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Prepositional Phrases

A C o m p lete th e b la n k s w it h the p r e p o s ition s in , on o r at.

__________ a farm __________ the righ t/left __________ __prison ___________ __ a queue

__________ work __________ the North __________ __ the back of ___________ __ school

__________ town __________ 17 Walkley Road __________ __ the door ___________ __ the suburbs

__________ university __________ the outskirts __________ __ the mountains ___________ __ rows/a row

__________ the cou ntry __________ an island __________ __ the crossroads ___________ __ Park Avenue

B R ead th e sentence s an d c o m p le te th em w it h th e p re p o s itio n s in , on o r at.

1 My brother is working part-tim e ___________ the hospital.

2 There is a TV se t___________ the corn er of the room.

3 James s its ___________ the fro n t of the class.

4 They went on a boat rid e ___________ the river.

5 Homeless people sleep___________ the streets of most major cities.

6 He had to sta y___________ hospital for a week after his operation.

7 My girlfrie nd is waitin g fo r m e ___________ the corner.

8 The robbers parked the ir c a r___________ fr on t of the bank.

C Read th e sen ten ce s a n d c o m p le te th e m w it h the p re p o s itio n s in , on , at, by, fo r, fr o m o r o u t.

1 You can hand in your assignments___________ Tu esday____________ th e ve ry latest.

2 A tattoo is ___________ life. So, think carefully before deciding on having one done.

3 Kick-off is in tw enty minutes, s o ___________ the meantime, do your warm-up exercises.

4 the beginning, I didn’t w ant to have a p a rty ____________ my birthday, but now I’ve changed my mind.

5 Typewriters are alre ady ___________ of date.

6 You should read the in tro du ction ___________ the beginning of the book.

7 now on, no one is allowed to enter the school building during the lunch break.

8 I haven’t seen Michael___________ ages, so I’m going to visit h im ________ the weekend.

9 It’s a pity I have to remain in d oors ___________ such a nice day.

10 I can’t talk to y o u ___________ the moment. Ring me back ____________ a while.

11 It’s difficult to see the moon in the s k y___________ day.

12 I’m really w orried about Sam. He should have been here ___________ now.
unit0 2

Read th e sentences on the left and m atch the phrasal verbs w ith the ir definitions on the rig h t b y w riting the
corre ct n um b e r in the box ne xt to each d efin itio n.

1 Jo e w as a fu ss y pe rs on an d difficult to get on /along with.
2 T h e polic e s u r ro u n de d the bu ild in g , m ak in g it diffic ult for the crim in als
ov e rc o me
to get away.
ma n a g e to live
3 He a lw ay s gets away with his bad b eh aviou r.
hav e a g o o d relationship
4 A large p er c ent ag e of the p o p ula tion get by on v e ry little m on ey.
avoid bein g pu nished
5 It took Be tty m on th s to get over he r f a th er ’s deat h.

1 T h e aut h orities de cl ar ed th e b ui ldin g unsafe a nd ha d it pulled down
ge t rid of sth u nwa nted
im med iate ly.
2 A stran g e rattlin g noise f orc ed t h e dr iv er to pull over on to the h ard m o v e closer to the side

shou ld er. of the road and stop (for

3 It was tim e I threw out / away m y old tra iners . T h e y we re t orn.

Words with Prepositions

A Com plete the blanks w ith prepositions.

Adjectives Nouns Verbs

am a ze d a d es cr iptio n distingu is h re m ind sb sth

careful a f ailure e x oe ri m en t sth (=teii sb again to d o sth)

cro w d ed a search glan ce rem ind sb sb/sth

(= seem sim ilar to sb/sth)

fed up a solu tion hear sb/sth

(=have in form ation ab out) smile

rea dy

satisf ied hea r sb specialis e

(-h a v e news from ) stare

join vo te

rega rd sb/sth

B Read the fo llo wing sentences a nd complete them w ith pre pos it io ns.

1 M u s t I alwa ys remind y o u _______________ the n ee d to follow the p ro p e r p ro c ed ur e?

2 I ha v e n ’t heard _______________ Lisa for ov er t w o w ee ks now.

3 T h e police re leased a description _______________ th e w a n ted man.

4 T h e pa rk was cro wded _______________ enthus ias tic te enag e rs celeb r atin g the end o f the sc hool year.

5 T h e r e m u s t b e a solution _______________ y o u r p rob le m.

6 “I’m a failure _______________ life,” d ec la re d the f a mo u s acto r to his a d o r in g fans.

