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Daniela Cisneros

Chapter 7 Classroom Observation and Reflection 


This activity is an important part of understanding what it means to be a teacher. Please review the videos listed 
for this module. Choose one of the videos and carefully watch and review the video and the written materials that 
come with it. We will be connecting our chapter readings to your classroom observation reflections.  

Chapter 7 Focus:   
This chapter focuses on the teachers’ and learners’ experiences with technology in education. You have read how 
technology can support learning, and the importance of Internet safety. Instruction has changed vastly through 
this modality, and this is evident in how we are teaching and learning in this class. Reflect on what you have read 
as you respond to the questions below. Please choose one video from cases: 563, 1676, or 562. 
Answering Questions Using Communication Devices-Case 1676
Communicating with Others at School-Case 563
Learning how to Start a Conversation-Case 562

Reflection Questions  Your Response  

Create a thoughtful response with complete 
sentences. Provide specific examples from the 
video and the written teacher description to fully 
answer each reflection question. 

Which video did you watch?  I decided to watch case 563.

Share a part of the lesson or  A part of the video that I thought could be
video that could be 
challenging for the teacher?   
challenging for the teacher was working
with students that are socially challenged.
Describe a part of the lesson  A part of the video that I thought was
that was exciting or 
rewarding for the teacher or 
rewarding for the teacher was when the
the students.   students give her the answer she wants to
hear. The students knew exactly what
initiated the conversating in the video.
What do you notice about  The students are listening. When the two
what the students are doing?  
videos are over and the teacher asks
questions, they raise their hand and don’t
abruptly respond.
Our book shares some ideas about how to best utilize technology in the classroom 
(pages 116-117; 121-122). What evidence did you see of how the teacher 
accomplished this? Please at least one technique, and how they were used in the 

Assistive technology    Assistive technology was accomplished

with the videos.
Simulation  Simulation was accomplished with the
videos as well. It provided a real life
example of a typical day at school.
Daniela Cisneros

Modeling  Modeling was accomplished when the

videos were demonstrating the scenario but
also explaining what they were doing.
Real world problems    Real world problems were accomplished in
the videos. They were actual kids so the
students were able to connect with them.
Community of learners    Community of learners was accomplished
with the videos that were projected in front
of the class.
How could this lesson be adapted to an online-only platform? Give one brief 
example below: 

Online platform adaptation  Example: This lesson can be adapted to an

online-only platform by providing a real life
demonstration through zoom or even
projecting it on zoom.
Teachers are always learning from each other. Classroom observations are an 
important part of developing a rich, reflective, and effective practice.   

Write 3 questions that you  Question 1: How long does it take for
have about teaching as it 
relates to this observation.   
students to learn the lesson if they’re
mentally challenged?
Question 2: Is it better to work with them as
the entire group or just 2-3 kids at a time?
Question 3: How do you prepare for these
lessons? Are you prepared for the
Share 3 things you have  1. Project any videos in front of the
learned from this observation.  
class instead of telling every kid to
watch the video individually.
2. Rewatch videos to capture the real
meaning behind the video.
3. Always stop the video and ask
questions to make sure the students
are following through.

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