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My first point is the lack of student feedback.

In a traditional classroom, student are able to

ask the teacher during or after classes and will get immediate responses or feedback.
However, with online learning, it is quite hard if either the teacher or student are
experiencing problems during these online classes. There are many unwarranted
complication that may arise during classes such as having internet problem which could
cause the participant in the online classes to be kicked out from the server, or there could
be outside interference. As a forester student that relies heavily on the practical class in
order to understand more in depth about the theory that they learn, this point is quite
important and one of the major setbacks in producing a good quality forester.

Next point is the lack of communication skill in online student. Online classes may increased
the academic knowledge of the students, however this came with a price as they are lacking
in communication skill. Developing communicational skill during online classes proved to be
quite hard and thus was mostly neglected due to the lack of f2f communication between
peers. Communication is inarguably are also important for forester. To begin with, good
communication skills are required for a more inter-sectoral approach towards forest policy.
According to a book from Best Practices in Forest communication, a sound scientific
information are needed in forest policy development and the communication between
science and policy are needed to be improved.

Last point is the technology illiterate. Generally speaking, online education can be easily
accessible as a large population of people own either a mobile devices or personal laptop
with a stable internet connection. However, there are minority that are tech illiterate and
there are high possibility of them not being able to comprehend the technology in online
learning, let alone an electronic devices. The average percentage of computer illiterate
people are estimated to be around 25% of the population according to the OECD
(organisations for economic co-operation & development). Technology literacy are a
necessary skills one must have if one desired to be a good forester as forestry sector uses a
lot of machinery with high technology to help in getting more accurate data especially
during researches. One of the areas that uses technology is forest management in mapping
and monitoring the forest resources and environmental threats as well as raising the
awareness of the need for a sustainabale forestry practices.

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