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Termination Criteria of Bored Pile Subjected to Axial Loading

Article  in  Indian Geotechnical Journal · May 2019

DOI: 10.1007/s40098-019-00359-5


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2 authors, including:

Premalatha Krishnamurthy
Anna University, Chennai


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Indian Geotech J


Termination Criteria of Bored Pile Subjected to Axial Loading

Priyadharshini Maniam Rajan1 • Premalatha Krishnamurthy1

Received: 12 September 2018 / Accepted: 27 March 2019

Ó Indian Geotechnical Society 2019

Abstract In this paper, the termination criteria of bored in such applications. Rock-socketed piles are commonly
pile subjected to axial loading are predicted using numer- used for the superstructures such as high-rise buildings,
ical analysis. The objective of this study is to understand long-span bridges and tower structures. This research has
the influence of thickness and properties of overlay sand been started in the late 1960s in Canada, USA, and kindled
and characteristics of the founding rock strata. The soft- the researches in Australia, South Africa and parts of UK in
ware PLAXIS 3D Foundation 1.1 is used for the present 1970s. Even to this present day, this area of study is still an
numerical analysis. The axial loads on the pile are calcu- interesting field to explore.
lated as per IS 14593:1998. From the load–settlement Gandhi et al. [1] studied about the load transfer mech-
curves, socket length for different thicknesses and densities anism of bored cast in situ pile socketed into hard rock
of overlay sand and different types of rocks is predicted. through soft rock by means of instrumentation. For the
Influence of pile diameter and interfacial shear strength on maximum total settlement of 5.58 mm, for 1.5 times the
rock socket length is also examined. The predicted rock design load, i.e. 1530 kN, only 60 kN of load transferred
socket length is comparable with IS 14593:1998 recom- through pile tip and maximum resistance is mobilized only
mendations. As the conclusions are from numerical anal- through frictional resistance from soft rock and overlying
yses, result has to be verified with field test results and it is soil. Also, the author commented that the behaviour of
the future scope of this study. rock-socketed pile is influenced by the presence of ben-
tonite in pile–soil interface. Tomlinson [2] gave guidelines
Keywords Termination criteria  Rock socket  Pile  for the settlement of pile in rock and soil. For the mobi-
PLAXIS 3D  Overlying sand lization of skin friction and end bearing resistance of the
pile in soil, the settlement of the pile should be of the order
of 0.3–1% and 10–20% of the diameter, respectively. For
Introduction the mobilization of end bearing resistance in rock, settle-
ment of the pile should be 20% of the diameter. Also,
In the present-day scenario, an increase in construction of Tomlinson [2] suggested that for 600 mm diameter pile,
heavily loaded structures necessitates transfer of loads to the settlement at the working load should not exceed
the underlying rock mass. Rock-socketed piles find its use 10 mm.
The load transfer in rock-socketed piles is by end
bearing resistance alone or shaft resistance alone or the
& Premalatha Krishnamurthy combination of end bearing resistance and shaft resistance which in turn depends upon the length of the rock socket.
Priyadharshini Maniam Rajan Indian Standard Code [3] provided guidelines for the estimation of the load carrying capacity of the piles sock-
1 eted in rock based on the uniaxial compressive strength of
Division of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering,
Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering rock, pressuremeter tests, shear strength parameters of rock
Guindy, Anna University, Chennai 600025, India and structural strength of pile. As per the above code, the

