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Learning Area Mathematics, Statistics and Probability Grade Level 11

W5 Quarter 2nd Sem, 1st Quarter Date

I. LESSON TITLE Sampling and Sampling Distribution

• Illustrates random sampling
• Distinguishes between parameter and statistic
• Identifies sampling distributions of statistics (sample mean)
III. CONTENT/ CORE CONTENT Understand of key concepts of sampling and sampling distributions of the sample mean

IV. LEARNING Suggested

Learning Activities
PHASES Timeframe
A. Introduction 10 minutes This worksheet was designed and written with you in mind on how you can learn sampling
techniques as applied in solving real-life situated problems. Before the lesson presentation,
answer first the Pre-test in your quiz notebook.

Pre-test. Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. What do you call to the set of all people, objects, events, or ideas researchers want to
A. data B. population C. sample D. statistics

2. Which of the following is a parameter?

A. 𝜎2 B. s C. 𝑥̅ D. s2

3. What distribution pertains to the frequency distribution of the sample mean from all the
possible random samples of a particular sample size n taken from the given population?
A. frequency B. normal C. population D. sampling

4. Which of the following is the mean of the samples 7, 11, 22, 24, and 27?
A. 15.17 B. 18.20 C. 22.00 D. 22.75

5. Which of the following can be considered as the best sample?

A. conveniently chosen C. selected at random
B. purposefully selected D. self-selected

Identify whether the following illustrates simple, systematic, stratified or cluster random
sampling. Check your answer as you progressed in your study.
1. A researcher writes the name of each student on a piece of paper, mixes the papers in a
bowl, and draws 7 pieces of paper.
2. A researcher selects every 7th student from a random list.
3. A researcher tells the class to count and then selects those students who count a multiple
of 7 numbers.
4. A researcher separates the list of boys and girls, then draws 7 names by gender.
5. A researcher surveys all students from 3 randomly selected classes out of 7 classes.

B. Development 10 minutes In research, collecting data can either be done in the entire population or the subset of
this population called sample. If a researcher opts to use sample rather than a population,
he must take considerations on the number of samples and how these samples can be
chosen out of his target population.

A population includes all of its elements from a set of data. The size of the population is
the number of observations in the population. Sample consists of one or more data drawn
from the population. It is a subset, or an incomplete set taken from a population of objects
or observations. Taking samples instead of the population is less time-consuming and cost-
effective. Although sampling has advantages, it can also be a source of bias and inaccuracy.
Random Sampling is a sampling method of choosing representatives from the population
wherein every sample has an equal chance of being selected. Accurate data can be collected
using random sampling techniques.

Let us answer the questions in the second part of the Introduction.

a. Question 1 illustrates simple random sampling. The pieces of paper correspond to each
student as elements of the population. All of them have an equal chance of being selected
as a sample by randomly picking 7 pieces of paper in a bowl.
b. Questions 2 and 3 illustrate systematic random sampling because samples are being
selected based on the kth consistent intervals. Selecting every 7th student on the random
list of names creates an equal chance for all of the students. The same thing happened in
selecting students who count multiple of 7 or 7, 14, 21, and so on.
c. Questiontion 4 illustrates stratified random sampling because the students were divided
into two different strata or groups, boys and girls. With a proportional number for each
group, samples will then be selected at random from these two groups.
d. Question 5 illustrates cluster sampling since all students are divided into clusters or
classes, then 3 classes were selected at random out of the 7 classes. All students of these
three classes comprised the samples of the study. Take note that each cluster is mutually
homogeneous yet internally heterogeneous.

20 minutes There are different types of random sampling.

a. A simple random sampling technique is the most basic random sampling wherein each
element in the population has an equal probability of being selected. They are usually
represented by a unique identification number that is written on equal-sized and shaped
papers and then selection of samples is possible through the lottery method. Random
numbers selected to decide which elements are included as the sample. The drawing of
paper is based on the desired number of samples.
b. A systematic random sampling technique listed all the elements in the population and
then elements are being selected based on the kth consistent intervals. To get the kth
interval, divide the population size by the sample size.
c. Stratified random sampling is a random sampling wherein the population is divided into
different strata or divisions. The number of samples will be proportionately picked in each
stratum that is why all strata are represented in the samples.
d. Cluster sampling is a random sampling wherein population is divided into clusters or
groups and then the clusters are randomly selected. All elements of the clusters randomly
selected are considered the samples of the study.

