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Departement of
Faculty of Science and Data Analytics
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
NAMA MK : Algoritma dan pemrograman
KODE MK : KM184202
NAMA DOSEN / TIM : Dr. Dwi Ratna Sulistyaningrum, MT
NAMA KOORDINATOR MK : Dr. Dwi Ratna Sulistyaningrum, MT

COURSE : Algorithm and Programming

CODE : KM184202
LECTURER / TEAM : Dr. Dwi Ratna Sulistyaningrum, MT
COURSE COORDINATOR : Dr. Dwi Ratna Sulistyaningrum, MT

I. Halaman Pengesahan / Endorsement Page


Nama Fakultas: Fakultas Sains dan Analitika Data
Faculty Name: Faculty of Science And Data Analitycs
Nama Prodi: Matematika
Program Name: Mathematics
Sem: 7
Nama MK: Riset Operasi II
Course: Operation Research II
Kode/Code: Bobot sks /Credits(T/P): 2 Rumpun MK: ilmu komputer Smt: 7
KM184405 Cluster Course: Computer
OTORISASI Penyusun Koordinator RMK Kepala Departemen
AUTHORIZATION Compiler Cluster Coordinator Head of Department

Dr. Dwi Ratna Prof. DR. Mohammad Isa Subchan, S.Si., M.Sc.,
Sulistyaningrum, MT Irawan, MT Ph.D

Tanggal/Date: ….. Tanggal/Date: ….. Tanggal/Date: …..

II. CPL yang dibebankan pada MK / PLO Charged to The Course

CPL Prodi / PLO

Sub CP CPL 1 CPL 2 CPL 3 CPL 4 CPL 5 CPL 6 CPL 7
Sub LO PLO 1 PLO 2 PLO 3 PLO 4 PLO 5 PLO 7 PLO 7
Sub CP MK 1 V v
Sub CLO 1
Sub CP MK2 v v
Sub CLO 2

III. Bobot CPL yang dibebankan pada MK / Load of PLO Charged to The

Bobot CPL Prodi pada setiap Sub CP MK

Sub CP CPL 1 CPL 2 CPL 3 CPL 4 CPL 5 CPL 6 CPL 7 Total
Sub LO PLO 1 PLO 2 PLO 3 PLO 4 PLO 5 PLO 7 PLO 7
Sub CP MK 1 0.20 0.235 0.435
Sub CLO 1
Sub CP MK2 0.22 0.245 0.565
Sub CLO 2
Total 0.42 0.48 1.00
IV. Rencana Penilaian / Asesmen & Evaluasi RAE), dan Rencana Tugas /
Assessment & Evaluation Plan (A&EP) and Assignment Plan


Bachelor Degree Program of Mathematics Department
Faculty of Science and Data Analytics Tuliskan
MK : Algoritma dan Pemrograman Kode Dok
Course: Algorithm and Programming
Kode/Code: Bobot sks /Credits (T/P): 2 sks Rumpun MK: Ilmu Komputer Smt: 8
KM184821 Course cluster : computer science
OTORISASI Penyusun RA & E Koordinator RMK Ka PRODI
AUTHORIZATION Compiler A&EP Course Cluster Coordinator Head of Dept.

Subchan, S.Si.,
M.Sc., Ph.D

Sub CP-MK /
Mg ke/ Bentuk Asesmen (Penilaian) Bobot /
Lesson Learning
Week Form of Assessment Load (%)
Outcomes (LLO)
(1) (3) (4)
1 Mahasiswa mampu Diskusi
menjelaskan paradigma
pemrograman serta Discussion
mengenal bahasa-bahasa

Students are able to

explain the programming
paradigm as well as to
know the programming
2 Mahasiswa mampu Tugas- Problem & Solving)
menjelaskan definisi
algoritma dan Task- (Problem & Solving)
mengetahui kriteria
algoritma serta mampu
membuat flowchart
program (2,3)

Students are able to

explain the definition of
the algorithm and know
the algorithm criteria and
able to make the program
flowchart (2,3)
Sub CP-MK /
Mg ke/ Bentuk Asesmen (Penilaian) Bobot /
Lesson Learning
Week Form of Assessment Load (%)
Outcomes (LLO)
(1) (3) (4)
3 Mahasiswa mampu Quiz-1
menjelaskan definisi
pseudo-code berdasarkan Quiz-1
flowchart program (4)

