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Virus Inhibitor Field

Purpose: To restrict virus replication and thus reduce the possible damage
within a physical body.

Re-activate the Virus Inhibitor Field every 36 hours for maximum benefit.
This is an energy field gifted to us by Source to reduce the harmful effects
viruses can wreak within physical bodies.

Less replication gives our own immune system a better opportunity to fight
the virus and either eliminate it or keep its effects minimized.
The Virus Inhibitor Field is especially useful for health care workers who
are routinely exposed to viruses through various forms of accident and
airborne contact.

There are many instances where people come into contact with viruses that
lodge in their bloodstream. Often, they are not aware of this until their
body’s defenses are compromised by stress, bacterial infection, other illness
or environmental influences.
Then the virus, which has been there, yet unable to make enough copies of
itself to cause a person illness or damage the skin tissues or other
membranes within the body, would makes prolific evidence.
It is important to assist your body’s immune system to easily reduce the
virus cell population by activating the Virus Inhibitor Field every 36 hours.
This field makes your body and energy fields a less hospitable place for
viruses to live.

Each physical body is such a galaxy of variables that there is no way to tell
how effective the Virus Inhibitor Field will be for a particular person.
We do know that it will do something beneficial for everyone who seeks
Viruses contain only a limited genetic blueprint and they don't have the
necessary building tools to reproduce themselves. They have to invade other
cells and hijack their cellular machinery to reproduce. Viruses invade by
attaching to a cell and injecting their genes or by being swallowed up by the

B and T cells exist within the blood and lymphatic system of the body in
what is called a resting state--that is, they are not doing anything detectable.
However, when a B or T cell encounters an invader that can bind to its
receptor, the cell divides many times and so creates lots of daughter cells.
Each bears receptors that are the same as, or very similar to, those of the
parent. Hence, contact with the invader creates from a few B and T cells
many more that can react with the invader.

During this division the T and B cells also create so-called effector and
memory cells. Effector cells act to get rid of the invader. For example,
effector B cells, called plasma cells, secrete antibody molecules that bind to
invading bacteria and viruses and help eliminate them from the body. One
type of effector T cell, called a cytotoxic T cell, kills virus infected cells and
thus prevents its spread. The memory cells survive to protect their host
against further infections by the same invader. From:
Fabien Maman, one of the world's leading experts on vibrational sound
healing, conducted a biology experiment in the early 80s at the University of
Jussieu in Paris, showing the impacts of acoustic sound on human cells and
their energy fields. He found that through a series of acoustic sounds,
healthy cells would become energized and empowered. Using a Kirlian
camera, Fabien Maman was able to document what happens to the energy
fields of healthy human cells when exposed to a chromatic scale of sound
frequencies. He discovered that the color and shape of each cell and its
subtle energy field (Aura) changed according to the pitch and timbre of each
musical note.

Healthy cells responding to chromatic scale played on an xylophone.
research.html&usg= NILKODoj2LoOtHin2brbbBxnMGA=&h=256&w=290&sz=25&hl=en&start=42&i
Accept your attunement in the manner directed by your teacher. Intend for
the field to be active.

Working with the energy field: You may activate the Virus Inhibitor Field
for other people. It will only be as effective as their desire to be well
combined with what is allowed by their Higher Self. You may notice,
however, that continual reactivations may not be as effective for people who
are old enough to understand this type of work if taught. This is because
there is a necessity for people to be responsible for their own health. This
field is not programmable to reactivate by itself. Conscious choice and will
are required.

Passing attunements to others: Anyone who is a Reiki or Seichim Master

and accustomed to passing attunements is qualified, after this one
attunement, to pass attunement for the Virus Inhibitor Field. You may use
any attunement method of your choice.

Disclaimer: All information in this document and the Virus Inhibitor Field
are for self edification purposes only and not meant to treat any disease or
illness. If you are not well, please seek the attention of a properly licensed
professional immediately.

Do not sell this manual. The Virus Inhibitor Field is a glad, free gift from
Spirit and meant to remain so. You may pass this manual onward to your
students fully intact with no changes made.

~Mariah Windsong Napieralski

April 27th, 2010 ~All Rights Reserved

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