Indian Geotech J

safe load on single pile shall be the least of the following: overburden and decreases with rock damage. Seo et al. [9]
for the initial load test, fifty per cent of the load at 12 mm developed an elastic analysis based on the solution of the
settlement unless otherwise required in a given case on the governing differential equation for the pile and rock dis-
basis of performance requirement and one-third of the placements using the principle of minimum potential
ultimate failure load. For routine load test, the maximum energy and calculus of variations. The important observa-
settlement should not exceed 8 mm for at least one and half tion made by the author is: the load transfer response of
times the working load. The minimum length of socket for rock-socketed pile depends upon the RQD of rock. Higher
preliminary design of pile under compression varied from the RQD, the higher will be the shaft resistance and vice
1D to 4D, with respect to the rock type and its quality, versa irrespective of the modulus ratio of pile and rock.
where D is the diameter of the pile. The code also states Rezazadeh et al. [10] used a database of 106 full-scale
that the partially mobilized frictional resistance offered by load tests compiled with UCS value, 34 tests with rock
the soil may be neglected. quality designation (RQD) and five tests with rock mass
Long [4] studied about the uncertainties involved in the rating (RMR) to verify the applicability and accuracy of
empirical methods for the design of rock-socketed piles in existing empirical methods for the evaluation of shaft
Irish hard rocks. The load test results of twenty-four piles at resistance of rock-socketed piles. The authors proposed a
twelve sites located throughout Ireland were back-analysed new relationship between shaft resistance and UCS based
for different pile diameters and socket lengths. From the on the type of rock. Since rock-socketed shafts are sup-
study, the author concluded that rock quality is very ported by non-intact rock, a reduction factor for the com-
important to determine ultimate shaft resistance and the pressive strength is suggested and verified with the effect
shaft resistance was higher for fractured rock than hard of discontinuities.
rock. Seidel et al. [5] predicted the shaft resistance of a From the above studies, it is clear that the parameters
rock using a simulation program ROCKET, in terms of that affect the capacity of rock-socketing piles are thick-
shaft resistance coefficient (SRC). The shaft resistance ness and properties of the overlying soil layer, character-
coefficient depends upon the factors such as construction istics of the founding strata, roughness factor of the rock
method, rock modulus, unconfined compressive strength, socket and socketing length. BIS code [3] recommends the
Poisson’s ratio of the rock, socket roughness and socket minimum length of the socket based on rock type and its
diameter. The SRC was used as a preliminary design tool quality. The code states that the partially mobilized fric-
for the prediction of shaft resistance. Nam et al. [6] studied tional resistance offered by the overlay soil may be
about the effect of drilling tools such as core barrel and neglected. Zhang [8] concluded that the influence of the
auger on shaft resistance of rock-socketed drilled shafts for overburden soil must be considered in the design. Gener-
different socket lengths. From the results, the author ally, piles are designed as end bearing pile, but due to the
reported that socket roughness drilled by core barrel was restriction of the allowable settlement of pile, in reality, the
about 30% rougher than auger, regardless of the rock type. piles are functioning as frictional pile because the order of
Srinivasamurthy et al. [7] reviewed the existing methods settlement required for mobilization of shaft resistance is
of determination of rock-socketing length in axially loaded lesser than that required for end bearing resistance mobi-
bored piles and attempted to formulate a practical approach lization. Based on the guidelines given by Tomlinson [2], a
to determine the length of the socket of bored piles in rock. rough paper work carried out has shown that for restricted
The author evaluated socket length for a safe load based on settlement of 8 mm to 12 mm, frictional resistance of soil
the uniaxial compressive strength of rock, shear strength or rock may mobilize. There is no possibility of mobi-
parameters of rock and chisel energy criteria. From this lization of end bearing resistance. Hence, there is a
study, it was concluded that the socket length depends upon necessity to study the influence of different parameters on
the load on the pile and for soft and weathered rocks both the termination criteria of rock-socketed pile based on
the end bearing resistance and shaft resistance from the allowable load.
socket length could be considered. The important objective of the present study is to
Zhang et al. [8] studied the mechanism of end bearing understand the influence of thickness and properties of
resistance of rock-socketed pile. The study was carried out overlay sand, and characteristics of the founding strata for
using the generalized nonlinear unified strength criterion. the termination of axially loaded bored pile based on
The theoretical solutions were compared with the numeri- allowable load for 8 mm settlement. The influence of
cal simulation. From the results, the author concluded that diameter and rock-pile interfacial strength in the termina-
the ultimate end bearing resistance increases with tion criteria is also examined.

