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–: Food which will increase our immunity :–


 Elderberry
Elderberries has many nutrients some are like phosphorus, potassium, iron, copper and vitamins, such
as vitamin A, B, and C, proteins and dietary fibre. Elderberries have antibacterial and antiviral qualities
which help fight cold and influenza.

 Turmeric and Garlic

Turmeric have a compound namely curminin which help us to boost our immunity and garlic has anti-
inflammatory and antiviral compound which help to boost our immunity.

 Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits help us build up your immune system. Vitamin C is increases the amount of white blood
cells in our body. Almost all citrus fruits are high in vitamin C. Citrus fruits contain ascorbic acid
(vitamin C) which is an important food for health. It is very important to include citrus fruits in your daily
diet as they are rich in key vitamins and minerals that enhance immunity and boost energy levels. Some
examples of citrus fruits are grapes, orange, lemon.

 Chicken Soup
Homemade chicken soup help to build a healthy immune system to fight off viruses, it also helps your
body recover from illness more quickly. there's a chemical in it called carnosine that can protect your
body from the flu virus. Which is added to the soup is full of protein that helps support the immune
system. It’s also a good source of vitamins and minerals, such as B vitamins, which boost immunity and
help regulate digestion.

 Chyawanprash
This incredible formulation contains a host of healthful nutrients including antioxidants like Vitamin C,
proteins, dietary fibres, sodium and abundant amounts of alkaloids and saponins, making it a great
supplement for the heart, blood vessels and elevated cholesterol levels. Although it has all these
incredible herbs and spices, the formulation includes zero percent cholesterol, no trans-fat, and even
calories from fats are quite minimal. It also help in increasing our immunity.


 Walking
Undoubtedly, walking has many health benefits when done regularly. It boosts immune function and
can strengthen your body. those who walked for 20 minutes every day were at a reduced risk of falling
sick. walking increases cardiovascular and pulmonary (heart and lung) fitness and reduced risk of heart
disease and stroke.

 Sqauts
If we do squats regularly it will it will increase the flexibility of the body provide the glutes with a
powerful workout and also strengthen your core. It helps your body stays physically strong by enhancing
blood circulation.
 Barasana
The simple relaxing asana releases tension from your lower back reduces stress and fatigue, elevates
mood and rejuvenates your mind. It works perfectly in boosting your immunity.

 Paschimottanasana

Paschimottanasana improves digestion, provides relief from nasal congestion and reduces anxiety. It
also helps to keep the brain calm and reduces symptoms of post-COVID mental issues.

 Pranayama
One of the basic yoga poses, pranayama can act as one of the simplest and effective ways to boost
immunity and instil some vigour and positive energy into your body. It also helps us to boost our

This balanced pose is the best yoga for immunity as it enhances the immune system by
improving blood circulation. The squeezing activity in the legs and arms tends to increase blood
circulation and remove toxins from the body. It improves the concentration level. It relieves
stiffness between shoulder blades and across the spine. 

Dhanurasana helps boost the immune system. It acts as an ideal stress buster as it helps improve
the flow of white blood cells by applying pressure on the digestive system. Practicing the
Dhanurasana puts pressure on your belly, which in turn helps strengthen the digestive system.
Also, it is one of the best yoga poses for the immune system.


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