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Paper 3 Specimen Paper 1


PAGE 2 Mark Scheme: Teacher’s Version Syllabus Paper

2273 02

Question Answer Marks

1 (a) Study Source A [4]

What does the source tell you about the SJAB getting shut down?
Explain your answer
Level 1- Answers without addressing the question at all 1
Eg: Marion Tan was happy to shut CCAs down
(nothing to do with SJAB)
Level 2- 1 or 2 sub-messages but valid inferences 2-3
Award 2m for one inference and 3m for two inferences
Eg: SJAB is reluctant to leave SASS (why?)
SJAB had no choice but to leave SASS (why?)
Marion Tan was responsible for shutting SJAB down (incl.)
Level 3- Main message with evidence and explanation 3-4
Eg: The SJAB was FORCED out of SASS because of Marion Tan
[keyword: FORCED; must be present for Level 3 marks]
“The picture shows the passenger (representing SJAB) struggling while
the flight attendant (Marion Tan) continues to pull the passenger out of
the plane”
Then explain for 4 marks; for answers without explanations, award 3

(b) Study Source B [5]

Why do you think the Teacher-In-Charge made such a comment?

Explain your answer
Level 1- Answers with just a message, no audience or wrong target 1-2
audience given
Award 1m for no attempts to explain; 2m for a visible attempt to
Eg: The TIC was reluctant to let SJAB shut down.
(Give evidence and explain)
Level 2- Answers with the correct target audience 3-4
3m for no explanation; 4m with explanation
Eg: This comment was made to convince the SJAB members that…
(Give evidence and explain)
Level 3- As with L2 but with intended outcome 5

-The intended outcome of this source is for the SJAB members to

support the Principal’s decision to shut the SJAB down because she has
personal reasons

PAGE 3 Mark Scheme: Teacher’s Version Syllabus Paper

2273 02

Question Answer Marks

1 (c) Study Sources C and D [6]

How different are the sources? Explain your answer, using evidence
from the sources
Level 1- Answers without addressing the question at all or by 1
comparing provenance only

Level 2- Comparison of CONTENT; giving either only a similarity or 2-4

a difference
2m for only a comparison
3-4m if candidate attempts to explain it with evidence
Eg: The sources are similar because both of them agree that the SJAB
has contributed a lot to the school

The sources are different because Source C claims that the Principal
does not have a good reason to shut the SJAB down but Source D
claims that the Principal has a good reason to shut the SJAB down
(Give evidence and explain for both)
Level 3- Comparison of CONTENT; giving a similarity AND a 5
As with L2 but with both aspects
Level 4- Comparison of PURPOSE or OPINION 6

Eg: Source C has a negative opinion on the shutting down of SJAB but
Source D has a mostly positive view

(d) Study Source E [7]

Are you surprised by the source? Explain your answer

Level 1- Answers without addressing the question 1

Giving a message of the source even though this question tests the skill
on analysing bias or cross-referencing
Level 2- Misunderstood the source 2

“The SJAB needs help from other non SJAB members to be successful”
Level 3- Uncritical analysis of bias 3
Eg: I am surprised by the source because it claims that the SJAB is
helpful to the school (in what way?)
Level 4- Cross-references to one other source that challenges or agrees 4-5
with the source


Level 5- Cross-references to TWO other sources, one agreeing and the 6

other disagreeing with Source E

Eg: Both aspects of L4

Level 6- L5 + CRITICAL analysis of source 7

Note: This question carries 7 marks, which is unusually high for a non-
assertion question

1 (e) Study all the sources [8]

“Marion Tan made a very bad decision by shutting down SJAB”. How
far-do the sources support this statement? Use the sources and your
knowledge to explain your answer
To gain at least 7 marks, at least four sources must be analyzed, two that EXP NA
agree with the statement and two that disagree


One of the four sources must have a test for reliability for the full marks

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