Indian Geotech J

Numerical Analysis results are same for both drained and undrained conditions
for dry sand. The analyses are carried out in three phases.
The software PLAXIS 3D Foundation 1.1 is used for the In phase I, stresses in the soil are calculated, and in phase
present numerical analysis. PLAXIS 3D Foundation ver- II, pile installation is simulated. The displacements are
sion 1.1 (2004) is a finite element software program, for the reset to zero at the end of phase I and phase II. In phase III,
analysis of three-dimensional deformations of foundation axial load is applied on the pile head. In the finite element
structures. For the ease of understanding and working, 3D program, load is applied in increments up to maximum of
software is chosen for the present analysis. PLAXIS 3D is 50 iterations. The PLAXIS output program gives the set-
preferred over PLAXIS 2D because in 2D the pile is tlement and stresses in terms of tables and contour. From
modelled as plate element, whereas in 3D the pile is the PLAXIS 3D analysis, load–settlement curves are gen-
modelled as an explicit pile element. The project geometry erated using the PLAXIS curves program. From the load–
is modelled in top-view approach. From this geometry, a settlement curves, maximum settlement values are read and
3D finite element is generated. The soil layers are defined graphs are plotted with respect to the increasing socket
by means of boreholes, which may be single or multiple length.
depending up on the nature of the non-horizontal stratig- IS code [3] suggests minimum length of socket by
raphy of the soil/rock. Quadratic 15-node wedge elements grouping the rock type into three categories. Cole and
are used to model the deformations and stresses in soils. Stroud [11] have grouped rocks into five categories based
The PLAXIS postprocessor has 3D graphical features for on the shear strength. They are strong, moderately strong,
displaying computational results. Exact values of dis- moderately weak, weak and very weak rocks. This group is
placements, stress and strain are extracted from the output considered for the present analysis. Rock properties for
tables. very weak rock are referred from the literature [12]. One
The finite element mesh generated in the PLAXIS 3D more rock type, highly weathered rock, is also considered
foundation software has a mesh arrangement of length from the literature reported by Harry [13]. The details of
40D, width 20D and a depth of ‘Length of the pile ? 10 different parameters that are considered for the present
m’, where D is the diameter of the pile. These dimensions analysis are listed in Table 1. The schematic diagram
are arrived at after analysing with number of combinations representing the problem defined is shown in Fig. 1.
of boundaries, till their effect becomes insignificant on the
output values. The soil–rock layers are shown in Fig. 1.
The mesh element comprises quadratic 15-node wedge Validation of the Numerical Model
elements. The mesh is generated with coarser elements for
restricting the run-time. The soil cluster around the pile is Validation 1
refined further for better accuracy. The pile is modelled as
linear elastic material. Soil and rock are modelled as For validating the numerical model, a field pile load test is
elastic-perfectly plastic material based on Mohr–Coulomb selected. The pile load test is for bored rock-socketed pile
model. The material type is drained behaviour. Water for the Second Penang Bridge, Malaysia [14]. From the soil
table is considered to be at a deeper depth. However, the test report, the diameter and length of the pile are observed
as 2100 mm and 115.10 m, respectively. The ultimate load
P capacity of the pile is 38.11 MN, and water table is at
1.45 m from ground level. For validation, the soil, rock
layers and pile model are simulated using PLAXIS 3D
Foundation software version 1.1. Soil and rock are mod-
elled as Mohr–Coulomb material, and pile is modelled as
Sand linear elastic material. Since the properties of different
5m to 20m Lp
layers are not mentioned in the soil report, they are
assumed based on the correlations with N value as rec-
ommended by Bowels [15]. The analyses were done for the
minimum and maximum recommended values. The details
of the input parameters are summarized in Table 2. The
0D to 8D Rock
load–settlement curves for the minimum and maximum
D -Diameter of the Pile
input values and the field load–settlement curve are shown
in Fig. 2.
From load–settlement curves, it is observed that the
Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of rock-socketed pile with overlay sand settlement for minimum and maximum input values was

Indian Geotech J

Table 1 Parameter details

Type of overlying soil Loose sand, medium dense sand and dense sand
Thickness of overlying soil 5 m, 10 m, 15 m and 20 m
Rock type (based on strength) Weak rock, moderately weak rock, moderately strong rock, strong rock,
very weak rock and highly weathered rock
Socket length 1D–8D
Pile diameter 600 mm, 750 mm and 1000 mm
Pile length Vary depending on thickness of overlying sand and socket length
Nature of loading Axial loading

Table 2 Soil and rock properties of the field bore log

Layer Soft mud Loose to medium dense sand Medium dense sand Medium dense to dense sand Granite
Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max

Soil layer thickness (m) 0 19.45 19.45 33.45 33.45 55.8 55.8 110.8 110.8 115.1
Average SPT N value \1 10 22 41 –
Unit weight (kN/m3) 17 18 14 16 17 20 18 22 24 27
Cohesion (MPa) \ 0.0125 – – – –
Friction angle, u – 28 34 30 40 33 50 –
Young’s modulus, E (MPa) 4 20 10.5 24 17.25 27.60 34.50 55.20 300 500

