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“Internship is a depth of teaching and learning new experiences for every trainee”

Internship plays a pivotal role in completion of professional courses. As such it is also included
in teacher education course. It provides direct experiences to trainees on various roles of a
teacher including teaching and developing command over the subject. It also provides an
opportunity to integrate the theoretical knowledge on strategies and methods and instructional
aids to try out in the real life situation. The purpose of teaching practice is to provide the
students with an opportunity to apply their pedagogical knowledge and skills in practice. The
aim is to enable the student to design, carry out and evaluate the teaching methods of his/her
own sector and to cooperate with other parties and students relating to teaching practice. One
of the aims is also that the student will be able to understand his/her role in the larger whole of
the profession and in the extended operational environment of the school. An important goal is
to learn how to develop and advance ones competence in development.

Internship is a process of training by which intern can develop their future job performance. It is
essential to acquire proficiency in the job. Training which interns got during their internship
improves knowledge and skills which helps their performance turns excellent. Graduate or post
graduate students who attend internship will definitely develop personality. It provides first
hand learning experience to intern. It seeks to bring relatively permanent change in an intern
that will improve his/her ability to perform on the job. Through internship the knowledge and
skills of interns for doing particular job will certainly increase. The main objective of internship
program is to achieve a desirable change in the behavior of a trainee. Internship is also called as
practical education. Through internship program intern acquire more knowledge of teaching
and learn or sharpen the needed skills, attitudes and values associated with efficient
performance of their job. Internship helps to modified Knowledge and skills example what
student know and how they will work. Thus Internship programmed is an act of imparting or
improving or updating knowledge and skills of a student which they learn in the form or theory.
The Internship program is beneficial for both fresh candidates and government organizations. It
provides an opportunity to the fresh candidates to experience working conditions and
requirement of today’s professional business environment. Hence, it can be said that it
provides the student with a greater understanding of professional demands and qualification. It
permits them to understand the connection between theory and practice, thus it enhance the
student’s knowledge of his potential to reach the goals set for various professions.

Teaching practice is a key component of the undergraduate teacher training programme. It is

during this period that the student teacher gets to translate the skills and theory learnt into
reality through actual classroom teaching. Teaching practice is the vital component of teacher
education and training because it provides student teachers with an opportunity to learn from
experience in the work place. At puthasamy,2005 asserts that student teachers believe that the
practical experience of observing expert teachers, receiving feedback, and practicing strategies
are the most important factors in their growth as teachers, but there is a widespread outcry
about the quality of most of the teachers who have undergone this practice. Training teachers
is a partnership between teachers training colleges, the secondary schools and stakeholders in
the education system. School practice is a semester vise routine prescribed by teacher training
colleges as part in the curriculum which reflected on to assess its effectiveness in preparing
teacher-trainees. As the main purpose for student teaching practice is to provide opportunities
to student teacher as a trainees to put in practice pedagogical theories and skills while in
schools. It is assumed that this knowledge and skills is being develop and during internship it is
the totality of learning making it concrete as seen in the teaching practice stage. Furthermore,
teaching practice is an integral component of teacher training. It grants student teachers
experience in the actual teaching and learning environment. In conclusion towards the end of
teaching practice, the student teachers were asked about their experiences during teaching
practice and whether these experiences may have influenced their perception of the teaching
Educational Stressors experienced in the entire Student Teaching Internship Program (STIP)

Educational stressor is very common in student’s lives. Many students assume that making the
academic experience their first priority now, will increase the chance of success in the future.
School is an important aspect in most teenagers lives and by being so important a teenager can
become depressed very effortlessly at school or because of school. Educational stressor can
take complete control over a student’s life, sometimes leading to depression. At school this
may lead to poor attendance, a significant drop in grades or even annoyance with schoolwork,
in a good student. There are many studies that have been performed to prove the correlation
between responsibility in school and academic performance being the cause to academic
stress. Just like there are numerous causes to academic there are also numerous cures, such as
changing mind set and behavior. Academic stress is something majority of students in school
can relate to and the cause of it can be something small as a bad grade on an evaluation, It will
enforce the student to try harder in the future but it will for sure cause some sort of stress,
even if it is for a moment. Stress from school can be one of the most essential causes of teen

