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XXVIII International Scientific Conference Electronics - ET2019, September 12 - 14, 2019, Sozopol, Bulgaria

Portable Air Purifier with Air Quality Monitoring

Marin Berov Marinov, Dimitar Iliev Iliev, Todor Stoynov Djamiykov,
Ivan Vladimirov Rachev, Katya Konstantinova Asparuhova
Department of Electronics, Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Technologies Technical University of Sofia
8 Kliment Ohridski Blvd., 1756 Sofia, Bulgaria,

Abstract – Air quality has become a major concern for

citizens all over the world. It is well documented that Fine
Particulate Matter (FPM) is a health hazard which can affect
the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, etc. and lead to
high mortality rates.
This study presents the development and implementation of
an innovative portable air purifier. The device can be used to
improve air quality in small spaces.
Keywords – Portable Air Purifier (PAP), Clean Air Delivery
Rate (CADR), Indoor Air Quality, Particulate Matter (PM)


Fine Particulate Matter (FPM) is a mixture of solid and

liquid microscopic particles suspended in the air. They are
the main component of air pollution and have the strongest
effect on humans in comparison to any other air
contaminant. Usually, the most toxic fine particles are
those which are a byproduct of burning – especially, of Fig. 1. Architecture of the PAP
burning fuel such as wood, charcoal, gasoline, jet fuel, oil,
etc. and fossil fuels which cause serious harm to people and A. Mechanical Design
the environment.
In reality, fine particles have different shapes. The larger The body of the Air Purifier named “Umi” was designed
particles are mostly made up of dust and sand and are in SolidWorks so that it could be cut out from a ͳ݉݉
carried by the wind or are a product of mechanical work. thick steel sheet. Steel was chosen because it is rigid, easy
Even though coarse particles with a diameter equal to or to process mechanically, to clean and to maintain and also
less than ͳͲߤ݉ሺ൑ ܲ‫ܯ‬ଵ଴ ሻ can be inhaled through the nose it is capable of strongly connecting components together.
or throat and get stuck there, they are not as harmful as fine
The shape conforms to the guidelines set by Radiation
particles, with a diameter equal to or less than ʹǡͷߤ݉൫൑
Protection Systems Company [2] in order to maximize
ܲ‫ܯ‬ଶǡହ ൯ǡ which can penetrate deeply into the gas exchange airflow and air filtration (Fig. 2).
area of the lungs. The smallest particles are called Ultrafine
Particles (UFP). UFPs are defined as particles with a
diameter smaller than Ͳǡͳߤ݉. One of their main
characteristics is that they are small enough to pass through
the lungs and into the bloodstream.
In recent years, the dangerous effect of FPM on human
health has been well documented in publications by the
Global Burden of Disease Study in one of the leading
medical journals The Lancet. The results show that FPM
contributes to three of the top ten causes of premature death
in the world. Those causes are tobacco smoke, burning
solid fuels indoors in developing countries and high
concentrations of ܲ‫ܯ‬ଶǡହ in our environment [1]. Fig. 2. 3D Visualization of the PAP’s body.
The most efficient way of using passive filters requires
II. DESIGN OF THE PAP airflow to pass evenly through the entire filter instead of
being pushed through its middle. In this way filter life is
The architecture of the proposed PAP named “Umi” is extended and the effective filtration time of the air purifier
presented in Fig. 1. is increased. In order to fulfil these two tasks, the speed and