Fig. 2 Comparison of load– Load (MN)

settlement response with field 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
test data
Present analysis
10 Minimum values
Settlement (mm)

15 Field test data [14]

25 Present analysis
30 Maximum values


39.9 mm and 31.4 mm, respectively. The field settlement of the pile is 19.5 mm. The model pile is socketed in the
value was 32.2 mm. The field load–settlement curve and weathered rock layer for 1D depth. The details of the input
the load–settlement curve of maximum recommended parameters for the numerical model are summarized in
values are almost same. From the above analysis, it is Table 3, and the load–settlement curves are shown in
understood that the guidelines used for the selection of Fig. 3. The settlement value from the experimental test is
different soil and rock properties for the present study are 1 mm which is comparable with the numerical analysis
also valid. value of 1.12 mm.

Validation 2
Input Parameters for the Analysis
For validating the numerical model, an experimental pile
load test is also selected [16]. The laboratory pile load test The properties of soil and rock are selected for the analyses
is for two-layered system consisting of medium dense sand are given in Tables 4 and 5. The properties such as density,
overlying weathered rock. For the validation, the soil and friction angle and deformation modulus are selected based
rock layer and the pile are simulated in PLAXIS 3D soft- on Bowels [15] recommendation, which were used for
ware. Length of the aluminium pile is 350 mm. Diameter validation 1. The properties of rock are assumed based on

Indian Geotech J

Table 3 Soil and rock properties of model pile load test

Material (depth) Layer 1 Layer 2 Aluminium pile (350 mm)
Medium dense sand (0–330 mm) Weathered rock (330–400 mm)

Model Mohr–Coulomb Mohr–Coulomb Linear elastic

Unit weight, c (kN/m ) 15.30 21 26.00
Young’s modulus, E (kPa) 20E3 25E4 69E6
Poisson’s ratio, t 0.30 0.2 0.32
Cohesion, Cu (kPa) – 450 –
Friction angle, u (8) 36 – –

Fig. 3 Comparison of load– Axial load (N)

settlement response with
experimental test data 0 100 200 300 400 500 600

settlement (mm)

Present Analysis
Model test data [16]



Cole and Stroud [11] and also compared with the literature rock. So it is not possible to directly select the rock
[12, 13, 17]. properties from the software. Considering the hardness of
The input parameters for the present analysis are taken dominant rock forming mineral of different types of rock,
from the studies as an average scale. However, the validity Goodman [19] hardness guidelines and Cole and Stroud
of these values is required. Most of the researchers widely guidelines [11], the range of mean compressive strength,
use RocData 5.0 software [18] for properties of rock. This mean tangent modulus and unit weight is obtained from the
software database contains over 700 data for different RocData 5.0 software and is listed in Table 6. For the ease
rocks. There are only 29 Indian rock data. There is no of reference, E, qu and c values from the present analysis
direct classification of rocks in RocData 5.0. Rock prop- are also given in Table 6. Since the values used for the
erties can be selected based on the name of the rock. For present analysis were well within the range, the selection of
the present analysis, rocks are grouped from strong to weak input parameters is valid. There are no data for weathered
rock in the RocData 5.0 software database. Therefore, data
Table 4 Soil properties selected for the analysis
from the literature [13] were used. In IS: 4464-1985 [20], it
is assumed that for highly weathered rock, half of the rock
Parameter Loose sand Medium dense Dense sand material is disintegrated to soil. For this condition,
assumption of 45° angle of internal friction is found to be
Material model Mohr– Mohr–Coulomb Mohr– reasonable.
Coulomb Coulomb
Unit weight, c (kN/ 14 16 18 Axial Load on the Pile
Young’s modulus, 15 20 45
The axial loads on the piles are calculated as per IS
E (MPa)
14593:1998 [3]. The axial load for moderately strong rocks
Poisson’s ratio, m 0.3 0.3 0.3
and strong rocks is calculated based on the uniaxial com-
Cohesion, Cu (kPa) – – –
pressive strength. For other types of rocks, the load car-
Friction angle, u (8) 30° 34° 40°
rying capacity is calculated based on the shear strength

Indian Geotech J

Table 5 Rock properties selected for the analysis

Parameter Weak rock Moderately weak rock Moderately strong rock Strong rock Very weak rock Highly weathered rock

