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Mentoy, Jan Jericho C.



1. All organisms are made of more than one cell

Wrong word: more than one cell

Right Word: one or more cells

2. Early microscopes created by Leeuwenhoek were almost as strong as modern light


Answer: TRUE

3. Proteins are made on ribosomes.

Answer: TRUE

4. Prokaryotic cells have a nucleus.

Wrong word: Prokaryotic

Right Word : Eukaryotic

5.The plasma membrane forms the physical boundary between the cell and its environment

Answer: TRUE

6.For cells, a smaller size is more efffficient.

Answer: TRUE

7.Compared to eukaryotic cells, prokaryotic cells are very complex.

Wrong Word: very complex

Right Word: simpler

8. Organelles are located within the cytoplasm.

Answer: TRUE

9.Viruses are similar to prokaryotic cells.

Wrong Word: similar

Right Word: dissimilar

10.All cells have a plasma membrane, cytoplasm, and ribosomes.

Answer: TRUE

11.DNA is located in the nucleus of prokaryotic cells.

Wrong Word: prokaryotic

Right Word: eukaryotic

12.Organelles allow eukaryotic cells to carry out more functions than prokaryotic cells.

Answer: TRUE

13.Viruses are considered living organisms.

Wrong Word: living organisms

Right Word: non living things

14.Most cells are about the size of the period at the end of this sentence.

Wrong Word:

Right Word:

15.Observation of cork helped in the discovery of cells.

Answer: TRUE

1.What is one main difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?

One of the main difference between these two types of cell is that eukaryotic cells have a
distinct nucleus containing the cell's genetic material while prokaryotic cells dont have a nucleus
as the cell's genetic material free floats on the cytoplasm.

2. Give an example of a prokaryotic organism.

Ome example of a prokaryotic organism is a bacteria called Streptococcus Bacterium. This

bacteria is responsible for a strep throat which is an infection in the back of the throat including
the tonsils.

3.What is an organelle? Give three examples.

Organelles are membrane bound compartments found inside the eukaryotic cells in the
cytoplasm which have a specialized function. Some examples of the organelles are nucleus, the
mitochondrion, and the Golgi apparatus.

4.Describe the nucleus. What can be found inside the nucleus?

A nucleus is a membrane bound organelle that contains the genetic material or the
chromosomes of eukaryotic organisms. Chromatin, a complex of DNA and proteins that forms
the chromosomes, could be found inside the nucleus which is stored inside a gel like substance
called nucleoplasm.


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