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W1 = 19.6 gm/kg, W3 = 11.8 gm/kg

tdb2 = 17.6ºC, vs1 = 0.892 m3/kg.
The mass of air supplied per minute,
ma = = 280.26 kg/min.
(i) The capacity of the cooling coil
m (h − h2 ) × 60 280.26 (82.5 − 47.5) × 60
= a 1 = = 42.04 TR. (Ans.)
14000 14000
The by-pass factor of the cooling coil is given by :
h2 − h5 47.5 − 36.6
BF = = = 0.237. (Ans.)
h1 − h5 82.5 − 36.6
(ii) The heating capacity of the heating coil
= ma (h3 – h2) = 280.26 (55.7 – 47.5) = 2298.13 kJ/min = kJ/s
= 38.3 kW. (Ans.)
The by-pass factor of the heating coil is given by
tdb6 − tdb3
BF = t − t
db6 db2

tdb6 − 25
0.3 = t − 17.6

∴ tdb6 = 28.2ºC.
Hence surface temperature of heating coil = 28.2ºC. (Ans.)
(iii) The mass of water vapour removed per hour
280.26 (W1 − W3 ) × 60 280.26 (19.6 − 11.8)
= = × 60 = 131.16 kg/h. (Ans.)
1000 1000

1. ‘Air-conditioning’ is the simultaneous control of temperature, humidity, motion and purity of the atmos-
phere in a confined space.
2. ‘Psychrometry’ is an art of measuring moisture content of air.
The science which investigates the thermal properties of moist air, considers the measurement and control
of the moisture content of air, and studies the effects of atmospheric moisture on material and human
comfort may properly be termed ‘Psychrometrics’.
3. When air is saturated DBT, WBT, DPT are equal.
4. Dalton’s law of partial pressure states, that the total pressure of a mixture of gases is equal to the sum of
partial pressure which the component gases would exert if each existed alone in the mixture volume at the
mixture temperature.
0.622 pv
5. Specific humidity, W = .
pt − pv
Mass of water vapour associated with unit mass of dry air (W )
6. Degree of saturation (µ) = .
Mass of water vapour associated with saturated unit mass of dry air (Ws )


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7. Relative humidity, φ = .
8. A ‘Psychrometer’ is a device which is used for measuring dry bulb and wet-bulb temperatures simultaneously.
9. The processes which affect the psychrometric properties of air are called ‘psychrometric processes’.
Important psychrometric processes are :
(i) Mixing of air streams (ii) Sensible heating
(iii) Sensible cooling (iv) Cooling and dehumidification
(v) Cooling and humidification (vi) Heating and dehumidification
(vii) Heating and humidification.


Choose the Correct Answer :

1. In an unsaturated air the state of a vapour is
(a) wet (b) superheated
(c) saturated (d) unsaturated.
2. For saturated air
(a) Wet bulb depression is zero (b) Wet bulb depression is positive
(c) Wet bulb depression is negative
(d) Wet bulb depression can be either positive or negative.
3. Which one of the following statements is correct ?
(a) Dew point temperature can be measured with the help of thermometer
(b) Dew point temperature is the saturation temperature corresponding to the partial pressure of the
water vapour in moist air.
(c) Dew point temperature is the same as the thermodynamic wet bulb temperature.
(d) For saturated air, dew point temperature is less than the wet bulb temperature.
4. During sensible heating of moist air, enthalpy
(a) increases (b) decreases
(c) remains constant (d) none of the above.
5. During sensible cooling, wet bulb temperature
(a) decreases (b) increases
(c) remains constant (d) can decrease or increase.
6. Which one of the following statements is correct ?
(a) Evaporative cooling and sensible cooling is the same
(b) Evaporative cooling is a cooling and humidification process
(c) Evaporative cooling is a cooling and dehumidification process
(d) Evaporative cooling is not effective for hot and dry climates.
7. An air washer can work as a
(a) filter only (b) humidifier only
(c) dehumidifier only (d) all of the above.
8. The relative humidity, during sensible heating,
(a) can increase or decrease (b) increases
(c) decreases (d) remains constant.
9. The vapour pressure, during sensible heating of moist air,
(a) increases (b) decreases
(c) can increase or decrease (d) remains constant.


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10. The relative humidity, during heating and humidification,

(a) increases (b) decreases
(c) may increase or decrease (d) remains constant.
11. The relative humidity, during cooling and dehumidification of moist air
(a) increases (b) decreases
(c) can increase or decrease (d) remains constant.

1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (a) 6. (b) 7. (d)
8. (b) 9. (d) 10. (a) 11. (c).


1. Define the following terms :

(i) Saturated air (ii) Dry bulb temperature
(iii) Dew point temperature (iv) Relative humidity
(v) Specific humidity.
2. State ‘Dalton’s law of partial pressure’.
3. Derive the following relations :
LM F1 − ps I OP
pv pv MM GH pt JK PP .
MM FGH1 − ppv IJK PP
(i) Specific humidity, W = 0.622 . (ii) Degree of saturation, µ =
pt − pv ps
N t Q
4. Explain briefly with a neat sketch a ‘sling psychrometer’.
5. Describe briefly any two of the following processes :
(i) Sensible heating (ii) Cooling and dehumidification
(iii) Heating and humidification (iv) Heating and dehumidification.
6. Write a short note on ‘by-pass factor’.


1. The atmospheric conditions are 30ºC and specific humidity of 0.0215 kg/kg of air. Determine :
(i) Partial pressure of air (ii) Relative humidity
(iii) Dew point temperature.
Atmospheric pressure = 756 mm Hg. [Ans. (i) 14.89 mm of Hg, (ii) 46.8%, (iii) 17ºC]
2. A mixture of air and water vapour at 1 bar and 25ºC has a dew point temperature of 15ºC. Determine the
relative humidity and specific humidity. [Ans. 53.8%, 0.01078 kg/kg of dry air]
3. An air-water vapour mixture at 1.24 bar has a temperature of 38ºC and relative humidity of 60%. Calculate
the kg-mass of water vapour per kg of air and per kg of mixture. Also find the dew point.
[Ans. 0.0203 kg/kg of dry air, 0.0199 kg/kg of mixture, 28.5ºC]
4. In a house, the temperature of the windows on a day in winter is 5ºC. When the temperature in the room
is 23ºC, and the barometric pressure is 748.8 mm Hg, what would be maximum relative humidity that could
be maintained in the room without condensation on the window panes ? Under these conditions, find the
partial pressure of the water vapour and air, the specific humidity, and the density of the mixture.
[Ans. 30.7%, 0.00872 bar, 0.989 bar, 0.00548 kg/kg of dry air, 1.164 kg/m 3]
5. Atmospheric air enters a heater at 4.5ºC and 60% relative humidity and leaves at a temperature of 21ºC.
Calculate :


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