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SPRING 2021, GENE 60

Date of submission: WEEK 5

NAME: …………………bawa singh …………….

ID: …………………4311994…………………





Item Marks Marks

Introduction 4
Rationale of 4
Accomplishmen 4
Skills 4
Career 4
Total 20


Utilize self-assessment tools and techniques to identify skills, abilities, strengths
and weaknesses

Assignment #2 – 10%)


Make sure you have completed the assessments on pages 4-19 in your copy of “Get a job”
workbook before attempting this exercise.

In paragraph format, answer the following questions:

1. Introduce yourself (Tell me a little bit about yourself, your academic background etc.)
ANSWER ; my name is bawa singh . I am living in canada and I am from india (punjab) . I have
completed my high education at local school at dinanagar .after my hjigh studies . I pursued my
further studies in canada at alpha international acedemy .actually i interested in computer and it
is program so ichoose these subject . This subjects includes programming , linux and many
other subjects . So far I worked many big organizations and company as a volunter and I worked
in canadian envrionment . So this is my short introduction about myself .
2. Why did you choose this area/program of study?
Computer networking is growning day by day and And it also bringing alots of opportunities for
us and most importantly this area have their value for us like we develope our own program and
make something different from others for example mark zukerberg he knows every espect of
this system so he is now able to run such big websites and companies like Facebook instagram
and many more
3. What will a potential employer find attractive about your current or past accomplishments
and/or education?

throughout my life i have experienced many tasks and where upon i think a capable employer
find tasks that make him satisfy from heart and feel proud it was the time when i was in my 9
standard and there was our group project . We were very enthusiastic about this project and
somehow we made a extraordinary space project with lightning and rotatiton wheel . And most
important thing is i got team work and coordination skill that brighten me . So this kind of
things make a potential employer more attractive toward their work
4. List your top 5 marketable skills, related to your area of study and give at least one example of
how you have put each of them to practice. (You can include your transferable skills and
technical skills.)
1. Problem solving

2. Team work

3. Coördination

4 puntuality

5 time management

Here i would like to dicuss i situation where i have feced all these skill to program myself last
year i worked in a bakery where i worked as a helper of line leader so i have to see the line
.after line leader it’s my responsibility to manage line and not to fall down cookie boxes and
there i learned my skills . Once leader took holiday because he was sick so supervisor gave me
this responsibility to handle line and make skids under given time and i had to manage all of
thing . It was too complicated for me but somehow i did and after that i felt that this was
awesome experience because I learned alot with it so this time taught me team work , problem
solving and many skill that made me capable to handle a tricky situation

5. What is your biggest career aspiration (now or for future)?


 Computer type, no hand written assignment please

 Font size: 12
 Font style: Times new roman
 Gap between the lines: 1.5
 Five to seven pages

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