The sampling techniques that involve random selection are called probability sampling.
Likewise, simple random, systematic, stratified and cluster sampling are all probability
sampling techniques. There are also sampling techniques that do not involve random
selection of data. They are called non-probability sampling. An example of this is
convenience sampling wherein the researcher gathers data from nearby sources of
information exerting minimal effort. Convenience is being used by persons giving
questionnaires on the streets to ask the passers-by. Purposive sampling is also not
considered a random sampling since the respondents are being selected based on the goal
of the studies of the researcher. If the study is about the students who are children of OFW,
the researcher will get samples who are children of OFW. This excludes other students from
being a sample.

Let us study more deeply the lesson about population and sample by introducing parameter
and statistic.

A parameter is a measure that is used to describe the population while statistic is a

measure that is used to describe the sample. To understand more, let us have some example
starting with parameter.
Example 1. Below are grades in Statistics of Grade 11 students during the third quarter.
Compute the population mean, population variance, and population standard deviation.
94 85 88 79 78 75 89 91 84 77
Solution. The required terms can be computed as follows,
Population Mean
The mean is the sum of the data divided by the number of data. The mean is used to
describe where the set of data tends to concentrate at a certain point. Population mean is
the computed mean based on the elements of the population or data. The symbol µ (read
as “mu”) is used to represent population mean. To compute for the population mean, we
simply add all the data (X) and then divide it by the number of elements in the population
(N). We apply the formula: µ = N ,
where: µ = the population mean
ΣX = the summation of X (sum of the measures)
𝑁 = number of elements in the population
To solve for the population mean, we first add all the grades:
94+85+88+79+78+75+89+91+84+77 = 840.
ΣX 840
Then, we substitute the values obtained to the formula µ = N = 10 = 84
The computed population mean µ is 84.
Population Variance and Population Standard Deviation
20 minutes Variance and standard deviation determine how to spread or to scatter each data on the
set from the mean. Standard deviation is simply the square root of the variance. Population
variance is the computed variance of the elements of the population. The symbol 𝜎2 (read
as “sigma squared”) is used to represent population variance. Population standard
deviation is the computed standard deviation of the elements of the population. The symbol
𝜎 (read as “sigma”) is used to represent population standard deviation.
To compute for the population variance and population standard deviation, we apply the
𝛴(𝑋−𝜇)2 𝛴(𝑋−𝜇)2
𝜎2 = σ=√
where: µ = the population mean
ΣX = the summation of X (sum of the measures)
𝑁 = number of elements in the population

To solve for the population variance and population standard deviation, you need to
construct this table:
Student Grade X–μ (X – μ)2
1 94 94 – 84 = 10 (10)(10) = 100
2 85 85 – 84 = 1 (1)(1) = 1
3 88 88 – 84 = 4 (4)(4) = 16
4 79 79 – 84 = –5 (–5)( –5) = 25
5 78 78 – 84 = –6 (–6)( –6) = 36
6 75 75 – 84 = –9 (–9)( –9) = 81
7 89 89 – 84 = 5 (5)(5) = 25
8 91 91 – 84 = 7 (7)(7) = 49
9 84 84 – 84 = 0 (0)(0) = 0
10 77 77 – 84 = 7 (7)(7) = 49
N=10 ΣX=840 Σ(X – μ)2 = 382
To compute the population variance,
𝛴(𝑋−𝜇)2 382
𝜎 2 = 𝑁 = 10 = 38.2
To compute the population standard deviation,
σ=√ = √38.2 = 6.18
Population mean (µ), population variance (𝜎2) and population standard deviation (𝜎) are
what we called parameters.

20 minutes From the previous data of the population, suppose that we randomly select 7 data out of
the total 10 data in the population. Compute the sample mean, sample variance, and sample
standard deviation.
94 85 88 79 78 75 89 91 84 77

Sample Mean
The sample mean is the average of all the data of the samples. The symbol 𝑥̅ (read as “x
bar”) is used to represent the sample mean. To compute for the sample mean, we simply
add all the data and divide it by the number of elements in the sample (n). We apply the
formula: 𝑥̅ = n ,
where: 𝑥̅ = the sample mean
ΣX = the summation of X (sum of the measures)
n = number of elements in the sample
To solve for the sample mean, we first add all the grades: 94+88+79+89+91+84+77 = 602.
ΣX 602
Then, we substitute the values obtained to the formula 𝑥̅ = n = 7 = 86
The computed sample mean 𝑥̅ is 86.
In this example, there is a slight difference between the population mean and the sample
mean. But notice that there is no difference regarding the method in determining the value
of the population mean and the sample mean.