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direction of the airflow must be predefined. This is 2) The infrared receiver. The infrared receiver CHQ1838
achieved using a powerful fan and a tapered inlet duct. filters out high frequency IR signals, demodulates the
signals sent from the IR transmitter (remote control),
B. Filtering part amplifies the useful signals and sends them to the
microcontroller. In turn, the microcontroller reads the HEX
The filtering stages are shown in Fig. 3. values sent from receiver, determines which button on the
transmitter was pressed and responds accordingly.
3) The microprocessor and the display module: The
microprocessor used in the hardware design is the 3.3V
8MHz version of the Arduino Uno, and the display module
is an SPI-interfaced LCD screen.
4) Hardware interconnections: Connections between the
modules are illustrated in Fig. 4, all modules are powered
by a ͷܸ voltage source. Through various interfaces, e.g.
UART, SPI, etc., the Arduino board samples the sensor
measurements, and transmits data.
Fig. 3. Filtering stages
Air is filtered in the following steps:
• Air is sucked through the round opening in the front
panel and is guided by the tapered inlet duct to the
first filter. The small round opening accelerates the
speed with which air is sucked into the purifier
while the tapered duct, which has a larger diameter,
distributes the air evenly over the entire surface of
the filter while also slowing down the air so that it is
efficiently filtered.
• The first filter is the so called ‘prefilter’ and its main
function is to absorb the biggest air contaminants
such as dust, hairs and other matter visible to the
Fig. 4. Electronic modules and their interconnections
naked eye. The other purpose of this filter is to
prolong the life of the other two filters by absorbing
all those large contaminants. The prefilter can be TABLE 1. BASIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PAP
easily replaced and its low cost is a definite PAP properties Values
• The second filter is the active carbon filter. It Length (mm) 290
absorbs unpleasant odors, smoke and volatile Width (mm) 250
organic compounds. Height (mm) 380
• The last filter is the HEPA filter, which removes Mass (g) 6000
most of the particles with a diameter larger or equal
Power supply ͳʹܸǡ Ͷ‫ܣ‬ǡ ʹͶ ܹ
to Ͳǡ͵Ɋ݉Ǥ
• The HEPA filter is connected to the fan through
another tapered duct. The clean air is blown upward
through a long duct. The purpose of the long outlet
A. Single-pass particle collection efficiency
duct is not only to guide the air back into the room,
but also to prevent turbulent forces [5].
The impact of a particular air purifier on particle
concentrations in a given space can be quantified by the
C. Electronic Design
effectiveness of the air purifier. Miller-Leiden et al. (1996)
Sensors defined air cleaner effectiveness ߟ, as one minus the ratio
of the indoor PM concentration with an operating air
1) The PM sensor: The SDS011 PM sensor is capable of purifier to the indoor concentration with no air purifier
sensing particulate matter with a minimum resolution of the operating [3]. The air purifier effectiveness is in the range
particle equal to ͲǤ͵ߤ݉ in diameter. Both PM2.5 and [0, 1], with zero indicating a completely ineffective air
PM10 concentrations within the range of Ͳ െ ͻͻͻǤͻߤ݃Ȁ purifier (ͲΨ PM removal) and one indicating a perfectly
݉ଷ can be captured. The sensor uses a UART module to effective air purifier (ͳͲͲΨ PM removal).
communicate with other devices, in this case the The measurement setup presented in Fig. 5 is used for
microcontroller. The frequency at which the data is the air purifier single-pass particle collection efficiency
transmitted is programmable. In active mode it transmits, calculation in percentage ሺߟሻǤThe concentration of PM at
the PM values at ͳ‫ݖܪ‬ǡ whereas query mode allows the the outlet ሺܲ‫ܯ‬ை௎் ሻ and the concentration of the PM at the
developer to choose when the sensor should be measuring inlet of the purifier ሺܲ‫ܯ‬ூே ሻ are measured and the
and when it should sleep. dependence:

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ሺܲ‫ܯ‬ை௎் ሻ Fig. 6 shows the variation in the single-pass collection
ߟǡ ሺΨሻ ൌ ൬ͳ െ ൰ ‫ͲͲͳ ڄ‬Ψǡ (1 ) efficiency for ͲǤ͵ߤ݉ particles under different flow rates
ሺܲ‫ܯ‬ூே ሻ
through the purifier.
is used [4].
Optical particle counters OPC-N3 are used for PM
measurement at the input and output of the purifier. These
sensors can measure number and mass concentration of
particles with spherical equivalent size in the range from
ͲǤ͵ͷ to ͶͲɊ݉ divided into 24 bins [5]. The sensors
were tested and calibrated in the laboratory before
the tests.
The tests were performed in a test room with closed
windows and a switched off ventilation system. The
particle concentrations of the inlet and outlet were collected
simultaneously. There were no particle sources in the test
room and the concentrations at the inlet and outlet were
relatively stable. The initial indoor particle concentration in
each test was kept nearly constant ሺʹʹͲ െ ʹ͵Ͳ’ƒ”–‹…Ž‡•Ȁ
…ଷ ሻ.
The particle collection efficiency and the CADR of the Fig. 6. Variation in the single-pass collection efficiency for
PAP under different operating modes in the test room were different particle size and set flow rates of 530, 790, 1050 and
calculated using the Association of Home Appliance 1320 L/min.
Manufacturers method [6].
Each test run continued for about ͵Ͳ minutes and was B. Decay Constant and CADR
repeated 3 times. From the obtained and averaged data, the
single-pass efficiency was calculated. Decay Constant Calculation
Air exchange is negligible and the air exchange rate is
not included in the calculations. Theoretically, the particle
concentration regression follows a first-order decay model:
ܿ௧೔ ൌ ܿ଴ ݁௜ ǡ (2)