7 In s o me c ult u re s staring _______________ people is con s ide r ed offensiv e.

unit 0 2
8 Have you heard ____________ the latest medical discovery?

9 A final search ____________ evidence at the scene of the crime proved fruitless.
10 You remind m e ____________ myself when I was your age.

Gramm ar Revision (Relative Clauses - Clauses of Time)

See Grammar Review page 148 ,

A Read the text belo w and com plete each bla nk with one word. A ll the m issin g words are relative pron ou ns
or adverb s.

Marilyn Monroe, (1 ) ___________________________ was one of the world’s most famous film stars, was born in 1926.

Marilyn, ( 2 ) ___________________________ real name was Norma Jean Baker, had a miserable childhood. She grew up

in Los Angeles, (3 ) ___________________________ she spent most of her early years in foster homes. That’s

( 4 ) ___________________________ she still felt lonely even when she became famous. She worked as a model and also

played m inor roles in various films before making “Niagara”, the film ( 5 ) ___________________________ made her very

popular. In 1954 she married Joe di Maggio, with ( 6 ) ___________________________ she entertained American troops

fighting in Korea. She went on to make many films, some of ( 7 ) ___________________________ were very successful such

as “Some Like it Hot”, “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” and “ Bus Stop”. Her film career ended tragically in 1962,

( 8 ) ___________________________ she died at the age of th irty six.

B Choose A, B, C or D to complete the f ollow ing sentences.

1 Celia was driving to the airport, she realised that she had left her passport at home.
A As soon as B As C During D Until
2 I will have finished stu dy ing ___________________________ the film starts.
A until B while C by the time D once
3 The audience started cla pping ___________________________ the singer came on stage.
A by the time B the moment C while D just
4 Peter w on’t leav e___________________________ he has finished all his work.
A until B by C just as D when
5 I haven’t heard from h im ___________________________ we finished school.
A before B as soon as C after D since
6 Jane was working as a jo u rn a list___________________________ she was writing her first book.
A during B while C just as D once
7 My mother used to c ry ___________________________ she heard this song.
A by the time B the moment that C whenever D until
8 The police officer returned my driving licence___________________________ he had checked it.
A ju st as B until C while D after
9 She burst out laug hing___________________________ she saw the clown.
A as soon as B since C un til D while
10 we got back to the hotel, it was already dark.
A The m oment t hat B A s soon as C By the time D Once
unit 0 2

My brother, who]s<fis a chemical engineer, works The room (which/that) he works in is small./
for a multinational company, (sub ject: who) The-*Qom4n-where-he-werks is small.-
Jennifer’s brother, who you met Qajfi at her party last T-h©K>©m-where-heworks-inis-small;-
week, is an engineer, (object: who) The-r©et»inthat'he-werks- is-smaftv— -
(Have only one w ord fo r the subject o r the object o f
the relative clause.) ? I have 3,000 stamps, some of which are valuable. S
I-kave-3-,00©-sta«tps,-someoHhat arevaiuabfe
Ann’s father, who/whom we met last week, is ill. / (expressions o f quan tity+w hom /which/whose)
Am^s-father, that w e met last w cck,4s-ift—
(That is not used in non-defining relative clauses.) ? Wh en I grow up, I want to become a dentist. /
Whefl-f w ill grow up, I want-to-becomea-dentist.
The man with whom she is talking is her He said he would call as soon as he returned. /
husband. / He-said-he-wo aldreali-as-SQ&nas-foewoutd return,
(preposition + w hom /wh ich) (Never use will and would after time words)
The-Haafl with who/tfrat-sheis-talking'isfrer
s>I visited two museums while I was on holiday. /

The man (who(m)/that) she is talking with is her I visited two museums during my holiday. /

husband. /
(w ho/w hom /w hich /tha t+prepositions) (d uring + noun)

The room where he works is small. /

The room in which he works is small. /

Key Transformations

& Students who wish to go on the day-trip should She always watched T V after she did / had done her
write their names on this list. homework.
Students wishing to go on the day-trip should write
their names on this list. & I will sign the document when I read / have read it.
I will sign the document after I read / have read it.
® She always did her homework first and then she I won’t sign the document before I read / have read
watched TV. it.
She never watched TV until she did / had done her I won’t sign the document until I read / have read it.
She never watched TV before doing / having done <0 Andrew left after/before breakfast.
her homework. Andrew left after/before having (had) breakfast.
She would never watch TV before she did / had Andrew left after/before he (had) had breakfast.
done her homework.
She always watched TV after doing / having done
her homework.
Examination Practice

A Choose the correct answer.