Material model M–C M–C M–C M–C M–C M–C

Unit weight, c (kN/m3) 20 21.5 25 27 21 20.5
Young’s modulus, E (MPa) 420 700 35,000 50,000 180 150
Poisson’s ratio, m 0.2 0.2 0.15 0.15 0.2 0.3
Cohesion, Cu (MPa) 1.3 3.65 10 30 0.45 0.12
Friction angle, u (8) – – – – – 458

Table 6 Comparison of rock properties from RocData 5.0 software and present analysis
Rock type Range of tangent Present Range of compressive Present analysis Range of unit Present analysis,
modulus, E (MPa) analysis, strength, qu (MPa) qu (MPa) weight, c (kN/m3) c (kN/m3)
E (MPa)

Strong rock 4090–108,000 50,000 12.82–532.96 60 21.68–30.40 27

Moderately 2000–80,000 35,000 5.79–362.97 20 19.60–29.72 25
strong rock
Moderately 500–3600 700 2.23–234.4 7.3 17.85–25.51 21.5
weak rock
Weak rock 260–1520 420 1.25–177.2 2.6 10.90–24.0 20

parameters. The axial load of the pile in granular soil and Results and Discussion
the structural capacity of the pile are estimated using the
provisions in IS 456:2000 [21] and IS: 2911 (Part I/Sec 2) The load–settlement curves are obtained for sand of dif-
[22], respectively. From the calculations, it is observed that ferent densities, thicknesses, different socket lengths and
the design load for weak rock and very weak rocks is due to different types of rocks for ultimate load and allowable
the resistance of soil or rock. For the other types of rocks, load. Part of the load–settlement curves obtained for the
the design load is the structural capacity of the pile. Since ultimate load considered in the analyses is shown in
the partial mobilization of frictional resistance of soil for Figs. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.
10 m, 15 m and 20 m overlying sand deposit in the load In the present analysis, the different types of rock are
carrying capacity exceeds the structural capacity of the considered as Mohr–Coulomb material, but analysis also
pile, the axial load estimated for 5 m overlying thickness of done by considering the rock as linear elastic for 600 mm
sand is considered for arriving the load–settlement rela- diameter pile in 5 m loose sand overlying weak rock and
tionship. The ultimate axial loads of the pile are summa- load–settlement curve is shown in Fig. 10. The settlement
rized in Table 7. for Mohr–Coulomb material model is higher than linear
Though the load on the pile decides the socket length, elastic material model. The difference in the settlement
the present analysis is carried out for ultimate load and increases as the loading on the pile increases. Similarly, to
allowable load. Allowable load on the pile is as per IS compare the load–settlement curve from PLAXIS 2D and
14593:1998 clause 9.2.3. Analyses were carried out for PLAXIS 3D analyses, the results obtained for 600 mm
different overlay strata and different types of rock and diameter pile with 1D socket in loose sand overlying
different socket lengths. To understand the influence of moderately weak rock are shown in Fig. 11. From the
interface strength and diameter, analyses were carried out figure, it can be observed that there is no much difference
for medium dense overlying weak rock. Load–settlement in the settlement.
curves were generated for allowable load of 8 mm settle-
ment and also for ultimate load. Though numerical analy- Load–Settlement Behaviour
ses were done for 8 mm settlement and ultimate load as per
Table 6, no difference in the curve is seen up to the Load–settlement behaviour is linear for all rocks except in
allowable load. The total settlement obtained from curves very weak and highly weathered rock, where curves are
includes elastic compression of pile material also. nonlinear for piles with no socket. This nonlinearity

