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The royal wedding bells are chiming. Love is in the air.

And the whirlwind romance that has

stirred everyone’s blood is soon to take place! Since their engagement announcement on November
11 2017, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have kept the entire England and the entire world waiting
with bated breath for their unmatched royal wedding. Meticulous attention is paid to every single
detail ranging from who will officiate their ceremony, the honored guests, even their bakers and
invitation printers. But what do we know about the soon-to-be Her Royal Highness Princess Henry of
Among all her reputation for being a renowned and talented American actress, Ms. Meghan
should be considered a female advocate with undying commitment to championing gender equality.
Her devotion dates back to her first inadvertent attempt to retrieve woman’s rights just inside her small
classroom. Assigned to watch a commercial, 11-year-old Meghan was abruptly struck by the unjust
promotion of the idea that women belong at home and in the kitchen: ‘Women all over America are
fighting greasy pots and pans’. Feeling more fed up to the back teeth when two boys in her class
remarked: ‘That’s where women belong, in the kitchen’, she went home with an instinctive urge to do
something, after which point she wrote letters to several big names, including the then-First Lady Hilary
Clinton. Roughly a month after that, the soap manufacturer changed their commercial slogan from
‘Women all over America’ to ‘People all over America’
And so we think as a future princess, Ms. Meghan is predestined to emanate glamor. But has
it ever crossed little 11-year-old Meghan’s mind that she had to exude charisma? Probably no. What
we can learn from the Royal Highness is that as an ordinary individual, we can stand up for
righteousness. So many a time do we think that our efforts are frivolous and will not play any
preponderant role and as a result, take the easy way out and compromise, rather than fight. Ms.
Meghan has reminded us that with enormous goodwill and willingness to go to great lengths, our
actions will eventually matter and create the impact that we want to see in the world. And given the
estimation that our world will take as long as 217 more years to achieve gender equality, shouldn’t we
all step up and take action in furtherance of female emancipation or to be more general, the goodness
in the world?
Our world needs more than just a big-hearted princess. It needs more people who break
through their mental barrier and imagined limitations to make bold move. In the joyous atmosphere of

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the upcoming royal wedding, may we all wish the odds will always be in Prince Harry and Megan
Markle’s favor and may we all pluck up the courage to commit courageous acts in the name of justice
for the betterment of our world.

1. Whirlwind romance (n): a sudden and exciting relationship.

2. Stir one’s blood: make one feel very excited.
3. With bated breath: in an anxious, excited way.
4. Meticulous (adj): careful and with great attention to every detail.
5. Officiate (v): to lead a ceremony or a public event. (Word form of “official”).
6. Champion (v): to support principles, beliefs or rights enthusiastically.
7. Inadvertent (adj): unintentional.
8. Fed up to the back teeth: very annoyed and disappointed.
9. Emanate (v): express a quality from your look and behavior.
10. Preponderant (adj): very important (Word form of “ponder”).
11. Take the easy way out: to adopt the easiest solution.
12. Furtherance (n): advancement. (Word form of “far”)
13. Emancipation (n): the process of giving people rights.
14. Pluck up the courage: make an effort to do something frightening.
15. In the name of something: representing something.

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