1 The Smiths b uilt a huge house___________ the outskirts 6 The e lectricity will be reconnected______________
of the town. the bill.
a. in b. on a. when you w ill pay b. when you pay
c. at d .to c. when you are paying d. during you pay
2 Once th e y ____________ we'll talk to them about it. 7 There are people who manage to g e t___________
a. came b. w ill come on very little money.
c. come d. are coming a. with b. over
3 The m an ____________ in the front row is c. round d. by
Mrs Davidson's nephew. 8 The h ote l___________ we stayed was perfect.
a. who is sitting b. where is sitting a. in where b. in which
c. who sitting d. that s itting c. which d. that
4 " _________ _ now on, you won't be allowed to use 9 The students le ft___________ they finished the test.
your mobile phones at school!" the headmaster warned a. as soon as b. as
the students. c. while d. until
a. By b. For 10 "What did you do on Saturday?"
c. At d. From "We visited the tow n ___________ our grandfather
5 My grandmother knitted me a ju m pe r___________ grew up.
are too long. a. which b. that
a. which the sleeves b. that the sleeves c. where d. when
c. the sleeves of that d. the sleeves of which

B Complete the seco nd sentence so that it has a sim ilar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given
unchanged. You must us e be tween tw o and five wor ds, including the w ord given.

1 Here’s the house where I lived as a child.

in Here’s the ho us e________________________________;__________________________as a child.
2 I don’t know w hat made her quit her job.
reason I don’t __________________________________________________________ she quit her job.
3 Passengers wishing to get up can do so after the seat belt light has gone off.
who Passengers_____________________________________________________ can do so after the seat belt light has gone off.
4 He did n’t study enough fo r his exams, so he failed tw o of them.
caused He didn’t study enough for his exams_______________________________________________________ two of them.
5 He always checked his car tyres before setting off on a journey.
un til He never s eto ff on a jo urn ey _____________________________________________his car tyres.
6 I’ve read all of Jane Austen’s novels and there were only a couple th at I did n’t enjoy.
most I’ve read all of Jane Austen’s no vels,__________________________________________________________ I enjoyed.
7 Dr Williams is a cardiologist and has his surgery on the second floor.
whose Dr W illiam s,__________________________________________________________ on the second floor, is a cardiologist.
8 Last week Phil took part in a spelling competition and won first prize,
in Phil won first prize in a spelling com petition ______________________________________________________ last week.
unit 0 2

S e c tm

Worcft easily confused

. se the correct form of the words in th e boxes to com plete the senten ces in ea ch group A-G b elow. You m ay
use som e of the w ords m ore than once. In some cases, m ore th an one w ord m ay be correct.

look see watch notice regard stare glance observe

1 We spent weeks in A frica________________________ the way lions catch their prey.

2 Did yo u ________________________ the tie he was wearing? It had pink elephants on it!
3 The stu dents________________________ the new teacher with curiosity.

4 Alw ays________________________ left and then right before crossing the road.
5 Don’t ________________________ at people like that! It’s really rude.

6 I ________________________ a great science fiction film last night.

7 Before I bought the magazine, I ________________________ through it quickly.

8 I couldn’t h e lp ________________________ the big red spots on his face.

9 B ill________________________ at his watch and started running. He was late for school.

B find out invent discover detect

1 Many serious illnesses may be cured if they a r e ________________________ early enough.

2 “We m ust________________________ as much as we can about the gang,” said the detective.

3 Was it Captain Cook w h o ________________________ Australia?

4 The first camera, the Kodak 1, w a s ________________________ by G. Eastman in 1888.

explore investigate look for lookup (do) research

1 The police came t o ________________________ the murder immediately.

2 I still h ave________________________ to do for my project on sharks.

3 I m u st ________________________ this word in the dictionary, because I don’t remember what it means.
4 Mum, I’m ________________________ my trainers. Have you seen them?