Indian Geotech J

Table 7 Applied axial loads on the pile in numerical analysis Maximum Settlement Versus Socket Ratio
Profile Diameter of the Ultimate load
pile (mm) Qu (kN) From load–settlement curve, a graph for socket length/di-
ameter of the pile versus maximum settlement is plotted.
Sand ? weak rock 600 3700 To propose the maximum socket length, a threshold value
Sand ? moderately weak rock 4200 for the difference in the settlement ratio is observed. Set-
Sand ? moderately strong rock 4200 tlement ratio is the ratio between the settlements for nD
Sand ? strong rock 4200 socket length and the settlement for pile resting on rock,
Sand ? very weak rock 1360 where n varies from 1 to 8. The threshold value is assumed
Sand ? highly weathered rock 1360 as 0.03. Double tangent method is also used to determine
Sand ? weak rock 750 5600 the maximum socket length. Both methods give similar
Sand ? weak rock 1000 9200 results. Settlement of the pile versus socket ratio for loose
sand overlying different types of rock is shown in Figs. 12,
13, 14, 15, 16 and 17. The socket length discussed in this
decreases with increasing rock socket length and thickness
paper is based on the allowable settlement of 8 mm or less
of the overlying sand. For all density of overlay sand in
than 8 mm.
weak rock to strong rock, the settlement increases with an
The rock socket length arrived for loose sand, medium
increase in thickness of overlay sand and it decreases with
dense sand and dense sand from the present analyses is
an increase in socket length. Settlement of pile decreases
presented in Tables 8 and 9.
with an increase in the thickness of overlying sand layer of
From the above tables, important observations made are
all densities for very weak rock and highly weathered rock.
given below:
The above observation is more common for rock-socketed
In loose and medium dense sand, socket lengths are
pile because of the influence of increase in frictional
same for different types of rocks. In weak rock, moderately
resistance of sand and rock.

Axial load (kN)

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
2 (Ls/D) = 0
4 (Ls/D) = 1
Settlement (mm)

(Ls/D) = 2
(Ls/D) = 3
8 (Ls/D) = 4
10 (Ls/D) = 5
12 (Ls/D) = 6
(Ls/D) = 7
(Ls/D) = 8

Fig. 4 Load–settlement curve for 600 mm diameter pile in 10 m loose sand overlying weak rock

Axial load (kN)

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
2 (Ls/D) = 0
Settlement (mm)

4 (Ls/D) = 1
6 (Ls/D) = 2
8 (Ls/D) = 3

10 (Ls/D) = 4
(Ls/D) = 5
(Ls/D) = 6
(Ls/D) = 7
16 (Ls/D) = 8

Fig. 5 Load–settlement curve for 600 mm diameter pile in 15 m loose sand overlying weak rock

Indian Geotech J

Axial load (kN)

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
2 (Ls/D) = 0
(Ls/D) = 1
Settlement (mm)

(Ls/D) = 2
(Ls/D) = 3
(Ls/D) = 4
10 (Ls/D) = 5
12 (Ls/D) = 6
14 (Ls/D) = 7
(Ls/D) = 8

Fig. 6 Load–settlement curve for 600 mm diameter pile in 5 m medium dense sand overlying moderately weak rock

Axial load (kN)

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
(Ls/D) = 0
(Ls/D) = 1
4 (Ls/D) = 2
Settlement (mm)

6 (Ls/D) = 3
8 (Ls/D) = 4
(Ls/D) = 5
(Ls/D) = 6
16 (Ls/D) = 7
18 (Ls/D) = 8

Fig. 7 Load–settlement curve for 600 mm diameter pile in 20 m medium dense sand overlying moderately weak rock

Axial load (kN)

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500

2 (Ls/D) = 0
4 (Ls/D) = 1
(Ls/D) = 2
Settlement (mm)

(Ls/D) = 3
8 (Ls/D) = 4
(Ls/D) = 5
(Ls/D) = 6
(Ls/D) = 7
14 (Ls/D) = 8


Fig. 8 Load–settlement curve for 600 mm diameter pile in 5 m dense sand overlying moderately weak rock

weak rock, very weak rock and highly weathered rock, length in dense sand is lesser than loose and medium dense
socket lengths decrease with an increase in thickness of sand.
overlay sand. In moderately strong and strong rock, influ- Rock socket length predicted from the numerical study
ence of thickness of overlying sand on socket length is is compared with the Indian Standard Provisions IS
insignificant. From weak to strong rock, socket length is 14593:1998 and is presented in Table 10.
not influenced by thickness of overlying dense sand. For For sound, relatively homogenous rock, the socket
moderately strong and strong rock, the influence of overlay length is not influenced by density and thickness of over-
sand density is insignificant. For all cases of rocks, socket lying sand. For soft rocks and sedimentary rocks, the

Indian Geotech J

Axial load (kN)

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
2 (Ls/D) = 0
(Ls/D) = 1
Settlement (mm)

(Ls/D) = 2
(Ls/D) = 3
8 (Ls/D) = 4
10 (Ls/D) = 5

12 (Ls/D) = 6
(Ls/D) = 7
(Ls/D) = 8

Fig. 9 Load–settlement curve for 600 mm diameter pile in 20 m dense sand overlying moderately weak rock

