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These agents Causes Stimulation of CNS. They have non selective action and
there use is limited in therapeutics. They can be classified based on the Part of
brain stimulated by them

1. Cortical Stimulant

Eg. Xanthine alkaloids like Caffeine.

2. Medullary stimulants (respiratory stimulants)

Eg. Nickethamide.

3. Spinal Stimulants (Convulsants)

Eg. Strychnine

other- Amphetamine
1] cortical stimulants:- These are methyl xanthine alkaloids Eg. Caffeine,
Theophylline, Theobromine, they are found in tea, coffee, cocoa

Pharmacological Action

1) Action on CNS:- caffeine improves mental alertness and produce

sense of well being it also improves thinking process, But higher doses causes
mental Confusion and Sleep disturbance Theophylline and theobromine do not
have Significant action on CNS

2) Action on CVS:- Caffeine stimulate heart Activity, increases force of

Contraction.and heart rate,dilate blood vessels
3) Action on kidney:- These agents have diuretic action, theophyline has
more potent action than other two agents. It inhibits reabsorption of Na
and water in renal tubules and thus produces diuresis

4) Action on smooth muscles:- These agent Cause Smooth muscle

relaxation and most prominent action is On bronchial Smooth
muscle.(anti-asthmatic action)

5) Action on GIT:- Caffeine promotes secretion of gastric acid and pepsin

in stomach. (acidity)

Uses:- Caffeine is used in cough and Cold, Pain preparation, in

combination with antihistaminic agent due to its CNS Stimulants and
bronchodilator property.
2] Theophyline :- is used as bronchodilators In treatment of bronchial asthma by
oral or Inhalation route

3] Aminophylline:- Is the Theophylline derivative. It ís Commonly used In

treatment of asthma by Parenteral route

4] Theophylline as well as Aminophylline are used as diuretic

Medullary stimulants :These agent stimulates respiratory Centre in medulla

oblongata and hence also known as resp. stimulants. they have Same Common

1.They stimulate resp. and cardiac center in medulla oblongata.

2.They all produce Convulsant evenly in slightly higher dose.

3. They have low margin of safety.

Eg. 1) Nickethamide :- It is used as resp. stimulants to treat Condition of dyspnoea

Brand name:- coramine Injection

2) Doxapram:- It is relatively safe drugs. and used to reverse resp. deepression

prouce by narcotics and barbiturates

3) Bemegride:- same as Doxapram

4] Nootropic Agents (Cerebral activitators):-This is a new category of drug ,

They are claimed to improve the cerebral function They are supposed to Improve
Cognitive ability( inteligence, thinking power, learning ability and memory)

Used in mentally retared children,stroke ,in brain injuries ,chronic alcoholics where
mental functions are affected

Eg. Piracetam, Pyritinol ,Nootropil Ingection

Uses: 1) in gaeriartic patient to Improve Cerebrovascular damage (severe
accident or Inspection of brain)

2) To treat mental retardation in children

3) To treat Senile dementia

(loss of mental function either in earlier age This is more seen in Alzheimer's

4) To treat Patients of alcohol withdrawal

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