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The National Center for Teacher Education

South Luzon Campus
Lopez, Quezon

Rizzia Lyneth A. Sargento


200 Pounds Beauty


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If you did not see yourself as beautiful then you are
not beautiful. The color of being a beautiful person can see on its personality and attitudes.

In the movie 200 Pounds Beauty, it shows how important beauty is. It is important to be
presentable in front of other people for them to respect you. In the movie I saw that looks is more
important for them. The movie gives lesson to all the viewers and it is to be presentable and
respectable in front of other people. The movie also shows that beauty without attitude is a
waste. It is important for a person to care their outside appearance not because you want to be
beautiful to the other people but to be presentable and trustworthy.

As a future teacher of the new generation, I need to presentable for them. I need to care
my outside appearance for my students to give their trust on me. Being a teacher is like being
model. You need to be beautiful, to be confident enough to face the people and to be presentable
to get all the trust of the people. Being a model is synonymous for being a teacher, a teacher
must be beautiful and presentable to their students. It is the way for the students to believe what
are they saying and doing. Teacher is the model of good values and anything that the students
may learn.

This is what I learned in the movie. There are people who did not believe and idolized
you if you are not beautiful. As I observe on the people nowadays, they only see the outside
appearance of the person. Many people think that the outside appearance is more important than
anything else. But for me, attitude and how you respect other people is more important and the
second important is on how you present yourself in front of other people.

All of the creations of God are beautiful. That is why we don’t need to judge other people
because of their different looks. I believe that all of the people are beautiful in their own way; it
is on how they bring themselves. But we need to always remember that we need to care for
ourselves, on our appearance for them to respect and believe you.

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