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Packed bed absorption column: Hydrodynamics and mass


Article  in  Acta Periodica Technologica · January 2019

DOI: 10.2298/APT1950260S


2 1,973

4 authors, including:

Milan N. Sovilj Branislava Nikolovski

University of Novi Sad University of Novi Sad


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APTEFF, 50, 1-352 (2019) UDC: 532.5:533.6.011:66.021.3
DOI: BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2019) 50, 260-267
Original scientific paper



Milan N. Sovilj1*, Branislava G. Nikolovski1, Momčilo Đ. Spasojević2,

Siniša M. Mauhar1
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology, Bulevar Cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Dositeja Obradovića 6, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia

This paper presents the results of the determination of the hydrodynamic characteristics and
mass transfer in the pilot plate absorption column. The experimental values of the pressure drop in
the countercurrent flow of air and water through the column were obtained. The graphic depen-
dence of the pressure drop of air per unit height of the layer of packing (ΔP/h) on the apparent air
velocity (Ug) through the dry charge was shown to be in the form of a quadratic function. From the
graphical function which shows the dependence of the pressure drop per unit height of the layer of
filling (ΔP/m) on the apparent air velocity during the countercurrent flow of the phases (water and
air), three fields of the interaction of the phases were observed: a) the area of low load, at low
apparent air velocities, b) the area of high load, at higher air velocities, and c) the flooding area,
when the liquid completely fills the cavities and the working gas in them starts bubbling. The
overall mass transfer coefficient (Kg) of the air-CO2-water system depends on the flow rate of the
gaseous phase and the composition of the starting gas mixture (air-CO2). With the increase in the
total gas flow rate, with a constant composition of the starting gas mixture and constant fluid flow,
the overall mass transfer coefficient increases. Increasing the amount of CO2 in the starting gas
mixture at a constant flow rate of fluid and a constant ratio of the molar flow of the inert in the
liquid and the gas-phase (L'/G') decreases the overall mass transfer coefficient.

Keywords: absorption column, pressure drop, mass transfer coefficient

After distillation, absorption is probably the second most important separation opera-
tion used in the chemical and related industries. In this operation, the liquid and gas pha-
ses are contacted for the purpose of getting one or more components from a gas mixture
dissolved (absorbed) in the liquid (1). Absorption, as well as liquid-liquid extraction, is
most often performed in devices of the column type (2-4). Columns are, usually, counter-
current gas-liquid contactors in which gas flows upward and liquid downward. To pro-
vide a large interfacial area for mass transfer between gas and liquid, columns are filled
with packing. With packed bed absorption columns, packing of different forms may be
used as charging: Raschig rings, Berl saddles, Pall rings, Sulzer structured packing, Inta-
lox ceramic saddles, composite packing (grids and networks), and other kinds of packing
(5-7). In more experimental work with the absorption column with packing, it is very im-
portant to know the hydrodynamic characteristics of absorption devices, as well as mass
transfer between the phases, which determine the efficiency and performance of the co-
lumn for separation processes (8-10).
This paper presents the results of the determination of the hydrodynamic characteris-
tics of packed bed absorption columns. The pressure drops at the flow rate of air through
dry and wetted packing were used as the hydrodynamic characteristics. At the same time,
the counter-current stream of air and water through the absorption column was determi-

* Corresponding author: Milan N. Sovilj, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology Novi Sad, Bulevar
Cara Lazara 1, Novi Sad, Serbia, e-mail:
APTEFF, 50, 1-352 (2019) UDC: 532.5:533.6.011:66.021.3
DOI: BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2019) 50, 260-267
Original scientific paper

ned. Furthermore, the value of the overall mass transfer coefficient was imposed as a
function of the composition of the starting gas mixture and the hydrodynamic characte-
ristics of the absorption column.

In the experimental measurements the packed bed absorption column was used, with
the following dimensions: inner column diameter, D = 10 cm; column height, h = 350
cm; the height of the charging layer in the column, hp = 150 cm (Fig. 1). The packing in
the column consisted of Raschig rings of the following dimensions: 15x15x2 mm, speci-
fic surface area, a = 330 m2/m3 and the porosity of the layer charge, e = 0.70. The ope-
rating temperature inside the absorption column was 14°C, and the atmospheric pressure
101.9 kPa. In the lower part of the column, a mixture of air (inert gas) and gas (CO2) was
introduced, which was absorbed into the liquid (water).


R-3 3 U-3

V-9 V-9
V-3 U-4



2 M V-4
V-5 V-5
U-2 V-7
U-1 P-1
R-2 V-2

R-1 V-1

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the pilot plate packed bed adsorption column
Legend: RD – working part of the column; RE – reservoir for the liquid; PN – collender of the packed bed; M –
fluid mixer; PD – extended part of the column; SC – glass tube (an indicator of the level of liquid in the tank);
V – valves, R – rotameters, U – manometers, P – connectors.