Sample Variance and Sample Standard Deviation

Sample variance (s2) is the computed variance of the elements of the sample. Sample
standard deviation (s) is the computed standard deviation of the elements of the sample.
To compute for the sample variance and sample standard deviation, we apply the
𝛴(𝑋−𝑥̅ )2 𝛴(𝑋−𝑥̅ )2
𝑠2 = s=√
𝑛−1 𝑛−1
where: 𝑥̅ = the sample mean
ΣX = the summation of X (sum of the measures)
n = number of elements in the sample

To solve for the sample variance and sample standard deviation, you need to construct this
Student Grade X–𝒙̅ ̅ )2
(X – 𝒙
1 94 94 – 86 = 8 (8)(8) = 64
2 88 88 – 86 = 2 (2)(2) = 4
3 79 79 – 86 = –7 (–7)( –7) = 49
4 89 89 – 86 = 3 (3)(3) = 9
5 91 91 – 86 = 5 (5)(5) = 25
6 84 84 – 86 = –2 (–2)( –2) = 4
7 77 77 – 86 = –9 (–9)( –9) = 81
N=7 ΣX=602 Σ(X – 𝑥̅ )2 = 236

To compute the sample variance,

𝛴(𝑋−𝑥̅ )2 236
𝑠2 = = = 39.33
𝑛−1 6
To compute the sample standard deviation,
𝛴(𝑋−𝑥̅ )2
s=√ = √39.33 = 6.27

Sample mean (𝑥̅ ), sample variance (s2) and sample standard deviation (s) are what we called
20 minutes Remember that parameters are for population, while statistic are for sample. Other
examples of parameters and statistics are the population proportion and correlation
coefficient. For population proportion, we use “p” for sample and “P” for the population. In
correlation coefficient, we use “r” for the sample and “𝜌” (read as rho) for the population.

After parameter and statistic, it is now time for you to learn sampling distribution of the
sample mean.

Sampling distribution of the sample mean is a frequency distribution using the computed
sample mean from all the possible random samples of a particular sample size taken from
the given population. Let us have an example for this lesson.

Example 2. Mr. Abcde owned an alphabet store he named 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Create a sampling

distribution of size 3.
Solution. Steps to follow in making a sampling distribution of the sample mean:
1. Determine the number of sets of all possible random samples that can be drawn from the
given population by using the formula, NCn, where N is the population size and n is the sample
In our activity, we are given with a population of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 and sample size of 3,
therefore we have
NCn = 5C3 = 10 (*** use the calculator function nCr).

2. List all the possible random samples and solve for the sample mean of each set of samples
(you need to think of all possible combinations from the given population data).

Sample Mean
You are the one who 1, 2, 3 (1+2+3) ÷ 3 = 2.00 Get the mean or the
will think of all possible 1, 2, 4 (1+2+4) ÷ 3 = 2.33 average of the sample
random sample 1, 2, 5 2.67
1, 3, 4 2.67
1, 3, 5 3.00
1, 4, 5 3.33
2, 3, 4 3.00
2, 3, 5 3.33
2, 4, 5 3.67
3, 4, 5 4.00

3. Construct a frequency and probability distribution table of the sample means indicating
its number of occurrence or the frequency and probability. Histogram is shown on the right
of the table.
Sample Means Frequency P(X)
2.00 1 0.10
2.33 1 0.10
2.67 2 0.20
3.00 2 0.20
3.33 2 0.20
3.67 1 0.10
4.00 1 0.10

C. Engagement 30 minutes Let us check your understanding of the lesson by answering on your quiz notebook the
following activities.

Activity 1. Identify the random sampling technique used.

1. You are given a list of all graduating students in your school. You decide to survey every
10th student on the list and ask them the organization that they belong.
2. You wish to make a comparison of the gender differences in Mathematics performance.
You divide the population into two groups, male and female, and randomly pick respondents
from each of the group.
3. You assign numbers to the members of the population and then use draw lots to obtain
your samples to answer your survey on the most popular festivals in the country.
4. You randomly pick five out of fifteen barangays to conduct your survey in your
municipality or city about their best environment-friendly practices.
5. You write the names of each student in pieces of paper, shuffles, and then draw eight
names to answer a survey on their ethical media practices.

Activity 2. Complete the table below by computing the different parameter and statistic.
Population: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Sample: 2, 4, 5
Measures Parameter Statistic
std dev

Activity 3. A population consists of the values (1, 2, 3, 4). Consider samples of size 2 that
can be drawn from this population. Construct the table showing the sampling distribution
of the sample mean.

D. Assimilation 30 minutes Use a separate yellow pad for your answer. Your paper will be passed to your subject
teacher (this question, 10 points).

