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Ana Gabriela Alegría 20195002

My body, my life?

Don't you mind taking someone else's life to continue your normal life? Abortion is the
natural or induced termination of pregnancy; induced abortion has long been the cause of extensive
debate around the world. Moral, good, philosophical, natural, strict, and legitimate issues
encompassing fetus removal are identified with esteem frameworks. Assessments of early
termination might be about fetal rights, Government’s position, and women's privileges. There are
three positions on this controversial issue, the pro-life ones, pro-choices, and those who do not
support neither one nor the other. Abortion is the first thought when there is an unwanted
pregnancy, but there are no other options in this case? Yes, there are and one of them is adoption.

The main right that we all have from the moment we are conceived is the right to life, who
are we to decide on the life of an innocent who cannot speak and express his feelings? And this
right is far above the right to decide on the life of another, the only one who has that right is God.
If this drastic decision is made, assuming that the mother's life is not in danger, it would be
depriving the fetus of its future life of experiences that as a human being has the right to live. There
are movements that support the right of the LGBT+ community, that support the right of women,
if there is a completely valid support for this, why then will fetuses be discriminated?

Another damage presented by women who decide to have an abortion, the post-abortion
syndrome, which is scientifically proven, in Spain one of the countries where abortion is legal, this
syndrome affected 80% of women who made the decision to end the life of their baby. And this
syndrome affects women psychologically, bringing suicidal thoughts, self-harm, drug and alcohol
abuse, eating disorders and aggressive behaviors towards children. Not to mention that there may
be physical problems and even death. Wishing to be a mother and not having the possibility is very
hard, but it must also be to be pregnant and not wanting it. That is why the best decision that can
be made in most cases is to adopt the unwanted baby.

The pro-choice movement bases its ideals on the fact of equal rights for women, unsafe
abortion is one of the principal causes of maternal mortality, not to mention that according to them
the only person who has the right to a woman's body is herself , superimposing that right on the
right to life, they also do not think that the embryo is a person from the moment of fertilization.
To them having a child is a personal choice that affects a woman's body and personal health.

There are conditions that make women think of abortion as rape, economic and social
problems or if the pregnancy continues, it can affect the mother's life. But that is why governments
must make fairer laws in addition to educating the population because just as many people claim
that abortion could decrease maternal mortality, it can also increase it. There must be better sex
education and more social education in which women can be feel safe. That is why abortion should
be the last option and only in conditions that really require it.

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