The educational stressors I experience in the entire student teaching internship program are
the following; lacking of financial allowance, lack of technological equipment, lack or having
poor internet connection, and the place where l stay is not an appropriate for education works
by means of not having face to face class. As this time all of us experience the pandemic change
the mood in education system as many are affected so I as a student also being tested to be
more vigilant and be more ready as always in the happenings around. As a student educational
stressors are a bad luck but l can do nothing for our time is in pandemic and the things l always
do is always seeking God for recovery of all so that all will be back in normal because all are
being affected as l am one of the many. As an intern student it is important to set good plans to
overcome all the stressors that l have experience for l only can help myself. As mention above
in beginning part educational stressors are common in students lives so the pandemic gives
more stress in this time. For no one can help my self but l in order to cope up the stressors that
l experience in education purpose l seek help and advice to my co-student teacher and other
individual to give some of their idea to make educational stressors have a solution because it
gives more time wasted. As financial allowance is important l do a part time job in teaching
pupils in our barangay to sustain my school needs. When dealing to technology equipment l
barrow to my neighbor because they have as to comply all the requirements needed in school.
In addition is the internet connection it is also a stress for me what l do is l ask help to my
teacher friend in sending my files because my phone is not doing good because it is old.
Furthermore, the place where l am staying is not totally good for educational work purpose
because thier are lot of disturbances like videoke , near to a chicken farm and piggery and many

As to my experience in the educational stressors in the whole internship program it is a big deal
and a challenge for me to really do my best in order to be more productive in choosing my
profession as to become a teacher. As teacher in the future it is my duty to face all the
obstacles in the path l am going through as it is part of the vocation of being a teacher. As the
stressors above mention pertaining to my personal being it is few only to the many stressors
that l will be facing in the near future if l will be one called to become a teacher. As we all
experience the time of pandemic that changes everything the only solution that l always do is
to have perseverance in all l do guided by the grace of God because in this time He is the only
way that may all be back in normal situation.

Solutions to Educational Stressors encountered during the entire STIP

As the saying goes if there a wheel there's a way so educational stressors have solutions to have
to. As part of the student teaching internship program it is my responsibility and duty to get
solutions from the educational stressors l encountered from the educational stressors l
experience as it is the following lacking of financial allowance, lack of technological equipment,
lack or having poor internet connection, and the place where l stay is not an appropriate for
education works by means of not having face to face class. Because in the journey and bieng in
the time of pandemic distractions are always there. From it l have solutions and the best
solution l made is by the help of an individual who extended her educational equipment to me
by means to continue my journey towards answering all the tasks and journals given by the
student teaching supervisor. As for me patience, perseverance and determination are aspects
to really reach my goal to be a successful student teacher. Because even if l have no loptap l am
bless to have a friend willingly to extend her help to me by letting me barrow her loptap. Aside
from that the internet connection and it is really a hard time for me to send all the task being
given because of the poor connection in our barangay but l still have patience to wait until it is
send because l have a dream and ambition in life. For me as we are in the time of pandemic the
covid 19 virus is a big challenge l always have a positive mental attitude that even there is a
health crisis l can always do my job in fulfilling my mission as a student intern. For l believe in
God that these all things happening around the globe have and ending and the only thing l can
do is not to stop believing and praying to Him for He can do impossible things in my life and for
Evaluation of Experiences-Insights gained from all the phases of STIP

Teaching is a noble profession, service-oriented, and can mold the future generation however,
this task can be demanding and stressful especially for an intern student. Therefore, teachers
need to understand the best way to carry out teaching and learning and at the same time have
skills to do an effective job. For many years, education has emphasized the need for effective
teachers to ensure the academic success of any given institution. Teacher effectiveness plays an
important role in the teaching-learning process. Effective teachers have good classroom
control, are fair when dealing with students, and can motivate learners to love learning. During
the internship, student teachers integrate theory and practice and begin to utilize their
knowledge on teaching and learning. Perhaps most importantly, the internship will provide
student teachers an opportunity to engage in critical reflection as they create meaning out of
their experiences and attempt to discover their own voices and identities as teachers. This
internship provides student teachers with the foundation necessary for continued professional
growth and development.

As an evaluation of my experience in all the phases of student teaching internship program it is

fruitful because it gives me more ideas on how to strengthen my choosen profession in the
world of teaching. As l learn many things from answering all the learning task and reflective
journals. By its educational stressors and solutions on it. As part of the student teaching
internship program l gained learnings from it even if our situation is so risky l manage to answer
all the requirements as a practice teacher. For the making of learning task and reflective journal
l know it is for my own good and for the betterment of my choosen profession l learn
something from the beginning until the end of the given task. And for that experience l
treasures for not all experience what l experience. And for the making of lesson plans it gives
me more ideas and self conscious or trust because from it l learn to be with my self as the
lesson plan is being executed. As for that experience it helps me develop my self confidence as
it is being demonstrated with matching video. From that experience even though thier is no
face to face interaction it is my duty as part in the internship program to do my task even if
covid 19 became one of the many barriers during this internship program. Furthermore, from
all the phases of student teaching internship as a holistic manefestation from the day it starts
till the end it is my privelege and learning gained from all the activities involves.

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