Students are able to

explain the definition of
pseudo-code based on
program flowchart (4)
4 Mahasiswa mampu Tugas, Praktikum
menjelaskan prinsip dasar
pemrograman Java Tasks, Practice
meliputi tipe data,
keyword, konstanta,

Students are able to

explain the basic
principles of Java
programming include
data types, keywords,
constants, variables
5 Mahasiswa mampu  Tugas
menerapkan konsep  Diskusi
struktur Input-Output dan  Praktikum
Operator dalam
pemrograman.  Tasks
 Discussion
Students are able to apply Practice
the concept of control
structure (condition /
branching and repetition)
in programming.
6,7 Mahasiswa mampu  Tugas
menerapkan konsep  Diskusi
struktur control  Praktikum
(kondisi/percabangan dan  QUIZ
pengulangan) dalam
pemrograman.  Tasks
 Discussion
Students are able to apply  Practice
the concept of control QUIZ
structure (condition /
branching and repetition)
in programming.
8 Evaluasi Tengah Semester / Mid Semester Evaluation
Sub CP-MK /
Mg ke/ Bentuk Asesmen (Penilaian) Bobot /
Lesson Learning
Week Form of Assessment Load (%)
Outcomes (LLO)
(1) (3) (4)
9-10 Mahasiswa mampu Tugas, Praktikum
menerapkan konsep
fungsi (method) dalam Tasks, Practice

Students are able to apply

the concept of function
(method) in
11 Mahasiswa mampu Tugas, Praktikum
menerapkan konsep data
bertipe array 1D dan 2D Tasks, Practice
dalam pemrograman.

Students are able to apply

the concept of data type
1D and 2D arrays in
12  Mahasiswa mampu Tugas, Praktikum
menerapkan konsep
rekursif dan Tasks, Practice
dengan iteratif
 Mahasiswa mampu
mengem bangkan
metode rekursif untuk
fungsi matematika
 Mahasiswa mampu
menyele saikan
masalah dengan

 Students are able to

apply recursive
concept and compare
with iterative.
 Students are able to
develop a recursive
method for
Students are able to solve
problems with recursive.
13 Mahasiswa mampu  Tugas
menerapkan manipulasi  Praktikum
string dengan dengan  QUIZ
Sub CP-MK /
Mg ke/ Bentuk Asesmen (Penilaian) Bobot /
Lesson Learning
Week Form of Assessment Load (%)
Outcomes (LLO)
(1) (3) (4)
class library String pada  Task
JAVA  Practice
Students are able to apply
string manipulation with
String class library in JAVA
14 Mahasiswa mampu Tugas, Praktikum
menerapkan konsep
toolkit GUI Java untuk Tasks, Practice
pembuatan program
berbasis GUI

Students are able to apply

Java GUI toolkit concept
for GUI based
15 Mahasiswa mampu Tugas, Praktikum
memahami konsep Event-
Driven dan mampu Tasks, Practice
dalam Matlab

Students are able to

understand Event-Driven
concepts and are able to
implement in Matlab
16 Evaluasi akhir semester / Final Semester Evaluation
Total bobot penilaian
V. Penilaian Sub CP MK / CLO Assessment
NRP Nilai Sub Nilai Sub Keterangan (lulus
No Nama Mahasiswa Action Plan
Mahasiswa CP MK 1 CP MK 2 / Tidak Lulus)
1 6111840000072 GIGIH BONARO GITAPRAMUDYA 30.45 39.55 L

VI. Penilaian CPL yang dibebankan pada MK berdasarkan pada nilai Sub CP MK / PLO assessment charged to the course based on
CLO assessment

NRP Keterangan (lulus /

No Nama Mahasiswa Nilai CPL 1 Nilai CPL 2 Action Plan
Mahasiswa Tidak Lulus)
1 GIGIH BONARO 69.4 70.45 L
VII. Tindakan hasil Evaluasi untuk Perbaikan / Action plan evaluation for
Tuliskan tindakan yang akan dilakukan baik oleh Dosen – maupun usulan ke Prodi untuk
Perbaikan – terkait dengan evaluasi ketercapaian CPL

Unsur yang di evaluasi

CPL Prodi
CP MK Dosen
Sub CP MK Dosen
Model Pembelajaran Prodi + Dosen
Bentuk asesmen Prodi + Dosen
A. Rencana Tugas & Rubrik Penilaian / Assignment plan and assessment rubric
Sub CP-MK /
Mg ke/ Bentuk Asesmen (Penilaian) Bobot /
Lesson Learning
Week Form of Assessment Load (%)
Outcomes (LLO)
(1) (3) (4)
1 Mahasiswa mampu Diskusi
menjelaskan paradigma
pemrograman serta Discussion
mengenal bahasa-bahasa