Ms. Aioue, a SHS teacher, would like to pursue a research containing the following:
Objective: Determine the performance of learners when parental involvement is evident in
the learning process.
Research questions: How does parental involvement affect the growth of the child?
Survey questionnaire: There is developed trust among parents, learners, and teachers when
my parents are involved in my study (score: 5 – highest, 1 – lowest).

For a class population of 60, the first 48 responses are as follows:

5 4 3 5 3 4 5 4 1 3 4 5
3 5 1 2 5 4 5 3 4 5 3 4
5 4 3 5 4 2 4 5 2 4 3 4
4 5 4 3 4 5 4 3 4 5 3 5

The last 12 numbers will be based ON YOUR GROUP NUMBER IN PRACTICAL RESEARCH 1.
Check the table below.
Group No. Number Group No. Number
1 5-4-4-3-4-5-2-4-5-4-3-1 6 2-3-5-5-4-3-4-5-5-1-4-2
2 4-2-3-4-5-4-5-2-3-2-1-4 7 3-5-3-4-5-5-2-4-1-3-3-4
3 3-4-4-1-2-5-2-3-1-5-2-5 8 4-5-4-3-5-4-3-3-1-4-2-5
4 4-5-2-3-3-5-4-2-3-4-5-2 9 5-3-4-2-4-3-1-2-3-4-5-3
5 5-4-3-3-5-3-5-4-4-2-1-5 10 3-4-4-5-2-1-2-3-5-5-4-4
This is a group work. The leader will pass the group answer. Include all group members in
the answer sheet, and their group contribution. ROUND-OFF ALL ANSWERS TO 2-DECIMAL
You need to show the table of your computation.
1. What is the computed population mean?
2. What is the population standard deviation?
E. Assessment 20 minutes On a separate sheet of yellow pad, write the chosen answer using capital letter. Show
your solution on the number that needs computation. Pass this to your subject teacher
(each number, 1 point).
1. Which of the following is a type of random sampling method?
A. convenience B. non-probability C. purposive D. stratified

2. From the given populations, which of the following sample is most likely to be
representatives of the population from which it is drawn?
A. population: senior high school students sample: grade 10 students
B. population: online shoppers sample: market vendors
C. population: users of social media sample: students
D. population: SAP beneficiaries sample: government officials

3. Which of the following is NOT a distinguishing feature of simple random sampling?

A. each element in the population has an equal probability of being selected
B. random numbers selected to decide which elements are included as the sample.
C. each element has a unique identification.
D. samples are selected based on the subjective judgment of the researcher.

4. What do you call a number that describes a population characteristic?

A. data B. parameter C. sample D. statistic

5. What do you call a number that describes a sample characteristic?

A. data B. parameter C. sample D. statistic

For numbers 6-8, the following are the scores of learners in a quiz:
9, 7, 8, 9, 7, 5, 8, 10, 7, 8, 10

6. What is the value of the population mean?

A. 8.00 B. 8.33 C. 9.00 D. 9.33

7. What is the value of the the population variance?

A. 1.56 B. 2.00 C. 2.20 D. 2.87

8. What is the value of the population standard deviation?

A. 1.41 B. 1.57 C. 1.68 D. 1.75

9. What distribution pertains to the frequency distribution of the sample mean from all the
possible random samples of a particular sample size n taken from the given population?
A. sampling B. population C. normal D. frequency

10. Which of the following is NOT a step-in creating sampling distribution of the sample
A. determine the number of sets of all possible random samples
B. construct a frequency distribution table of the sample mean and probability
C. compute for the standard deviation and variance of the samples
D. list all the possible random samples and solve for the sample mean of each set of samples

V. REFLECTION 20 minutes Today’s lessons require you to master random sampling, parameter and statistic, and
computing the sampling distribution of the sample mean. Make a reflection first on what
you have learned this week. Complete the following sentences on your quiz notebook.
1. In this lesson, I learned that __________ .
2. I realized that __________ .
3. Therefore, I intend to__________ .
Prepared by: Norman G. Duarte Checked by: Victoria L. Custodio

Personal Assessment on Learner’s Level of Performance

Using the symbols below, choose one which best describes your experience in working on each given task. Draw it in the
column for Level of Performance (LP). Be guided by the descriptions below. Use your quiz notebook for your answer.
☺ - I was able to do/perform the task without any difficulty. The task helped me in understanding the target
√ - I was able to do/perform the task. It was quite challenging, but it still helped me in understanding the target
? - I was not able to do/perform the task. It was extremely difficult. I need additional enrichment activities to be able to
do/perform this task.

Task LP Task LP Task LP Task LP

Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4

Name and Section of Learner: ________________________________________

youtube: wow math channel

• Identifying the different random sampling technique
• Parameter and statistic
• Sampling distribution of sample means

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