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Directions (1-4): In each of the questions given below a sentence is given with three blanks.
These sentences are then followed by five options with the combination of the words that must
fill all the blanks to make it both grammatically and contextually correct. Choose the option
which best fits these three blanks.

Q1. The macroeconomic policy pursued in the past five years needs ________. The government has
continued with fiscal ___________, or shrinking the deficit, while ___________ the Reserve Bank of
India (RBI) to exclusively target inflation leaving aside all other considerations.

(A) reconditioning, imbalance, ratified

(B) revamp, segregate, directing

(C) ramification, stabilization, meandering

(D) acknowledgement, improvement, prohibiting

(E) overhauling, consolidation, mandating

Q2. It is ___________ that all school boards learn from Telangana’s mistakes. The tragic consequence
of examination ___________ is a _____________ of student suicides.

(A) indispensable, fiasco, lest

(B) imperative, muddles, spate

(C) surmounting, rhetoric, impasse

(D) peremptory, flustering, impassive

(E) Castigating, confusion, succession

Q3. ____________ by a growing Taliban insurgency, peace today remains ____________.

___________ with the Taliban is increasingly projected as the way forward.

(A) Suffering, decisive, dialogue

(B) Agonized, palpable, resolution

(C) tormented, evasive, appeasement

(D) Wracked, elusive, reconciliation

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800  

Drona PDF 43

(E) Setback, imperative, annihilation

Q4. A __________ of data collectively and individually point to one worrying ___________:
economic momentum across sectors is slowing in the _________ absence of that key ingredient,

(A) welter, conclusion, widening

(B) spate, reminiscent, stiff

(C) fluster, insensate, increasing

(D) system, outcome, philandering

(E) plethora, conviction, unerring


1. E

Solution: Option (e) is the correct choice for the given question.

In the first blank overhauling makes sense as we are talking about the previous policies and in next
line we are talking about the steps taken to exclusively target inflations which indicates that older
policies need improvement and modification. Fiscal means relating to government revenue, especially
taxes therefore if we are to overhaul the policies we need to strengthen the revenue therefore
consolidation fits appropriately. To overhaul the financial system government has given RBI the
authority to target inflation exclusively therefore the use of mandating is correct.

Overhauling means take apart (a piece of machinery or equipment) in order to examine it and repair
it if necessary.

Consolidation means the action or process of making something stronger or more solid.

Mandating means give (someone) authority to act in a certain way.

2. B

Solution: In the 1st blank imperative is correct because the mistakes in Telangana has led to suicides

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Drona PDF 43

and therefore 1st sentence imply that there is a need to learn from the mistakes. Due to the misconduct
of examinations (muddles is signifying the misconduct) there is a series (and hence spate) of

Imperative means of vital importance; crucial.

Muddles means bring into a disordered or confusing state.

Spate means a large number of similar things coming in quick succession.

3. D

Solution: The 1st blank has an impact on the word “peace” and due to the word “insurgency” we can
expect a “setback” therefore wracked is the appropriate choice. 2nd blank is the result of 1st blank
therefore we can infer that peace is difficult to achieve and hence “elusive” is used. As a way forward
peace is necessary and thus reconciliation which means the restoration of friendly relations is needed.

Reconciliation means the restoration of friendly relations.

Wracked means cause extreme pain, anguish, or distress to.

Elusive means difficult to find, catch, or achieve.

4. A

Solution: As welter means a large number of items therefore its use before data solidifies its use here
which collectively mean “a large collection of data”. The collective data is pointing towards an
outcome which can be inferred from the sentence after the blank and therefore conclusion is the
correct choice for the 2nd blank. Widening is correct in 3rd blank as it signifies “increasing” absence
and hence gives the sentence a proper structure.

Welter means a large number of items in no order; a confused mass.

Conviction means a formal declaration by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of
law that someone is guilty of a criminal offence.

Insensate means lacking physical sensation.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800  

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