Students are able to

explain the programming
paradigm as well as to
know the programming
2 Mahasiswa mampu Tugas- Problem & Solving)
menjelaskan definisi
algoritma dan Task- (Problem & Solving)
mengetahui kriteria
algoritma serta mampu
membuat flowchart
program (2,3)

Students are able to

explain the definition of
the algorithm and know
the algorithm criteria and
able to make the program
flowchart (2,3)
3 Mahasiswa mampu Quiz-1
menjelaskan definisi
pseudo-code berdasarkan Quiz-1
flowchart program (4)

Students are able to

explain the definition of
pseudo-code based on
program flowchart (4)
4 Mahasiswa mampu Tugas, Praktikum
menjelaskan prinsip dasar
pemrograman Java Tasks, Practice
meliputi tipe data,
keyword, konstanta,
Sub CP-MK /
Mg ke/ Bentuk Asesmen (Penilaian) Bobot /
Lesson Learning
Week Form of Assessment Load (%)
Outcomes (LLO)
(1) (3) (4)
Students are able to
explain the basic
principles of Java
programming include
data types, keywords,
constants, variables
5 Mahasiswa mampu  Tugas
menerapkan konsep  Diskusi
struktur Input-Output dan  Praktikum
Operator dalam
pemrograman.  Tasks
 Discussion
Students are able to apply Practice
the concept of control
structure (condition /
branching and repetition)
in programming.
6,7 Mahasiswa mampu  Tugas
menerapkan konsep  Diskusi
struktur control  Praktikum
(kondisi/percabangan dan  QUIZ
pengulangan) dalam
pemrograman.  Tasks
 Discussion
Students are able to apply  Practice
the concept of control QUIZ
structure (condition /
branching and repetition)
in programming.
8 Evaluasi Tengah Semester / Mid Semester Evaluation
9-10 Mahasiswa mampu Tugas, Praktikum
menerapkan konsep
fungsi (method) dalam Tasks, Practice

Students are able to apply

the concept of function
(method) in
11 Mahasiswa mampu Tugas, Praktikum
menerapkan konsep data
bertipe array 1D dan 2D Tasks, Practice
dalam pemrograman.

Students are able to apply

the concept of data type
Sub CP-MK /
Mg ke/ Bentuk Asesmen (Penilaian) Bobot /
Lesson Learning
Week Form of Assessment Load (%)
Outcomes (LLO)
(1) (3) (4)
1D and 2D arrays in
12  Mahasiswa mampu Tugas, Praktikum
menerapkan konsep
rekursif dan Tasks, Practice
dengan iteratif
 Mahasiswa mampu
mengem bangkan
metode rekursif untuk
fungsi matematika
 Mahasiswa mampu
menyele saikan
masalah dengan

 Students are able to

apply recursive
concept and compare
with iterative.
 Students are able to
develop a recursive
method for
Students are able to solve
problems with recursive.
13 Mahasiswa mampu  Tugas
menerapkan manipulasi  Praktikum
string dengan dengan  QUIZ
class library String pada
JAVA  Task
 Practice
Students are able to apply  QUIZ
string manipulation with
String class library in JAVA
14 Mahasiswa mampu Tugas, Praktikum
menerapkan konsep
toolkit GUI Java untuk Tasks, Practice
pembuatan program
berbasis GUI

Students are able to apply

Java GUI toolkit concept
for GUI based
Sub CP-MK /
Mg ke/ Bentuk Asesmen (Penilaian) Bobot /
Lesson Learning
Week Form of Assessment Load (%)
Outcomes (LLO)
(1) (3) (4)
15 Mahasiswa mampu Tugas, Praktikum
memahami konsep Event-
Driven dan mampu Tasks, Practice
dalam Matlab

Students are able to

understand Event-Driven
concepts and are able to
implement in Matlab
16 Evaluasi akhir semester / Final Semester Evaluation
Total bobot penilaian
B. Rubrik Atau Marking Scheme Assessment / Rubric or marking Marking Scheme
C. Bukti – soal (Asesmen dan Tugas) / Evidence of assignment and assessment
D. Bukti jawaban soal dan Hasil Tugas / Evidence of solution and assignment result
1. Final Semester Evaluation

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