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B July 1, 2021


Why did the Spaniards brand us as indolent?

Indolence has deeper roots, such as abuse and discrimination, government

inactivity, pervasive corruption and red tape, incorrect religious teachings, and bad
examples from certain Spaniards who live lives of indolence, all of which have
contributed to the degradation of Filipino values.

We were active and honest in commerce before the Spaniards arrived, using our
abilities and resources for the advantage of our country, never corrupt, hardworking
and passionate, independent, value nature, and protective and defensive of our land.
We became gamblers, reliant, weak, corrupt, amnesiacs, unfaithful to our "identity,"
and indolent when the Spaniards came. There are two reasons why the Spaniards
brand Filipinos as indolent. The Filipinos' laziness can be attributed to two factors. The
first is training deficiencies; Filipinos receive limited instruction at home or at school,
and Filipinos are prone to become copycats who do as they are taught; one example of
this is giving gold to the church. The second factor is a lack of national spirit among

The term "indolence" has been widely misconstrued to mean a lack of

enthusiasm for work and a lack of vitality, while mockery has obscured the misuse. This
much-discussed topic has suffered the same fate as some panaceas and specifics of
quacks who have disgraced them by ascribing to them unrealistic virtues.

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