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Name ___________________________________________________________

Theology 12 World Religions (Mr. Phillips)

Some Unit 1 Review Work

The Catholic Church and Non-Christian Religions - Fill in the blanks.

 From the earliest centuries of Christianity, Christians have often blamed the death of Jesus on the

________________, which is sadly ironic, since Jesus himself was _____________________.

 In the Middle Ages, there was a great deal of violence between Christians and Muslims in wars called the


 In the age of Colonialism and Imperialism, the Christian approach to people of non-Christian religions was often

to do anything to get them to ______________________ to Christianity.

 In the 20th Century, the Catholic Church tried to change the way Christians relate to non-Christians at the Second

__________________________ ___________________________.

 ______________________ ______________________ was a ground-breaking document from this council.

o It was published in the year ______________.

o It was originally a document on _________________________ alone, but was revised to include other


o It mentions the following religions by name: ________________________________,

___________________________, ___________________________, and _________________________.

o It explicitly states that “the Catholic Church rejects nothing of what is _____________________ and

___________________” in non-Christian religions.

o It brought about changes in the Church’s ________________________ and _______________________.

o It has led to an increase in interfaith _______________________________.

Vocabulary - Fill in the blanks.

 A religion’s understanding of the nature of the universe is called its ________________________________.

 A ___________________ is a story that tends to answer questions of origins and serves as a source of sacred

 The overcoming of the normal limitations imposed by the human condition, whether temporarily or abidingly, is

called _______________________________________.

 ____________________________________ is the transmission of the divine will or knowledge to human beings.

 ____________________________________ is the belief in one God, ___________________________________

is the belief in many gods, and ____________________________________ is the belief that the divine reality

exists in everything.

The Seven Dimensions of Religion – For each of the following, identify of which dimension of religion it is an example.

 a Buddhist temple ________________________________________________

 a creed or list of core beliefs ________________________________________________

 a meal with family and friends on a religious holiday ________________________________________________

 a tallit, or Jewish prayer shawl ________________________________________________

 a prohibition against theft ________________________________________________

 a Jewish Bar Mitzvah celebration ________________________________________________

 the seven sacraments of Catholic Christianity ________________________________________________

 experiencing God’s presence in personal prayer ________________________________________________

 the Puranas (a category of the Hindu scriptures) ________________________________________________

 giving financial support to a needy family in one’s church _____________________________________________

 Buddhism’s emphasis on the need to be compassionate _____________________________________________

 Belief in reincarnation in Hinduism ________________________________________________

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