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Refitting the old worn pantry table and shelf of the Hurley 

I wanted to stay 70’ish, so I found some original piece of linoleum with a
matching colour to the red cushions and measured and cut out a piece of
plywood, which was full glued with carpet glue (Casco), gently polished with a
piece of cloth to smoothen the surface and the underlying layer of glue. Then
it was left under ample pressure overnight to harden. Next step was to refit
and adjust some of the edges. I had to cut away some rough old grp in the
fastenings to the hull, as it is rather crude work. Subsequently, I painted it with
white Shipolin paint before putting everything together. I wanted to glue the
boards in place as to avoid ruining the Linoleum with screws and use wood
glue instead. "

Above: Before refitting. Looked good from a distance, but the laminate was starting to
come off in big flakes.

Below: The top shelf before on the left. And the new one on the right with linoleum. The
total cost of the refit was approximately 70 Euros."
Below: The cutout ply was used as a template for cutting out the Linoleum, which was so
hard, that a regular sharp blade knife could not do the job. I used the Multimaster (oscillary
electric cutter), which cut through it like soft butter."

Below: The rough cut linoleum. Very stiff and hard bent. Which makes it easy to achieve a
smooth surface."
Below: Full glued. At this point I eased the excess glue from the sides towards edges and
corners with my fingers to make sure good adhesion was ensured especially there."
Below: The glued item ready for smoothing and hardening overnight."
Below: Before assembly. Trying out the two items to see how they fit or will have to be
Below: It almost fits. Some old GRP-resideu in the corner at the hull side will have to be
sawn off the allow for the new shelf to fit in, but we get the general idea about the looks."

The final result

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