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Assalamualaikum Good morning everyone.

On this occasion, introduce who I am. My name is MIFTAKHURROHMAH. I am the first child of two
siblings. I was born in DEMAK, DECEMBER 22, 2002. I am currently SEVENTEEN YEARS OLD. I am a
student Sultan Agung Islamic University and I took Management. I just started my studies this semester.

I took management because of that

1. The Department of Management will prepare students to be ready to develop into entrepreneurs or

2. With management, of course I WILL be able to coordinate what I will do everyday to achieve my goals

3. The job prospects for graduates in management are also diverse.

And I majored in Management at Sultan Agung Islamic University (UNISSULA) because

1. FE Unissula is supported by qualified lecturers consisting of professors, doctors and masters. Under
the leadership of the Dean Prof. Olivia Fachrunnisa SE MSi PhD, this campus also has a friendly
education system and the use of cyber teaching.

2. FACULTY OF ECONOMICS UNISSULA also has five values, namely trust, cooperation, justice,
innovation, leadership, and innovation as guidelines in carrying out its educational programs.

3. In addition, FE Unissula also collaborates with several universities abroad in the field of student
mobility programs, guest lecturers and joint research, namely the National University of Malaysia
(UKM), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Rotterdam University Netherland, Dongseo
University Korea, Prince Songkhla University Thailand, Kyungdong University Korea, Malaysia Islamic
Science University (USIM), University of Brunei Darussalam (UBD). Yep, that's the introduction that can
be delivered. Forgive ME IF A LOT OF WRONG.

Thank you for watching. Wassalamua'alaikum wr wb.

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