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Importance of


Nutrition Research
What are Vitamins?

Vitamins are nutrients that your body needs to function and

fight off disease. Your body cannot produce vitamins itself,
so you must get them through food you eat and in some
cases supplements. There are 13 vitamins that are essential
for your body to work well. Knowledge of the different
types of vitamins and understanding the purpose of these
vitamins are important for good health and everyone
should learn about them.
The 13 The 13 essential vitamins your body
needs are vitamins A, C, D, E, K and the B
Essential vitamins: thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2),
Vitamins niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5),
pyridoxine (B6), biotin (B7), folate (B9)
and cobalamin (B12).
10 Facts 1. Vitamin A plays an important role in growth and cell development.
It also promotes healthy skin, hair, nails, gums, glands, bones and

2. Vitamin D aids calcium absorption, and builds and maintains
strong bones and teeth.

3. Vitamin E protects fatty acids; maintains muscles and red blood
cells; and serves as an important antioxidant.
4. Vitamin K is an essential vitamin for your body. Your body needs it
for proper blood clotting.
5. Vitamin C: Strengthens blood vessel walls,promotes wound healing
and iron absorption, and supports immunity
6. Vitamin B2 is essential for energy metabolism. It also supports
normal vision and helps maintain healthy skin.
7. Why you need Vitamin B12: To make red blood cells, DNA, RNA,
and myelin for nerve fibres.
8. Vitamin B6 is an essential vitamin for good health. It promotes
protein metabolism, metabolism of carbohydrates and the release
of energy. It also plays a role in proper nerve function and the
synthesis of red blood cells.
9. Vitamin B5: Aids energy metabolism and normalizes blood sugar
10. Vitamin B3 is important for the body. It’s used to metabolize
energy and promote normal growth.

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