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British University of Aguascalientes

Student: Jacquelin Guadalupe Guzman

Teacher: Jezreel Eduardo Guzman Méndez

Subject: ingles Vl

Theme: VII.1. Phrase vs Clause

Week 7

6th Business Administration

Modality: Mixed

Date: Jun, 21th, 2020

Write the infinitive form of the verbs on the left side

Swapped Swap

Borrows Borrow

Came Come

Signed Sing

Heard Hear

Picks Pick

Saw See

Hurries Hurry

Crosses Cross

Watches Watch

Complete the sentences with the verb either in future or present tense, using contractions
when possible.
1. He will wash up before he __GOES ______ (to go) to bed.

2. When it __WILL GET________(to get) cold I 'll light the fire.

3. When the Queen ___ARRIVES______(to arrive) the audience will stand up.

4. She ___WILL GIVE________(to give) the children their dinner before he comes home.

5. I will pay you when I ___GET_____(to get) my cheque.

6. She ____WILL STAY_____ (to stay) in bed till the clock strikes seven.

7. He'll have to behave better when he _____GOES _____ (to go) to school.

8. She will go on until he ____WILL TELL_____ (to tell) her to stop.

9. The lift __WILL NOT START_________ (not start) until you press that button.

10. When he ___WILL RETURN _____(to return) I'll give him the key.

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