mendoza Regino

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