Axial load (kN)

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800

settlement (mm)

Linear elastic (Ls/D) = 0
Mohr-Coulomb (Ls/D) = 0

Fig. 10 Comparison of load–settlement response of Mohr–Coulomb and linear elastic material model for 600 mm diameter pile in 5 m loose
sand overlying weak rock

Axial load (kN)

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800

settlement (mm)

(Ls/D) = 1 PLAXIS 3D
3 (Ls/D) = 1 PLAXIS 2D

Fig. 11 Comparison of load–settlement response of PLAXIS 2D and PLAXIS 3D for 600 mm diameter pile with 1D socket length in 5 m loose
sand overlying moderately weak rock

socket length is lesser for increasing thickness of loose and very weak rock, socket length is influenced by increasing
medium dense sand. But for dense sand, socket length is thickness of overlying sand layer, but not by density of
not influenced by the thickness of the overlying sand. For sand. From the present analysis for the highly weathered

Indian Geotech J

rock, socket length is influenced by both thickness and length versus settlement for different R-inter values is
density of the overlying sand layer. From Table 9, it is shown in Fig. 19.
observed that the IS code results are comparable with the The settlement of the pile increases when the rock–pile
results of present analyses. These conclusions are based on interface strength is reduced and decreases with the
numerical analyses, and these have to be verified with the increase in the rock socket ratio. Settlement increment is
field test results. higher for 5 m overlay thickness than 20 m overlay
thickness of medium dense sand. For 5 m overlay, this
Influence of Diameter in Ls/D increment is 25%, and for 20 m overlay thickness, it is 4%.
For higher overburden thickness, the influence of interface
Load–settlement curve for different diameters of the pile is strength reduction on settlement decreases with an increase
shown in Fig. 18. in the socket length. Reduction in interfacial shear strength
For 1D socket length in 5 m thick overlying sand, the does not have significant influence in the socket length for
percentage increase in settlement with respect to 600 mm medium dense sand overlay.
diameter pile is 17% for 750 mm diameter pile and 30% Analyses were also carried out using average values of
for 1000 mm diameter pile. For 1D socket length in 20 m rock properties obtained from RocData 5.0 software. One
thick overlying sand, the percentage increase in settlement such result is shown in Fig. 20. Comparing results of
is 10% and 18% for 750 mm and 1000 mm diameter pile, Figs. 6 and 20 for medium dense sand overlying moder-
respectively. For 8D socket length in 5 m thick overlying ately weak rock, there is a reduction in settlement, and
sand thickness, the percentage increase in settlement is 9% thereby a reduction in the socket length in the order of
and 24% for 750 mm and 1000 mm diameter pile. For 8D 0.5D–1D. Since the selected rock properties are in the
socket length in 20 m thick overlying sand, the percentage lower range, the results obtained from the analysis can be
increase in settlement is 5% and 7% for 750 mm and useful in the absence of the field rock properties.
1000 mm diameter pile, respectively. Though there is a
variation in settlement due to an increase in the diameter,
there is no change in the socket length. Conclusions

Influence of Rock–Pile Interface Strength in Ls/D The results presented in this paper are from the numerical
analyses for bored pile subjected to axial. The conclusions
To understand the influence of the interface strength, from the results are summarized:
analyses are done for profile of medium dense sand over- For axial load considered in the present analysis, the
lying weak rock. Analyses are carried out by decreasing the load–settlement behaviour is linear. Load–settlement
interface strength from 100 to 25%, i.e. varying the R-inter behaviour of very weak rock and highly weathered rock is
values from 1 to 0.25. The values of normal and tangential different from other types of rocks. In these types of rocks,
stiffness are calculated in PLAXIS 3D software as an in- settlement of pile decreases with an increase in the thick-
built function, based on R-inter value. The graph for socket ness of the overlying sand, whereas in other types of rocks
the settlement increases with increasing thickness of

Fig. 12 Settlement of 600 mm 9

diameter pile versus socket ratio
in weak rock 8

Loose sand-5m
Settlement (mm)

5 Loose sand-10m

4 Loose sand-15m

3 Loose sand-20m

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Socket Length / diameter (Ls/d)

Indian Geotech J

Fig. 13 Settlement of the 9

600 mm diameter pile versus
socket ratio in moderately weak
rock 7

Settlement (mm)
Loose sand-5m
Loose sand-10m
Loose sand-15m
Loose sand-20m

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Socket Length / diameter (Ls/d)

