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Calendario de ARTICULO (Hector Aristy) Blog Post

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Categoría Articulo blog

“As humans, by nature, we want to be heard by someone who pays attention to our ideas ” The pandemic took our freedom to hug and share with our teammates face to face or move
to their workspace just to know how they are doing. That is why reserving time to perform these,once natural daily tasks, is extremely important in the remote environment. 1 on 1
meetings are key to maintain the team closer.

Our teammate, Technical Lead Hector Aristy explains to you how it works the 1 on 1 for us as a Person, Developer, and Manager. Go to the link in bio and read our newest article.

You have a question or comment? Let us hear from you!

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Artes FB/IG,
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Primera publicación para el artículo de Aristy.

Textos propuestos:

Using strategies to connect with your team is extremely important in today’s remote environment. Learn how 1 on 1’s can help you keep the office relationship and culture alive.
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Categoría Articulo blog

Copy Do you always ask yourself how to give a boost to your team in a positive way? Don’t look very far away; the key is dedicating time for a casual conversation.
Talk to your collaborators, ask them how they are doing, listen to their ideas and aspirations. Most of the times people someone to listen to them.
Give feedback where is needed or when is being asked for.
Read our newest article and learn how to be more connected with your teammates through 1 on 1’s.
Artes FB/IG,

Enlace para versión PDF

Infografía tipo documento:

Slide 1:
The key to connect with your team

Slide 2:
What’s an 1on1?

1on1’s are regular meetings between a leader and members of his or her team, where the human aspect of the relationship between them is impacted.

Slide 3:
Why do and your team needs it?

Through the 1on1 you create an environment of familiarity, in which everyone can feel open to talk about work-related problems or personal situations.

Slide 4:

This kind of meetings can give to your team the answers to their questions like:

- How do I know I am doing a good job?

- How is my work being evaluated?
- Do I need to improve my work?

Slide 5:
Don’t forget to keep this information for the future and share it with your colleagues!

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Categoría Articulo blog

Copy Hello all!

We've got amazing news and that is, we have a new article on the blog!

Lately, some of our collaborators have dedicated part of their time to write articles for the blog where they touch on super interesting topics in their respective fields. We encourage you
to visit our blog and read the entry written by Hector Aristy where he talks about the implementation of the 1on1 meetings and how these impact the team from a human and professional

Read on and share your experience using this powerful tool in your own team.

Artes FB/IG, Vídeo Aristy:


Hello GBH Family!

I'm Hector Aristy, Engineering Manager. Many of us know what a 1on1 is as we have participated in them at some point in our journey at GBH. However, this can have different
perspectives depending on the role we are playing in the organization, either as a team lead, collaborator, or mentor to touch personal and growth aspects. In my article "1on1, our new
way to connect with the team", I talk about these three categories and some recommendations that we can take into account for your next 1on1 or interaction with members of your

Support us by reading it and tell us what other strategies could also be used to improve communication among team members..

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Categoría Articulo blog

Copy Do you know what your team members really need? What are their expectations ? These are questions that all leaders should make.

In today’s workforce it is more important than ever to know what drives your team members outside compensation. Do you know what it is?

Read our newest article and discover what they want through 1 on 1’s.

Don’t forget to share!


Texto Animación:

Our new way to connect with the team... is not using our phones to send messages to each other.

It's not being together in the same room.

It's not hanging out at the end of the work shift.

It's talking with each other, getting to know the personal side, knowing our aspirations, listening, and learning how to be more human.

It's being there to support each other with work and personal matters.

It's having an honest conversation that helps us be better at what we do and others to be a better version of themselves as well.

Our new way to connect with the team... is understanding everyone who works with us, their dreams, goals, and expectations.

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Categoría Articulo blog

CLIENTES: EMAIL PARA ENVIAR A CLIENTES GBH, recomendamos sea una plantilla que se pueda reutilizar con cambio de foto para proximos articulos.


Asunto: ¿Es lo mismo crear un lazo que conectar con tu equipo?

Hola, @cliente

En GBH hemos llegado a la conclusión que conectar es mucho más importante que crear un lazo, pues estos se van formando con el tiempo. Sin embargo, conocer y
conectar con nuestro equipo, es uno de los primeros pasos con lo que podemos darles la bienvenida una vez que ya están con nosotros.

Si tú y tu equipo comparten una mentalidad parecida a la nuestra o no comparten esta opinión en lo absoluto, no importa. Para ello compartimos contigo nuestro más
reciente artículo sobre los 1on1, nuestra nueva forma de conectar. Este artículo fue escrito por Héctor Aristy, Engineering Manager en nuestra empresa el cual aborda
las diferentes perspectivas para analizan estas reuniones periódicas que te ayudan a conocer más de aquellas personas que te rodean en el ambiente laboral.
Esperamos que esta información te sea útil en cualquier parte de tu vida,

Un abrazo

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