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Susan Horowitz Cain is a writer whose work on introversion and shyness has appeared in the New York
Times, Time, O Magazine, and She has taught negotiation skills at corporations,
law firms, and universities and practiced corporate law for seven years. Recently she was selected to
speak at the TED2012 conference in Long Beach, her most famous book is “Quite”: The power of
introvert in the world that can’t stop talking.
Susan Cain grew up a thoughtful, reflective person in a society that exalts the “Culture of Personality.”
She always felt a sense of friction she couldn’t quite identify. Yet she succeeded in the extrovert’s world
despite that friction, graduating from Princeton University and Harvard Law School and building a career
as a Wall Street attorney.

So she embarked on an ambitious project researching and writing about this “thing” that defines between
one in two and one in three of us. She discovered along the way that introversion has physiological
markers that date back to infancy and that introverts offer important contributions to leadership, creativity,
and innovation.

dimensions i.e. AUTHENTICITY, LOGIC AND EMPATHY, When all of three are working we have a great
trust and when we have a trust in organization We have those peoples who respect each other opinions
and carefully listen to them this creates a great communication channel that leads towards success.

If trust does not exist in organization than employees experience a culture of bias, exclusion and worse!
That led towards the failure of organization.

Furthermore she argued that there are two ways to communicate the first one is you to take us on a
journey that is magnificent and has twist and turns until you ultimately get to the point and second one
is you start from the point and then give evidence . I preferred her second idea because if you get cut off
before you done you still get credit for the idea.

She also works as a culture consultant to top companies (e.g. Uber and WeWork) and explains
that how the measure of a LEADER can be seen not just in their presence but in their absence too.
HER unique work in this field is that how to engage employ’s and reduce work anxiety.

In her another TED TALK‘THREE PILLARS OF LEADERSHIP ‘she explain that it’s important for a
leader to create LOVE, TRUST AND BELONGING to a work place. Her unique Idea is that if you
want to lead in your absence too creates the environment in which culture and strategy
understood well. The main reason behind her unique idea:

When strategy does not answer the question, culture fills the space.
Get your culture into the mind of employees so that the way they think reliability manifests in
desired behaviors.
Culture exists because of what you and others are doing.
In general she is the type of practical person and critical thinker what she explains in her ted talk
she first personally experience by herself working in a field.

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