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Adarsha Vidyalaya(RMSA) Hungund

Class- 8th Sub- English Marks-10 time – 30.00mnts

Question Paper

Q.I. four alternatives are given for each one of the following questions. choose the correct answer

1) Fill in the blank by choosing the right answer from the options 1
She learnt reading by ………
A) Myself B) Themselves C) Himself D) Herself

2)...……. British decided to teach Indians through English literature 1

Add a suitable ‘Article’ to complete the statement

A) A B) An C) The D) Zero

3)We are not able to describe in Hindi 1

Add a suitable question tag for the above sentence

A) Aren’t we? B) Are we? C) Have we? D) Isn’t we?

4)There was a great deal ………… Amerika and Russia about Nuclear weapons. 1

Fill in the blank with the correct preposition given bellow

A) Of B) between C) among D) beside

5)Identify the which doesn’t describe the word – ‘Obvious’- 1

A) Apparent B) Clear C) Distinct D) Odious

Q .II. Do as directed

6)Change into passive voice 1

Radha writes an essay

7) Change it into comparative degree 1

Tiger is the strongest animal on the earth.

8) Frame a question to get underlined word as answer 1

Rana Pratap Singh faced Akbar at the war of Haldighat near Mewar .

9 ) Change the sentence into assertive sentence 1

‘What a movement it was !’.

10) Use the phrasal verb in your own meaningful sentence. 1

Come across.

Prepared by – S.I.Sampaganvi Govt. Adarsha Vidyalaya (RMSA) Hungund -587118

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