5 As soon as the five friends got to the cave, they decided t o ________________________ it.

D attempt effort trial experiment

1 It takes a lot o f ________________________ and patience to learn how to play a musical instrument.

2 John’s case came t o ________________________ and in the end he was found innocent.

3 The athlete failed in his la st________________________ to break the world record.

4 Many cosmetic companies claim they don’t carry o u t ________________________ on animals.

5 I worked for the company for a (n )________________________ period of two weeks before I was fully employed.
E audience spectators viewers sightseers onlookers witnesses

T h e ________________________ disagreed with the referee’s decision and interrupted the fo otball match.

2 The tw o teenagers claimed they were ju s t ________________________ and had nothing to do with the fight.

3 Paris attracts thousands o f ________________________ all year round.

4 At the end of the play, t h e ________________________ applauded enthusiastically.

5 T h e ________________________ were asked to give a detailed description of the accident.

6 The conce rt was broadcast on TV and attracted one b il lio n ________________________ worldwide.

memorise remind recall recognise

. her at first. She had changed a lot.

_ his phone number because I didn't have a pen to write it down.

______ him to buy coffee, otherwise he’ll forget.

________________scenes of World War II.

view sight image

1 The sun affects m y ________________________ when I’m driving, so I always wear sunglasses.

2 We have a s u p e rb ________________________ of the sea from our balcony.

3 The child started to cry at t h e ________________________ of the dogs.

4 The television show was about t h e ________________________ you can visit in Rome.

5 The police arrived at t h e ________________________ of the accident with in minutes.

6 An a ctor’s ________________________ is im portant for his career.

7 I ran out o f paint, so I couldn’t finish the sky for the b ackgro un d________________________ in the play.

8 When we were leaving the flower show, we were asked to fill in a questionnaire to give o u r ________________________

on what we had seen.

unit0 2

Derivatives are form e d from n o u n roots, ad ject ive root s and v e r b roots. In this unit w e w i ll de al with
adjectives, a dv erb s and nou ns which derive from certain noun roots.

Noun Root Adjective = Noun + -ful Adjective = Noun + -less

Describing a quality or Having enough of that quality or Not having that quality or
characteristic (often abstract nouns) characteristic characteristic
care careful careless
Adve rb = Noun + -fully # Adverb = Noun * -lessly
carefully carelessly

■Some other com mon nouns that form adjectives and adverbs in the same way are: colour, harm,
hope, meaning, pain, power and use.
• The noun doubt forms the adjective in -ful and the adverb in -fully and in -less.
dou bt 4 do ubtful d ou b tfu lly - doubtless
• In some cases only one of the tw o adjectives - and corresponding adverbs - derives from the noun root,
not both.
beauty 4 be au tiful - bg$Erttig$s / be autifully - bejjZrfrtessly end 4 - endless / e rp k rffy - endlessly
In the same way: delightful, dutiful, grateful, aimless, effortless, heartless, homeless, nameless, pointless
and shapeless.
• The opposite of some adjectives in -ful is un + noun root + ful, not noun root + less.
success 4 successful * unsuccessful skill 4 skilfu l * unskilful truth 4 tru th ful * u ntruth fu l
• Sometimes both adjective forms (noun root + less and un + noun root + ful) derive from the same noun.
In such cases the two adjectives have different meanings. The adjective form un + noun root + ful is the
opposite of the adjective in -ful.
h e l p h e l p f u l (= sb who gives help) t unhe lpful (= sb who doesn’t give help)
helpless (= sb who needs help)
> The opposite of some adjectives in -less is noun root + -y or noun root +-b le , not noun root + -ful.
gu ilt ^ guiltless 4 gu ilty sleep 4 sleepless * sleepy
sense 4 senseless * sensible value 4 valueless * valuable (note the changes in spelling)
■ Be careful with the meaning of the adjectives derived from price.
pric e ^ price y (=expensive)
4 priceless (= too valuable to have a price)

Noun Root Noun = Noun + -ship

1 Somebody in a certain position / occupation 1State of being in certain position / occupation
author authorship
2 Somebody having a relationship with sb else 2 Relationship be tween tw o people
friend friendship

• Some common nouns that form nouns in the same way as au thor are: citizen, leader, member and owner.
• Some common nouns that form nouns in the same way as friend are: companion, partne r and relation.
• Some nouns form nouns in - ship with a different meaning: champion, scholar and sponsor.

