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Eversince the day my family moved from my

previous hometown to our current
community, all I can observe is that there
are tons of factory and corporation who
is running their business in our compound
which is Muralla Industrial Park.
It all starts in a very rural like community. Some
trees are visible from corners to corners
that is later on being cut off because of
new infrastracture.

The little community starts in a very

small group of workers who are "stayed
in" in their company. Basically, we are
living in our companies residential and
they offer us the place we can rest.
Everyday, workers from different towns
and barangays are coming in their
workplace which is located in my area.


ii. economic activity

From time to time, there are many

companies who is seen under
construction which means a new job
opportunity from many people. We usually
interact through my mom's little sari sari
store. I've met Ate Aida, whom became my
mother's "business partner" they usually
trade products from the company she is
working and my mom's product. Also,
friends from different barangay are so great
to have since I have an opportunity to visit
them to their houses. Although the place is
mostly very busy because of works we
still manage to spend our times enjoying
each other's company. One thing that is
surely valuable that I always encountered in
my community is that we are all open and
hospitable for dufferent people and we've
got the chance to help them in terms of
selling goods such as food and meriendas,
in this way, we both benefit from each



iii. what improvement's should be done

I highly suggest that if ever our LGU will

take an action of some visible
improvements and solution I can observe
in my community is that they should
focus more in hyping my communities
availability on opening new workers who
is searching for a job. It is very hiring in
my community, there are tons of jobs who
is in need of workers but still lacking the
ability to gather people and reach their
attentions. They're still see my
community as dense forest wich is
absolutely not. It is more than that and it
has a lot to offer from many people who is
looking for job.

iv. Igu's

First of all, our community is being

divided between two barangays, so
every election we either vote for the
barangay who is more of like
campaigning for us first rather than
directly vote just like any other
barangays. It is also a factor why we
aren't being that closed to LGƯ's
because we are sorrounded by many
factories. It is not really a "barangay
like" community. We followed rules but
not directly participating some major
activities because of our location also.
Too far from the main area which the
officials are active and reachable. I can
say that when in times of need, we can
still reach them and get some help.
When there is trouble they are still
assisting us on ebat to do and how to
fix the issue. Generally, our community
is new for this much interaction with
our LGU's but it is really a good start i
can say that and we are still looking
forward on their upcoming movements
most especially during this times of

V. what i can do for my


As a teenager, what I can do for my

community as of the moment is to
observe for what is happening and follow
rules according to different precautions
to avoid the spread of the virus. Given
the ability to create some audience
using my social media accounts, I will
use the platform to make any
movement on voicing some help and
atleast give priority to those who is
really in need of assistance. As much
as I can, I don't want to rely on our local
government but rather do my own
solution to at least lesten their burdens.
I'm not tolerating wrong doings of
some officials but as what the quote
from the late John F. Kenndy says "Do
not ask what your country can do for
you, ask what you can do for your

I think that the quote also applies in my




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