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Name: Muhammad Ardhan Anshari

NRP : 02411940000179
Class: D

1. Define Cellular Manufacturing, what is the purpose of it?

Cellular manufacturing is a type of group technology (GT) that divides machines and
processes into cells and functions in order to produce specific parts of a product family (PF).
This method's goals are as follows:
 Shorten manufacturing lead time (MLT)
 Reduce work in process (WIP) inventory
 Reduce setup time (Tsu)
 Improve quality
 Simplify scheduling

2. Define and state the benefits of Production Flow Analysis!

Using manufacturing routing sheet material, production flow analysis (PFA) is used to
define and distinguish parts of a product family and system groupings. In a GT style, this is
used to build computer cells. PFA procedures:
 Data collection – operation sequences and machine routing per part
 Process saturation – parts with similar sequences and routing compiled in packs
 PFA chart – charts for each part
 Cluster analysis – used for collecting packs with the same route into a group

Benefits of PFA:
 Can accommodate two potential exceptions
 Reduces non-value-added activities
 Eliminates bottlenecks
 Reduces commodity variability

3. What is a Flexible Manufacturing System? Also, explain its supporting components!

The Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) is a fully integrated GT machine cell process that
consists of a large number of programmable machines. The machine can be reprogrammed to
generate a wide range of items automatically. FMS is designed to perform tasks like
manufacturing a wide range of goods at a high cost (job shop) or bulk production at a low cost
(mass production), but it is not modular (transfer lines).

FMS Advantages:
a) Setup time and delay reduction
b) Increasing efficiency
c) Fix product routing
d) Producing high variety products

Components of FMS:
1) Layout
i. Progressive
ii. Closed loop
iii. Ladder
iv. Open field
2) Manufacturing process technology
i. NC
ii. CNC
iii. DNC
3) Automatic material handling
i. AGV
ii. Conveyor
iii. AS/RS
4) Control software
5) Industrial robot

4. One of the implementations of the Flexible Manufacturing System is Computer

Integrated Manufacturing (CIM). Briefly explain what CIM is and explain the main

CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) is a term that encompasses all technical functions
(CAM), including architecture (CAD), as well as a company's business functions. CIM system
is a computer-assisted and automated information transfer system that uses communication
technologies to incorporate all data within a company.

All operations in a production environment, including all business activities, are integrated using
computer features. Caspian and SWAN are being used by the sales department to connect all details in
order to consult with vendors. To monitor inventory and maintain working temperatures, the inventory
department uses a barcoding scheme. The use of CAD/CAM and NC machines on the production line
will demonstrate CIM application. Both of these integrations favor the company because they provide a
bond between the manufacturing and sales departments, which will help to improve all business

Groover, M. P. (2015). Automation, Production Systems, and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 4th Edition .
J.C. Hernandez-Matias, A. V.-G. (2008). An integrated modelling framework to support manufacturing
system. ScienceDirect.

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