NOTE: When you are asked to complete a sentence w ith a suitable word deriving from a given root, read
the sentence carefully to decide: 1) what part of speech the missing word is (noun, verb, adjective or
adverb), 2) if the missing word has the same meaning as the given root (e.g. success-successful) or the
opposite meaning (e.g. success-unsuccessful).
unit 0 2
Com p lete th e sentences w ith the c orre ct fo rm o f th e w ords in capitals.

1 The top model w a s ____________________________ dressed in an elegant evening gown. BEAUTY

2 My street i s ____________________________ because it’s far from any main roads. PEACE
3 Our football team w on t h e ____________________________ at the end of the season and received CHAMPION
____________________________ from a large company. SPONSOR
4 There are thousands o f ____________________________ people sleeping in the streets. HOME
5 I bought a ____________________________ dress but its colours faded after I washed it. COLOUR
6 I was fined because I was drivin g ____________________________ . CARE
7 The directions you gave us were ra th e r____________________________ , as we still got lost. HELP
8 I am feeling q u ite ____________________________ because I didn’t get enough sleep last night. SLEEP
9 I got into a bu sine ss____________________________ with my cousin but it ended up PARTNER
being ____________________________ . SUCCESS
10 The musical performance was s o ____________________________ that the audience gave POWER
the orchestra a standing ovation.

11 The witness’ statement didn’t help the police in the investigation, so it proved to
b e ____________________________ . VALUE
12 The man was found ____________________________ of shoplifting and sentenced GUILT
to one month in prison.

13 He h a s ____________________________ completed his postgraduate studies. SUCCESS

14 The new lazer treatm en t can extrac t teeth ____________________________ . PAIN
15 It’s just a ____________________________ dog. There is no need to panic. HARM

Exam in ation Practice

A Read the text b elow an d decid e which a nsw er A, B, C or D best fits each space.

Going to the theatre brings back happy memories, as it (1)________________________ me of my very first performance on

stage, (2)________________________ was th irty years ago. Parts of that particular night are so vivid tha t I can still picture
myself as thoug h it were yesterday. The excitement amongst the actors, the (3 )________________________ applause and

the party after th e opening night are memories which will remain with me for (4 )________________________ .

I don’t know how we managed to do so well. The rehearsals were far from satisfactory because we th ou ght that

we could just have two rehearsals a week (5 )________________________ in fact we needed more. The background

(6 )________________________ to the last act weren’t ready until an hour before the beginning of the play despite the set

bu ilde r’s best (7 )________________________ .The director was not satisfied (8 )_________________________ anything and he
did n’t even want to show up on the first night. Admittedly, I w ouldn’t have wanted to either.

(9 )________________________ the night finally arrived, we were all a bit worried. I remember (10)________________________
through the curtain ten minutes before the start and being amazed (11)________________________ the

(12)________________________ of a full house. Finally, it was time for the curtain to go up. In the end, we proved the direc tor
wrong and e verything went like clockw ork.
unit 0 2

1 A recognises B reminds C recalls D memorises

2 A which B when C where D who

3 A onlookers’ B viewers’ C audience's D spectators’

4 A life B ages C a while D time

5 A where B when C which D whenever

6 A images B visions C scenes D sights

7 A attempts B efforts C trials D tries

8 A by B in C at D with

9 A When B After C While D Until

10 A glancing B noticing C staring D watching

A in B at C on D for

12 A view B vision C sight D image

B Complete the text b elo w with the correct form of the word s in capitals.

Many people consider (1) ______________________ to be the FRIEND

most impo rtant (2)______________________ they can have. RELATION

It is (3)______________________ to have a friend you can talk WONDER

to and share (4 ) ______________________ experiences with. VALUE

However, it is importa nt to choose friends

(5)_______________ . CARE

An ideal friend should be (6 )______________________ THOUGHT

and when any difficultie s arise, hopefully be there for us.

Of course, there will be times when we m ight be

(7)______________________ of our friends. But, we should DOUBT

always talk things throu gh in a (8 )______________________ SENSE

way and find a solution to our problems. Moreover,

we should be careful not to be (9 )______________________ . TRUTH

Without honesty, the bond between friends is

(1 0)______________________ and not w orth anything at all. USE

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