Fig. 14 Settlement of 600 mm 9

diameter pile versus socket ratio
in moderately strong rock 8

Settlement (mm)

5 Loose sand-5m

Loose sand-10m
Loose sand-15m
Loose sand-20m

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Socket Length / diameter (Ls/d)

Fig. 15 Settlement of 600 mm 9

diameter pile versus socket ratio
in strong rock 8

6 Loose sand-5m
Settlement (mm)

5 Loose sand-10m
Loose sand-15m
Loose sand-20m

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Socket Length / diameter (Ls/d)

overlying sand layer. For all types of rocks, an increase in Rock socket length depends upon the type of rock,
socket length decreases settlement. density and thickness of overlay sand. Socket criteria are

Indian Geotech J

Fig. 16 Settlement of 600 mm 12

diameter pile versus socket ratio
in very weak rock

Settlement (mm)
8 Loose sand-5m

Loose sand-10m
Loose sand-15m
4 Loose sand-20m

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Socket Length in diameter

Fig. 17 Settlement of 600 mm 20

diameter pile versus socket ratio
in highly weathered rock

Settlement (mm)

Loose sand-5m
Loose sand-10m
Loose sand-15m
Loose sand-20m

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Socket Length in diameter

Table 8 Rock socket length for loose sand and medium dense sand Table 9 Rock socket length for dense sand overlying different rock
overlying different rock strata strata

Type of rock Rock socket length for loose sand/medium Type of rock Rock socket length for dense sand
dense sand
5m 10 m 15 m 20 m
5m 10 m 15 m 20 m
Weak rock 2D 2D 2D 2D
Weak rock 4D 4D 3D 3D Moderately weak rock 2D 2D 2D 2D
Moderately weak rock 3D 3D 2D 2D Moderately strong rock 1D 1D 1D 1D
Moderately strong rock 1D 1D 1D 1D Strong rock 1D 1D 1D 1D
Strong rock 1D 1D 1D 1D Very weak rock 3D 3D 2D 2D
Very weak rock 3D 3D 2D 2D Highly weathered rock 3D 3D 2D 2D
Highly weathered rock 4D 4D 3D 2D

influence is relatively negligible for medium dense sand

same for overlying loose sand and medium dense sand for overlay.
different types of rock. For all types of rocks, socket length Predicted rock socket length is comparable with the IS
in dense sand is lesser than loose and medium dense sand. 14593:1998 recommendations. As these conclusions are
Rock socket lengths obtained based on allowable and from numerical analyses, the result has to be verified with
ultimate load are found to be almost same. Though an field test results and it is the future scope of this study.
increase in pile diameter increases settlement, there is no
change in the socket length. Interfacial shear strength

Indian Geotech J

Table 10 Comparisons between IS 14593:1998 and numerical analysis results

Rock type Rock socket length required as per
IS 14593:1998 Numerical analysis results
Loose sand/medium dense sand Dense sand
5m 10 m 15 m 20 m 5m 10 m 15 m 20 m

Sound, relatively homogenous rock 1D–2D 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D

Soft rocks, sedimentary rocks (sandstone) 3D–4D 4D 4D 3D 3D 2D 2D 2D 2D
Very weak rock 2D–3D 3D 3D 2D 2D 3D 3D 2D 2D
Highly weathered rock – 4D 4D 3D 2D 3D 3D 2D 2D

Fig. 18 Settlement of pile 9

versus socket ratio in 5 m 8
medium dense sand overlying
Settlement (mm)

weak rock
750mm dia
600mm dia
1000 mm dia
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Fig. 19 Settlement of the pile 7

versus socket ratio for 600 mm
diameter pile in 5 m medium 6
dense sand overlying weak rock
settlement (mm)

5 Rinter= 0.25
Rinter= 0.5
Rinter= 0.75
Rinter= 1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Axial load (kN)

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
(Ls/D) = 0
2 (Ls/D) = 1
Settlement (mm)

(Ls/D) = 2
4 (Ls/D) = 3
(Ls/D) = 4
6 (Ls/D) = 5
(Ls/D) = 6
8 (Ls/D) = 7
(Ls/D) = 8

Fig. 20 Load–settlement curve for 600 mm diameter pile in 5 m medium dense sand overlying moderately weak rock with input from RocData
5.0 software

Indian Geotech J

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