The blending of the gases took place in the static powered mixer. The airflow was
measured with rotameter (R-2), and the flow of CO2 with rotameter (R-1). As the absor-
bent, water was introduced at the top of the absorption column from the water reservoir
and the flow of material was measured with rotameter (R-3). The pressure drop through
the column was measured with the pressure gauge on U-manometer (U-4), one end of
APTEFF, 50, 1-352 (2019) UDC: 532.5:533.6.011:66.021.3
DOI: BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2019) 50, 260-267
Original scientific paper

which was attached to the space directly beneath the working part of the column, and the
other to the gas space at the top of the column. Water was used as the manometer liquid.
The value of the pressure at the bottom of the column was measured using U-gauge
(U-5), one end of which was connected to the space in the column, and the other left open
to the atmosphere. Connectors (P-1) and (P-2) were used for sampling the gas stream
before and after the position of the column packing. Before the final measurement of the
hydrodynamic characteristics in the absorption column, the rotameters were calibrated in
the inlet pipes for water and working gas, respectively.

Table 1. Scope of the operating parameters

Airflow, l/h 5000 – 19000

Apparent velocity of air, m/s 0.18 – 0.67
Water flow (absorbent), l/min 2.0 – 10.0
The ratio of the mass flow of water and air 4.2 – 42.1
CO2 flow, l/h 570 – 2120
Working gas flow, l/h 7070 – 13220
Content of CO2 in the working gas, % mol. 8 - 16

The pressure drop of air through the dry charge in the column was determined in the
following way: valve (V-2) on the inlet air duct was opened, and the airflow adjusted to
rotameter (R-2). Valves (V-4) and (V-8) were fully opened, and valves (V-1), (V-5), (V-
6) and (V-9) were completely closed. When the airflow rate through the column stabili-
zed, the pressure drop was determined based on the measured differences between the
position at the bottom and top of the column. The pressure drop was calculated for diffe-
rent values of the gas flow based on the readings of the pressure gauges. By opening
valve (V-3) conditions were created for layer wetting with water. Water was carried out
from the column to the outside by opening valve (V-6). After several minutes the filling
was sufficiently wetted and the pressure drop through the wett filling in the absorption
column was measured. In this case, the measurement of the pressure drop was the same
as the measurement of the pressure drop through the dry packing.
The pressure drop in the countercurrent flow of water and air was determined by the
previously opened valve (V-3). Water was supplied at a constant flow at the top of the
column and the flow was regulated with rotameter (R-3). The airflow rate was provided
by opening valves (V-2) and (V-8), wherein the airflow was adjusted using rotameter (R-
2). At the specified ratio of the water and airflow rate, the difference in the level of diffe-
rential pressure in manometers (U-4) and (U-5) was measured and then the pressure drop
was calculated. When the countercurrent flow of air and water was established, at a given
flow rate of the phases, the flow of CO2 was introduced into the system by the opening
valve (V-1), while the flow of CO2 was adjusted on rotameter (R-1). A gas mixture was
formed in the mixer (M) in this way for the particular composition of the gas mixture,
which was then let into the bottom of the column. After the establishment of a steady-
state in the column, the fluid sampling was carried out by opening valve (V-7).
The sample liquid was analyzed by standard titration with a 0.1M NaOH solution,
with phenolphthalein as an indicator (alkalimetry). The volume of the added solution of
NaOH was recorded, and the concentration of dissolved CO2 (CCO2, mol/l) was calculated
from the standard titration of the calculation:
CCO2 = (CNaOH VNaOH)/VCO2 [1]
where: CNaOH – concentration of the standard solution of NaOH, mol/l; VNaOH – mean
value of the volume of consumed NaOH, ml; VCO2 – sample volume, ml. Based on the
APTEFF, 50, 1-352 (2019) UDC: 532.5:533.6.011:66.021.3
DOI: BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2019) 50, 260-267
Original scientific paper

experimental values, the overall mass transfer coefficient, Kg (mol/m2h), was determined.
On the basis of the total mass balance of the column and the equation for the speed of the
operation for the absorption of concentrated systems, and approximating the average log
drive force, the following equation was derived:
Kg = G`(YCO2, 2 - YCO2, 1)/(A ΔYCO2, av) [2]
where: G' – molar flow of inert phases (air) through the column, mol/s; YCO2,1, YCO2,2 –
CO2 molar ratios and the air at the top and bottom of the column, respectively, mol/mol;
A – the total area of mass transfer in a layer of packing, m2; ΔYCO2,av – the average force
of absorption operation, mol/mol, wherein:

ΔYCO2, av = [(ΔYCO2 - ΔY*CO2)2 – (ΔYCO2 - ΔY*CO2)1] / ln [(ΔYCO2 - ΔY*CO2)2 /

/ (ΔYCO2 - ΔY*CO2)1] [3]

where the indices 1 and 2 refer to the top and bottom of the column, respectively. ); – the
average force of absorption operation (mol/mol), wherein:

X 2 − X1
ΔYCO2 ,av = [4]
X 
ln 2 
 X1 
where the indices 1 and 2 refer to the top and bottom of the column, respectively. On the
other hand, X1=[(ΔYCO2 - ΔY*CO2)1; X1=[(ΔYCO2 - ΔY*CO2)2. The symbols ΔY*CO2,1 and
ΔY*CO2,2 are related to the corresponding equilibrium relationship at the top and bottom
of the column, respectively (mol/mol). The total area for mass transfer is:

 D2 ⋅ π 
A=  ⋅ hp ⋅ a [5]
 4 
 
where: D – inner diameter of the column, m; hp – the height of the layer packing, m; a –
specificity to packing, m2/m3. The equilibrium values were calculated from Henry's law
(1), knowing the value of Henry's constant.


