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ABC Community School

Kellie Olsen

by Unknown Author is licensed under


Teaching and Learning with Technology is imperative to a students need now more than ever. It

is important for students to learn how to use and understand technology, apps, and software

because that is what the new generation of students is all about. After the 2020 pandemic, the

Clark County School District faced many challenges trying to continue teaching students while

distant learning. According to the Las Vegas Review Journal, “ Senate Bill 215, passed on

March 11, 2021, requires school districts to develop and implement distance learning plans,

provide necessary remote technology, and allow students to move through school at a faster
pace.” In addition, Senate Bill 444, passed on May 10, 2021, “ Appropriates $268 million for

education for the 2019-21 period to cover a decrease in revenue.” Dentzer, B (2021, June 01)

Here are some bills that passed the 2021 legislature. Las Vegas Review Journal.


Before the pandemic most teachers and students were not familiar with online- learning and had

no idea how to teach or use online platforms. This created many struggles for teachers and

students in Nevada. According to State Senator, Mo Denis, “We need to ensure that Nevada's

laws create the flexibility needed to ensure student success no matter where their classrooms or

their style of learning,” In addition he stated, “We're at a moment in time where everything has

come together to allow us to now move forward in education to really work on innovative ways

in doing things a different way than we've done in the past, to help our kids learn even better,”

Identification of Standards:

Nevada Performance Indicators and National Educational Technology Standards impact

instruction across different grade levels. I believe technology instruction should be taught
throughout elementary, middle, and high school grades. However, each year should set the next
year up for success. It’s important that students are taught levels to technology. That way when a
student is ready for college or work they can utilize what they learn instead of having to relearn
how to do everything all over again. Students should be able to demonstrate Empowered Learner
1c of NETS Standard Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their
practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.

Lesson Plan: A Geography Lesson

Name of lesson: Identify the 7 continents and Create your own 8th continent

Grade level Appropriateness: 3rd grade

Technology Content Standard Addressed: Creative Communicator NETS Standard 6a Students
choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of their creation or

Other Content Standard Addressed: Empowered Learner 1c of NETS Standard Students use

technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their
learning in a variety of ways.

Objective: Students will be able to name and identify the seven continents. In addition, students
will create their own continent by using Pages. Students should be able to demonstrate A Content
STANDARD for technology might be: "Select and manipulate tools for tasks in computer and
technology areas"

Materials needed to facilitate the lesson: Computer Software Pages

Suggested Group size: Individual based lesson

Procedures: Create your own continent by using a software called Pages.

Watch this fun video to help learn the 7 continents of the world

7 Continents Song

Follow the Directions below to complete the assignment.

1. In Pages, choose a Blank Landscape template.

2. Next, click on the SHAPES icon then click on DRAW WITH PEN. You can now begin

to design your continents shape.

Helpful tips:

*Double click points to toggle between straight and curved lines.

*Drag a midpoint to divide a line and add a new point

3. Once you have created the outline of your continents shape choose a color to fill your

continent. Tap on a shape or text box to select it. Then tap STYLE then FILL and choose

a color.

4. Next click on TEXT to enter and change font/size of your continent. ( refer back to the

above illustration)

Assessment: This 20 point lesson will be graded off students understanding to successfully create

an image using Pages and completing the following requirements:

(5) points for students continent

(5) points for effectively adding a text box with Name of Continent

(5) points for watching video and memorizing the 7 continents

(5) points for adding color to image

Student Sample:

See attachment to successfully complete your lesson Plan

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