where: ܿ௧೔ = concentration at time ‫ݐ‬௜ (‫ݏ݈݁ܿ݅ݐݎܽ݌‬Ȁܿ݉ ), ܿ଴ =
concentration at ‫ ݐ‬ൌ Ͳ minutes, ݇ = decay rate constant
ሺ݉݅݊‫ି ݏ݁ݐݑ‬ଵ ሻǡ ‫ݐ‬௜ = time (min.).
The time-resolved decay constant k is calculated by
fitting a linear regression line to the slope of ݈݊ሺܿ௧೔ Ȁܿ଴ ሻǡ
which is the negative of the natural log of the time-varying
concentration (ܿ௧೔ ) normalized by the initial concentration
at the time the incense was extinguished (ܿ଴ ), versus time.
Fig. 7 shows the normalized PM concentrations for the
operation time of the PAP with a standard filter set. The
flow rate varied from ͹ͻͲ to ͳ͵ʹͲ‫ܮ‬Ȁ݉݅݊Ǥ
Regression lines are well fitted, with ܴଶ values in all
Fig. 5. Measurement setup for single-pass particle collection
cases ൐ ͲǤͻͷ; These are consistent with similar studies.
efficiency calculation


Flow rate 0.53 0.79 1.05 1.32
ࣁǡ Ψ PM2.5 18 22.7 25.8 28.7
ࣁǡ Ψ PM10 38.5 43.2 47.5 50.6

The size distributions for both experiments were similar

as peak concentrations were observed at ͲǤ͵Ȃ ͲǤͶɊǡ and
most particles observed were in that size range, whereas the
concentration of particles larger than ͷɊ were minimal.
The total particles number concentrations between ͲǤʹͷ
and ͷߤ݉ were about ʹǤʹͳͲ଼ ‫ݏ݈݁ܿ݅ݐݎܽ݌‬Ȁ݉ଷ for single-
pass collection efficiency.
Fig. 7. Normalized PM concentrations and fitted curves for
different flow rates

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A performance metric based on the capability of an air
purifier to reduce PM in a closed chamber can be
calculated using the following equation:
 ൌ ܸ ‫݇ ڄ‬ǡ (3)
‫ ܴܦܣܥ‬ൌ clean air delivery rate ሺ݉ଷ Ȁ݉݅݊ሻǢ
ܸ ൌ chamber volume ሺ݉ଷ ሻǢ
݇ ൌ decay constant ሺ݉݅݊ିଵ ሻǤ
Fig. 8 shows the variation in the CADR of the PAP for
different flow rates. The measured CADR increased almost
linearly with the rise of the flow rate.

Flow rate, ݉ଷ Ȁ݉݅݊ 0.53 0.79 1.05 1.32
‫ܴܦܣܥ‬ǡ ݉ଷ Ȁ݉݅݊ 0.11 0.19 0,33 0.62 IV. CONCLUSION

0,7 This study presents the development of a novel portable

air purifier with a set of filters for improvement of air
Measured CADR, m3/min

0,6 quality inside living rooms and offices. Detailed hardware

and software design are shown and experiments in a real-
world office environment are performed.
0,4 The PM particle collection efficiency of the PAP was
examined for particles with a diameter in the range
0,3 ͲǤ͵Ȃ ͷߤ݉ in a test room under different operating modes.
The experiments confirm the good effectiveness of the
proposed solution. It can be extended to humidity control
0,1 as well as to control over wireless sensor networks.
0,5 0,7 0,9 1,1 1,3 1,5
Flow rate m3/min REFERENCES
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