The pressure drop per unit height of the layer charging at a flow rate of air through the
dry packing in the absorption column ranges between 16 and 396 Pa/m. Figure 2 shows
the dependence of the air pressure drop per unit height of the layer packing on the appa-
rent air velocity.

APTEFF, 50, 1-352 (2019) UDC: 532.5:533.6.011:66.021.3
DOI: BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2019) 50, 260-267
Original scientific paper





ΔP, Pa/m





0 Ergun`s equation

0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7

Ug, m/s

Figure 2. The pressure drop of airflow through the dry packing (ΔP/h) as a function of
the apparent velocity of air (Ug).
From Figure 2 can be concluded that this dependence forms a quadratic equation. The
matching of experimentally obtained values of the pressure drop with the values given by
Ergun`s equation (3) was also checked. A good correspondence was found at lower
apparent air velocity (less than 0.25 m/s).
The values of the pressure drop of air per unit height of the packing at a flow rate of
air through the moistened packing slightly differ from the values obtained in the process
stream through the dry packing. The explanation for this behavior lies in the turbulent
flow through the moistened packing. In the countercurrent flow of water and air through
the absorption column three areas of the interaction of the phases were observed: a) the
area of low load, at low apparent air velocities (0.20 - 0.40 m/s), b) the area of high load,
at higher air velocities (0.45 - 0.55 m/s), and c) the flooding area, when the liquid com-
pletely fills the cavities and the working gas in the column starts bubbling (0.60 - 0.70
m/s ) (Figure 3). It was noted that the pressure drop along the layer height increases with
the increasing apparent velocity of the air for the given water flow rate. From the graph, it
can also be concluded that the pressure drop increases with increasing the water flow
rate, in particular, the apparent velocity of the gas phase.
The overall mass transfer coefficient (Kg) of the air-CO2-water system depends on the
flow rate of the gas phase and the composition of the starting gas mixture (air-CO2),
which is shown in Figure 4. By increasing the total gas flow rate, with a constant compo-
sition of the starting gas mixture and the flow of liquids, the overall mass transfer coeffi-
cient increases (Figure 4). On the other hand, increasing the amount of CO2 in the starting
gas mixture, at a constant flow rate of liquid (water) and a constant ratio of the molar
flow of the inert in the gas and the liquid phase (L'/G'), decreases the mass transfer coef-
ficient (Figure 5).

APTEFF, 50, 1-352 (2019) UDC: 532.5:533.6.011:66.021.3
DOI: BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2019) 50, 260-267
Original scientific paper

Figure 3. The pressure drop of air in the countercurrent stream of air and water (ΔP/h) as
a function of the apparent velocity of air (Ug), with the water flow rate as a parameter

3,6 xC02 = 8.0 % mol

Kg, mol/(m h)



7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000 13000
Vg, l/h

Figure 4. Overall mass transfer coefficient (Kg) as a function of the total flow of the gas
mixture (Vg)

APTEFF, 50, 1-352 (2019) UDC: 532.5:533.6.011:66.021.3
DOI: BIBLID: 1450-7188 (2019) 50, 260-267
Original scientific paper

Figure 5. Overall mass transfer coefficient (Kg) as a function of the composition of the
starting mixture (xCO2).


This paper presents the results of the determination of the hydrodynamic characte-
ristics and mass transfer in the pilot plant packed bed absorption column, filled with
Raschig rings. It was found that the pressure drop per unit height of the packing in the
airflow through the dry charge depends on the airflow in the form of a quadratic equation.
The pressure drop per unit height of the packing in the air stream through the wetted
packing was not significantly different from the same results in the flow through the dry
packing. In the countercurrent flow of water and air through the absorption column, three
areas of the interaction of the phases were observed: a) the area of low load, b) the area of
high load, and c) the flooding area. It was noted that the pressure drop of the layer hight
increases with increasing the apparent air velocity for a given flow rate. It was also
concluded that the pressure drop increases with increasing the flow rate, in particular, the
apparent velocity of the gas phase. The overall mass transfer coefficient in the air-CO2-
water system increases with the increasing of the total gas flow rate, with a constant
composition of the starting gas mixture and the flow of liquids. On the other hand, increa-
sing the amount of CO2 in the starting gas mixture, at a constant water flow rate and a
constant ratio of the molar flow of the inert in the gas and the liquid phase decreases the
mass transfer coefficient.

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Received: 26 October 2018

Accepted: 21 May 2019


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