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ELT 215 – Language Programs and Policies in Multilingual Society


Note: If the instruction of a certain activity is not included here, follow the
instruction indicated in the module for that certain activity.

Lesson 2: Language Choice in Multilingual Communicties

 Activating Prior Knowledge

 Direction: The use of language varies in both written and oral
mode. Write a short essay on how language is use in written
communication. Explain its grammatical complexity and
detachment or inter-personal involvement.
 Answer briefly.

 Instruction for All Activity

 Please follow the instructions indicated in your module.
However, instead of writing your answer in the module, follow
the following instruction:
 If encoded, use the following format.
 File Name (if submission is via email): Family-Name First-
Letter-of-First-Name (Course Code)-Lesson No./Topic No.-
Name of Activity
 Ex: Canoy F (ELT 215)-Lesson 2-APK
 Font Style: Arial
 Font Size: 12
 Spacing: 2.0
 Margin: 1” (top, left, right and bottom)
 Paper Size: Short bond paper
 File Extension: .pdf (if submission is via email)
 Outputs can also be hand written if resources for encoding and
printing are not available. Write it in a yellow paper or in a
short bond paper. Please write legibly.


 You may submit your hand written/printed outputs during the module
distribution on November 2-6 at our convergence areas.
 For those who prefer to submit their output online, you may send it to
my email
 Subject Format: Family Name (Course Code) Lesson No.
 Ex: Canoy (ELT 215) Lesson 2
 If submitting via email, please submit all of the outputs per lesson (not
per activity).
 Also, as a class, please decide for a date in which we can meet
each other via Google Meet or Zoom.


Thank you and keep safe.

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